"Forget it, it's not worth being angry with such a person, wrong, getting angry with a beast, isn't that an insult to yourself?"

Being insulted like this, even a person with a good temper will get angry, let alone his temper is not very good.

"Speak politely to me"

polite?Feng Qining squinted at him: "Do you know what being polite is? Let me tell you, we are being polite to you by saying this."

If you're not being polite, it's not just talking, she will finish him off with one stab. [

"Stop talking nonsense with him, take them back, there are so many of us, I don't believe we can't find a way to punish them"

Lan Se took him back, of course Feng Qining didn't ask him to take him back to the inn.

Let alone other things, there are no tools or the like in it.

"Let's take him to my place, there's everything in there"

Feng Qining's place is of course not other than a brothel.

"Mother, why do you come here every time you say you're going to your place?"

Lancer didn't understand why she didn't go to other places except the brothel?Does she particularly like brothels?Lan Se looked at Murong Li's face, his complexion was not very good-looking, obviously he didn't like such a place either.

"Second goods, because I have the most shops like this, and there are more of you lecherous men, otherwise I wouldn't be able to open so many."

They men are like this, they have wives at home and want to come out to play with women, and they must have played secretly behind her back.

"Mother, don't kill a boatload of people with one pole. Not every man is like that. Like me, he will be loyal to my wife. Why don't you consider becoming my wife?"

Murong Li let it go with a slap: "She is your mother, don't always try to trick her"

He already knew that this person was not a good person, every time he just wanted to seduce Feng Qining, would he die if he didn't seduce her?Will it?

"Niangqin can also be a lady, that's what my master told me."

Lancer already knew it was wrong, but judging from his appearance, he didn't want to correct it, he wanted to make a mistake to the end.

"Okay, you two stop arguing, Li Meiren, son, he has no other intentions, just joking, son, you go back and bring them all here"

Lan Se reluctantly went out, why is it like this every time, good things don't come to him, so he has to do all the hard work?

"Girls, there are guests coming, let's meet them"

Feng Qining called out, and the bustard came out with a large group of girls.

This is a secret passage, apart from the old bustard, Feng Qining knew about it, and the first one Feng Qining called was naturally the old bustard. [

"Young master, you are here, don't let me know in advance."

Yan Yun was very happy to see Feng Qining, but a little surprised to see him.

"Yun, why are you here? Where's the smoke?"

Isn't this her territory?Why is he here?

"She went out to play, and asked me to replace her for a few days"

As he said that, Yan Yun rushed over, and Murong Li blocked her in a timely manner.

"Get out of the way"

Yan Yun walked to the left, Murong Li immediately went to the left, he went to the right, Murong Li also went to the right.

"Go away, what's the point of standing here like a wall?"

Yan Yun wanted to push him away, but he couldn't help it with all his strength.

"What are you doing here?"

Yan Yun was helpless.

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