Jin Yun came up with an idea, why is he here?It wasn't Feng Qining who called, he didn't want to come, but she insisted on him, there was no way, there was no way to refuse the beauty's request, so he appeared here.

"Even if he comes out, no one can get close to him, because every one of his guards is a master of martial arts, there are about a hundred people, can you kill him under heavy protection?"

He can't do it. Of course, there are many martial arts masters who have tried, but the result is also not good. Then Yang Shaoxiong's martial arts is not low. In the past, many martial arts masters were defeated by him when he went to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Over the years, he has been practicing martial arts diligently, and his martial arts have become more and more powerful. It is rumored that few people can defeat him.

"They can't, there must be someone here who can"[

Zhang Kai looked at Jin Yun pointedly, isn't his injury healed?His spells can come and go without a trace, how can those martial arts masters compare with him?

Everyone's eyes fell on Jin Yun, whether he can succeed or not depends on him.

"Are you really going to kidnap? Are you crazy?"

Don't tell him, they really don't know, if this really hurts Yang Shaoxiong, then his subordinates will do something, even if he dies, there will be a dead end, and they will have to do everything less than?

"That's right, we can't do it like that, it will only scare the snake away"

Feng Bai also shook his head, that's a deadly way, don't go that way unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I don't think you are here to help, you are here to watch the fun"

Feng Bai looked at them angrily, he asked them to come up with an idea, but they were lucky enough to give him such an idea, he thought they wanted to kill him.

"Look at what you said, aren't we trying to help you find a quick solution? Don't you all want to find a quick solution? The one I just said is the fastest"

Feng Bai looked at Lan Se bitterly, if he said that again, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't do anything.

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, just do what you like, I don't want to care about you"

Lancer sat lazily in the chair and listened to their discussion while he was drinking tea leisurely, he just didn't want to care about these things.

His court is very stable, those people may be used to being stable, and they don't want to look for so many things, and of course there are many wise leaders of him.

"I think the most important thing for us is to get back the military power in his hands first."

how to get itEveryone looked at Murong Li, he had the best solution for these matters, of course he had to think of a solution quickly at this time.

"Of course it was stolen"

Murong Li's method made the people present want to slap him, what kind of method is this?He simply under-pumped.

"Isn't this man the fastest way? Then you can think of something better than this?"

Isn't this back to the original point?Wouldn't Qiu stole and kill him have to take that step? [

They discussed it, and still felt that it was most appropriate to entrust this task to Jin Yun. He was the most powerful martial arts here, and he came and went without a trace. It is estimated that no one would be able to catch him.

If he stole that thing, Yang Shaoxiong would be dereliction of duty. If he didn't report it, then there would be actions secretly.

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