Jin Yun's answer was to ask him to think about it. Even if he knew spells, going to that place would be dangerous. He could hide himself, but he couldn't make the seal invisible. The person could still see it when he took it.

At that time, when he saw the seal, he would move by himself, and those people who stabbed randomly would definitely be able to stab him.

"Don't worry, you will definitely go"

Lan Se patted him on the shoulder, leaving only this sentence, Jin Yun also knew the final result, they will definitely ask Feng Qining to help, but let's wait until she comes to talk to him.

If she doesn't come, he won't go. [

"You really decided to do this?"

Feng Qi Ning frowned, she went to investigate Yang Shaoxiong's house, it was really an exaggeration, if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she really wouldn't believe it.

He really regards himself as the emperor, living in such a fortified mansion, he must have done a lot of bad things at ordinary times.

"Does Feng have any other solutions?"

Murong Li raised her eyebrows. There must be other solutions, but they are more troublesome. Where do they have so much time to deal with him?It's better to make a quick decision and leave quickly.

"I didn't expect it for the time being. If it was me, I would have solved him quickly. The big trees have fallen, and everyone else is just making trouble."

That is the quickest solution. Of course, the premise is that Fengbai is ready to fight, otherwise he will not be able to kill the ministers in his court, and there will inevitably be new powers coming out, and he can only become a puppet by then.

"So, before that, we have to prepare"

When he came out, he had already told Xiaobai not to show his feet, and he nodded. The most important thing was that he wanted to appease his concubines, many of whom were Yang Shaoxiong's people.

"By the way, Feng, didn't you promise to help Xiaobai? He asked you for someone?"

Feng Qining smiled softly: "Human, I will naturally give it to him, but it's not this time"

Those were the people she cultivated so hard, so she naturally wouldn't just give them to him like that, so it's not too late for her to let them out when things are about to start, the sooner they come out, the harder it will be to go back in the future.

"Feng, you are so smart"

Murong Li hugged her, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, he closed his eyes.

After all the smells, she still smells the best.

"Listen to you, you also smelled other women's body"

Feng Qining looked at him dangerously, did he steal it in such a short time?

"No, of course not, look where you said, of course not like that"

Murong Li thought of Feng Bai's so many concubines tonight, so she told Feng Qining about the matter, and at the same time, she still sighed: "I think one is enough, he has so many, how can he handle it?"

Where does he need to deal with?Feng Qining disdains, usually others deal with him, he doesn't need to deal with others at all.

"That's right, that's why he married so many"

Murong Li felt a little sympathetic to Feng Bai. When he married his concubine, Meisha didn't show up. Now the person he likes shows up. He already has so many concubines.

"Okay, don't talk about him anymore, you said you thought of someone, did you let Jin Yun go?"

Murong Li nodded, Feng Qi Ning's eyes were clear, she really wanted him to go.

"I'll go with him"

Murong Li's complexion is not very good-looking, what is she going to do?

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