It seemed serious, Mei Sha frowned, she was really not good at these intrigues, but this time she didn't want to rely on Feng Qining, because she would eventually separate from her in the future.

They will never be inseparable again, and she will not be able to take care of her like she used to.

"I see, Feng, don't meddle in this matter, and help me when I really need your help."

Feng Qining nodded understandingly, she didn't want to help her anymore, she was going to marry Feng Bai, and she had to take this step if she wanted to gain a firm foothold.

As soon as Ruowu left, Ruoxue came back. [

"Master, the capital is not very stable recently, many officials will be killed for no reason when they go out at night."

Recently, headless corpses have been found in many places in the capital. Those people died in extremely miserable conditions. Now everyone in the capital is in panic. Every house closes the door tightly at night, for fear that if they are not careful, they will get into trouble.

"So rampant?"

Mei Sha stood up, unexpectedly this place was so chaotic, during the time Feng Bai went out, that person probably couldn't help it, such a great opportunity, if he didn't seize it, it would be a waste.

Ergouzi and Caidie are also back.

"Little Lord"

The expressions on the faces of both of them were very solemn, as if they had inquired about something very important.

"What did you hear again?"

Mei Sha never imagined that Feng Bai's country would be so chaotic, if she knew she wouldn't like him, but now that she likes him, she can't go back on her word.

"My lord, we heard that those ministers are spreading rumors that the emperor intends to appoint a civilian woman as queen. They have already prepared their arguments and will resist to the end."

Mei Sha squinted his eyes, those ministers were really lenient in their management, they couldn't protect themselves, and they were still meddling in other people's affairs.

"Calm down, this matter needs to sit down and plot slowly"

Feng Qining looked at Mei Sha's appearance and shook her head. She thought she was just dealing with the affairs of his harem, but unexpectedly she also had to deal with the affairs of his court. It seemed that she was busy.

"Let me help you analyze the situation, because there is a big tree in the imperial court, Xiaobai can't just abolish his harem, the most important thing now is to help Xiaobai take back his power"

Of course, the first condition for taking it back is to pull out that big tree, but its roots are so deep, how can it be so easy to pull it out?

Meisha didn't say a word, she deserves it, don't worry about such a matter, the more anxious you are, the more difficult it will be to handle it well, she needs to calm down.

"Don't worry, since Xiaobai promised to give you a future, he will definitely not break his promise"

If he dares to break his promise, let's see how she deals with him.

Mei Sha nodded, she knew, but she also needed to help with something, she couldn't just sit here and do nothing, right? [

"You don't need to worry, what you need to do will not be too late to decide when Li Meiren and the others come back."

If they go to the banquet tonight, they will probably gain something.

Murong Li and the others were in the palace, admiring the same song and dance, watching those dances without any characteristics, Murong Li fell asleep.

He thought of Feng Qining, watching them sing and dance was not as good as watching Feng Qining, she danced much better than them.

Lan Se sat next to him, and he seemed to be looking down intently, but in fact, like Murong Li, he was too sleepy to sleep.

"Murong, mother's decision is very wise, it's better to sleep after watching these things"

It's just that he has to come, who made him the emperor?

"Did you think you were invited to enjoy singing and dancing?"

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