Feng Bai forgot, what if Mei Sha is also on her side?Because he didn't think of going this way, naturally he was played around by Feng Qining.

"You should suspect the person who was with you last night. Think about it, we all slept last night, and he was the only one with you. Why don't you want to do something?"

But why did he do that?Feng Bai was confused, he never offended him at all, why did he punish him like that?

"Because he thinks you are more miserable than him, so he has comfort in his heart. Just think about it, he must feel that he is suffering now. If someone suffers with him, then he will have comfort in his heart. Do you think so? ?”

Feng Bai thinks about it, it seems that this is indeed the case, the happiness of their group is based on the pain of others, so it is not so strange that he would do such a thing. [

Feng Bai left very calmly, but Feng Qining could clearly see the anger in his eyes. Now, Liu Yi has no good fruit to eat.

"Hiding for so long, come out"

Meisha came out from the shadows, and there was blame in her eyes: "Feng, you are really good, and you actually avenged your own personal revenge!"

"Where is the public and where is the private? I am helping the private on both sides, okay, I just use him a little bit. Who made Liu Yi angry with me?"

If she doesn't teach him a good lesson, it will appear that she is too easy to bully, and if she doesn't give him a little bit of trouble, it will also appear that she is too talkative. No matter what she says, she just wants to teach him a good lesson.

"Feng, do you think it's bad for us to play with Xiaobai like this? How about we tell him the matter?"

Feng Qining looked at her with the eyes of a madman: "Do you know what you are talking about now? Tell him? Are you not afraid that he will finish you off?"

No, Xiaobai loves her so much, he won't do anything to her, the most is to be angry with her, and once the anger subsides, nothing will happen.

"You are really naive. If he knew that you lied to him, would he still trust you as much as he does now? If something happens in the future, he will be the first to suspect you."

"But I don't feel comfortable holding it in like this."

Feng Qining is helpless, it seems that Feng Bai really poisoned her, she is not like Meisha before.

"Mei, listen to me, it won't do you any good if you do this, boy, you forget about it, you didn't do it, you know? If you insist on telling him, then I will I don’t recognize you as a good friend anymore.”

Feng Qining is going all out, choose her or Xiaobai, she makes the decision.

"Feng, you know, I can't lose you"

A man may not be able to rely on her for a lifetime, but she can rely on Feng Qining as a good friend for a lifetime, so she will definitely choose Feng Qining.

"Then just listen to me, don't think about it anymore, you have to forget about it"

Meisha nodded, she knew, and she thought well, it would not do her any good if Xiaobai knew about it.

"Besides, our method is not bad. Xiaobai will definitely not drink alcohol in the future. If you tell him, he will definitely do it again. Do you want that to happen?"

Feng Qining reminded Meisha, yes, she can't tell Feng Bai, if he makes the same mistake again in the future, then her original intention will be changed. [

"Don't worry, I remember what you said, and I will definitely not say it"

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