Is not it?Lancer looked at him in confusion, as if he was asking him, what else is he doing here besides enjoying singing and dancing?

"Of course I asked you to help, didn't you find anything?"

Lancer looked down and found something, but he didn't want to say it, the more he knew, the more people needed help.

"Just pretend to be stupid, I'll see how long you can pretend"

Murong Li drank tea resentfully, he didn't believe that after sitting in that position for so many years, he would not be able to see clearly, maybe he didn't want to talk about it. [

"Murong, look, these people are divided into two factions, and there are obviously a lot of people in one faction."

Yichu looked at the one below, although the positions on both sides were the same, but the people in one row were obviously very close, while the people in the other row seemed very sparse, and it was obvious at a glance that they were separated.

"That's right, the one with the crowd belongs to Yang Shaoxiong. He dared to do this at such a moment, so he obviously has nothing to fear."

Feng Bai came back, he didn't come to pick him up, and he dared not come to the banquet at night, one can imagine how confident he is.

"Why do you think he is so bold?"

Zong Zhengxuan also stretched out his head, they were all here, but he dared not come, it was really difficult for him to invite.

"Guess what?"

Murong Li's words made Zong Zhengxuan want to beat him up, if he wanted to guess, should he ask him?Just guess for yourself.

"Actually, I'm more curious about what he looks like."

Feng Yu was drinking, his words aroused everyone's contempt, how good-looking can a person in his forties come?

"Speaking of this, I think of it, he seems to have only one wife, and he is not greedy."

But greedy for power, Feng Ye didn't finish the last sentence, but I believe they all know it.

"I really don't understand why he is still restless when he is sitting so high up"

Feng Yu shook her head, the higher the seat, the less beneficial it would be, why didn't he know?At such an old age, he is still ready to go home to spend his old age in peace, why bother to fight with them?

"The family left it to the son"

Feng Han's words made everyone laugh, those ministers looked at them secretly from below, Feng Bai sat at the highest position, Murong Li and his group sat under Feng Bai, and finally the two sides were those ministers.

For those ministers, it was fine for Murong Li and Lan Se to sit on it, but Yichu and his gang were also sitting on it, so it was a bit messy.

Feng Bai agreed, and they had nothing to do.

The banquet finally broke up after nine o'clock, and the concubines were waiting in Feng Bai's bedroom early. [

They were very sensitive to the fact that something was wrong, because Feng Bai used to comfort them when he came back, and let them dance during banquets, but now, he didn't let any of them go.

He completely put them aside, this is a sign of disfavor, how could they let such a thing happen?Now they can't control whether the enemy is the enemy or not, the most important thing is to unite first to make Feng Bai change his mind.


When Feng Bai came back, those concubines surrounded him, they couldn't enter Feng Bai's palace, so they all waited outside.

"My concubine, you are all here, what's the matter?"

Feng Bai knew why and asked, those concubines looked at him sadly.

"Your Majesty, you didn't even come to see my concubine when you came back, but this concubine has been waiting for you for a long time."

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