"Why did you call me for such a small thing?"

Meisha yawned, she felt very sleepy and tired, she wanted to rest, she shouldn't have woken her up.

"You wake me up, you will face many such things in the future, unless you will not go out in the palace in the future"

How can this be?Mei Sha stared, how could she just stay there and not come out?Isn't that killing her?

"Then you just deal with this matter, it won't do you any harm" [

is that so?Meisha played with her hair indifferently: "What else do you think about such a person? Just deal with it directly."

Anyway, he is a scum, and it is useless to stay in this world.

"Yes, that's it."

Everyone nodded, there was no objection at all, Feng Qining felt incredible: "You all have no objections?"

Didn't they ever think of trying to influence him, educate him, and make him turn back?

"First, we don't have the time; second, such a person can't teach; third, we don't have the mood; fourth, he's not worth it."

Yichu gave several answers at once, probably all of their reasons or excuses.

Feng Qining nodded, it seems that this is indeed the case, if this is the case, then don't blame her.

In the end, Feng Qining still left the matter to Yan Yun, since everyone was not interested in playing with him, so naturally she was not interested either, and let him fend for himself.

"Feng Qining, is there something else you haven't told me?"

After returning to the inn, Feng Bai dragged her aside, and the others went back to their rooms without any doubt.

"Is there anything I need to tell you? It should be that you have something to do now. Did Mei forgive you?"

He also said that she must be the one who caused trouble, and Feng Bai affirmed what he thought in his heart, it must be her, and no one else could do such a damaging thing except this woman.

"Aren't you right? You must have framed me."

Feng Bai grabbed Feng Qining tightly, Feng Qining hit his hand with a stick, Feng Bai let go of her in pain.

Feng Qining threw away the sticks she picked up from the ground, it was good in ancient times, no matter where she went, there would be some sticks, if there were no sticks, there would be knives, if her scabbard was knocked off, he would die.

"Can you be normal? Why did I frame you for no reason? I was full? Also, I went to bed early last night, why do you care so much?"

Feng Bai was right when he thought about it, if it wasn't her words, who could it be?

"No, it should be you, don't you like watching movies the most?"

Wherever there is excitement, she joins in there, the whole [-]-year-old woman.She is like those gossiping women in those teahouses, she must not be reconciled if she doesn't find gossip.

Of course, he won't say these words, and it's not that he is not afraid of death. If he said this, wouldn't this woman kill herself?

"I like to watch theater, but that is my good friend, and I am not short-hearted, trying to destroy her happiness"

Don't forget, who set them up in the first place, if it wasn't for her, would Meisha be with him? Even if Meisha liked him first, and she asked her brother to intervene, I'm afraid his life will be difficult.

Feng Bai thinks about it too, even if Feng Qining wants to watch his excitement, but Meisha is her good sister, this woman will not destroy the relationship of good sisters.

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