"The young master asks you, do you want to go back to the palace with us or go by yourself?"

In fact, he preferred to leave by himself, so many people came in the palace, it must be very noisy, and he didn't know them very well, why did he come in?

"If you say that, then I will go in, so as not to go against your young master's kindness."

If you want to go in, go in, and you have to say it so nicely.

"See the Emperor"[

As soon as she entered the palace, she saw Feng Bai's large number of concubines, Mei Sha was already prepared in her heart, but now that she really saw it, she was still frightened.

There are at least 100 people, and a stallion is a stallion. How does a man survive with so many wives?

"flat body"

As soon as Feng Bai's words fell, those concubines ran over quickly, flattering and terrified, their three-inch golden lotus could not stop their enthusiasm, seeing them like that, they must have been hungry for a long time.


Feng Bai's serious words made those concubines stop.

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for a long time. Now that you're back, why did you stop us?"

One of them shook the handkerchief in his hand, his face was full of reconciliation, of course she was not reconciled, after finally getting Feng Bai's favor, unexpectedly he went out at that time, who would be reconciled?

She waited patiently for so long, just because she wanted him to continue to show mercy, but she didn't expect that he didn't even look at her when he came back.

"The widow is tired, you all go back"

Those concubines stamped their feet unwillingly, but no one dared to disobey Feng Bai's intentions, so they all went back.

Quietly, Feng Bai glanced at Meisha, Meisha turned his head aside and ignored him.

You won't be angry again, will you?Feng Bai was a little worried, but didn't he tell her everything when he came back?She is mentally prepared, why is she still angry?

Feng Bai arranged Murong Li and the others in the palace, why couldn't they be arranged in the palace?His place is not like Murong Li's. Apart from Feng Qining, there are no other concubines in the harem.

He has a large group of concubines here, if they are allowed to live, then his concubines will have no place to live.

Feng Bai originally wanted Meisha to live in the palace, but she was unwilling and insisted on moving with Feng Qining to the palace. Feng Bai had no choice but to fulfill her wish.

After dealing with Feng Bai's ministers, Murongli and his gang went back to rest. There was supposed to be a banquet at night, but Feng Qining felt bored, so she stopped going.

Murong Li, Zong Zhengxuan and Lan Se were naturally going to attend. In the huge palace, there were only Feng Qining and Meisha.

"Where are Ruowu and Ruoxue?"

Seeing that there were only her and Feng Qining around, Wu Sha felt strange, they were not the only ones left, why did they all disappear in such a short time?

"They're going to help you find out"

Who the hell is that Yang Shaoxiong? She needs to know, and Feng Qining also needs to know. There is no way, who asked Meisha to marry him?Of course she will help her level the road ahead of her.

"Master, the information you want"

When Ruowu came back, she still had the information she needed.

Feng Qining took it and opened the file. Yang Shaoxiong was the late emperor's right-hand man. He also helped Feng Bai a lot when he ascended the throne. In the past few years, his power has become stronger and stronger. Unexpectedly, he is still not satisfied, and he actually turned up the wind. Bai came up with an idea.

"Fengguo has been getting closer and closer to hell under his rule for the past few years, and the ministers in the court have almost been harmed by him."

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