"I don't understand this, but what you say is what it is."

Later, they chatted about the future, just like what Feng Qining said, they were talking about life and ideals.

Most of the time, Feng Bai was leading and Mei Sha was listening. Later, Mei Sha fell asleep while listening, and Feng Bai fell asleep on the couch.

He didn't think too much at that time, he just felt tired, and it didn't matter where he slept, how could he have thought that he was just seen by Feng Qining's group?

This time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it off. [

It doesn't matter to him, it will be as muddy as it wants, how can it be washed clearly?On the contrary, it's flattering and killing. I don't know if she cares about it?

Meisha knew that Feng Qining was teasing her, so she ignored her. She felt bored, so she would naturally let her go.

Feng Bai didn't think too much about it, he was almost at the imperial capital, so he still thought about what to do when he went back.

Those who rested for two days continued to set off, and when they reached the next town, they stopped temporarily and waited for their men.

After waiting for five days, Lin Sheng was depressed: "What are we waiting for? Why hasn't anyone come after so many days?"

Who in the world had such a big fight, and made these people wait.

"Are we going in like this?"

Feng Ye's words made Lin Sheng wonder, what's wrong with them going in like this?Who doesn't go in that way?Are they still waiting for someone to pick them up like the emperor?

The guard of honor finally arrived on the sixth day. When Lin Sheng saw the big team, he was really frightened.

It turned out that they were really emperors.

Feng Bai's team was at the front, clearing the way, followed by Murong Li, then Zong Zheng Xuan, and finally Lan Se. Feng Bai had already released the news of the visits of several monarchs.

Those ministers were waiting at the gate of the city early, the people crowded the streets, and the imperial guards opened the way, with mighty soldiers.

Lin Sheng looked at the people on both sides, he felt like he was in a dream.

"What's your expression like?"

Seeing his expression, Ruowu thought it was funny, isn't this happiness like his?

"I feel like I'm dreaming."

"Then pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming?"

Lin Sheng really pinched himself hard, it hurts.

"What? You're not dreaming, are you?" [

No, he was sure now that he was really not dreaming.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

The courtiers worshiped, the people kowtowed, Feng Bai gracefully came out of the sedan chair, he still had the usual smile on his face, but in the eyes of Mei Sha, that smile lost its usual intimacy and authenticity.

That smile was more like a vacuum, separating him from the outside world.

"Flat body."

Feng Bai glanced around, and found that there was one person missing, and this was none other than Yang Shaoxiong, the ruling chief of his court.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Yang said that he is ill and cannot come to pick up the holy driver. I hope the Emperor will forgive me."

"During the time when the widow was away, Lord Yang was busy dealing with the affairs of the court. He worked hard for the affairs of the state, and now he is not healthy, so he should rest in the mansion."

The ministers below looked at each other. Everyone could see Yang Shaoxiong's ambition clearly. Most of the wings in the court belonged to him, and only a few loyal courtiers were supporting the court.

I don't know if the days of peace have passed for a long time, Feng Bai has completely lost his original sharpness, he seems to be unable to even see Yang Shaoxiong's plot.

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