Feng Bai caught Liu Yi and beat him up indiscriminately. He is now angry, having suffered so much, and has accumulated a lot of anger and resentment in his heart, which naturally needs to be vented.

Liu Yi was beaten very wronged, depressed, and angry. He was provoking someone. First, his relationship was not going well, and now he was beaten for some reason. Is he unlucky or deserves it?

Ruowu watched coldly from the side, showing no intention of helping at all. Ruoxue looked at her for a while and then at Liu Yi, as if she was still thinking about whether to believe her.

"Don't doubt it, I won't save him"

It's better to beat it to death, so that she won't be sad. She doesn't understand why she likes such wood? [

"It was you who killed the sad one, are you really willing?"

Ruoxue said such a sentence without emotion, but from her words, she could still hear her concern. This is her best friend, closest partner, or her sister. Ruowu is the most important existence to her, and Feng Qining is the second.

"He has broken my heart"

Ruowu turned around and left, Ruoxue suddenly realized that this was the case, because she was sad, she wanted to beat him up, but she couldn't do it herself, now that Feng Bai beat Liu Yi like this, it was an indirect way of helping her.

A woman's heart is indeed a sea needle, and it is impossible to figure out what she is thinking.

When Feng Qining came back, what she saw was the scene of Liu Yi being beaten by Feng Bai. Liu Yi dodged a few times, called for a few times, and saw that no one came to save him, so he saved himself.

In this world, there is really nothing anyone can ask for. The only thing people can ask for is himself, so he fought back.

Feng Bai didn't expect that he would dare to fight back, he was caught off guard and got two panda eyes just like that, Feng Qi Ning watched with great interest, the two big men fought harder and harder.

Feng Bai raised a stone bench, Liu Yi picked up a stone, the two stones collided in the air, a pile of dust and powder came towards Feng Qining, Feng Qining waved, the two big men were tired and sat down together on the ground.

"do not fight"

Feng Bai waved his hand, he was done venting, he was really tired.

"Do you vent your anger like this every time?"

Liu Yi felt the fear of the emperor, saying that being with the emperor is like a tiger, and he dared to do this outside. If he treated him like this in the palace, his ministers would probably kill him first.

"Of course not, sometimes I go to drink, sometimes I go to play with women, sometimes some ministers just bump into me, then I will cut them off"

The more Liu Yi heard it, the more startled he became. At first he thought that if Ruo Wu liked it so much, at worst he would take a step back and let her be the queen's maid, but now he heard Feng Bai say this.

If Feng Qining was unhappy, wouldn't she be the one to have a knife?

Liu Yi felt chills when he thought about it, no, he couldn't let that happen.

"Why are you shaking? You're still shaking while sweating profusely"

Feng Bai despised him, and he didn't do anything to him, and he wouldn't let someone cut him down here, he was afraid of a ghost? [

"No, I wonder if the Queen will be as moody as you, and if Ruo Wu is still with her, if she does something wrong, will she be cut off in a fit of anger?"

Feng Qining originally wanted to remind them of her existence, but when she heard his words, she stopped in her tracks.

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