"Jin Yun hasn't fully recovered yet"

They don't know, doesn't she know?He didn't agree because he didn't want to go, but because it was inconvenient for him to make a move.

"I see he's fine, nothing happened"

Murong Li is angry, is she trying to lie to him?He helped to see his illness, didn't he know it?

Feng Qining was helpless, "Li beauty, have I ever lied to you?"

Murong Lixin jumped up suddenly. It was undeniable that Feng Qining had never lied to him, no matter what she would discuss with him, she had never told him a lie.

"I won't lie to you either"

Jin Yun's spells have not fully recovered, spells are not martial arts, they can be used when the body is healthy, and using spells will consume energy, just like her Phoenix Art, she will feel very tired every time she uses them.

Jin Yun hasn't fully recovered yet, his spells have all disappeared before, and now he's just a little bit better, if he uses it again, wouldn't that kill him?

"So I disagree"

Feng Qining's eyes were gloomy, how could she let him go to die?It's just that it's more appropriate for him to go this time. She only has half a bucket of water in spells, and she hasn't practiced them during this period of time. There are many things he knows that he doesn't know.

She didn't feel at ease to let him go alone, and she felt sorry for Xiaobai if he didn't let him go, so it's safer for her to go with her.

"In this case, it is better to discuss and discuss before deciding."

How could Murong Li be willing to let Feng Qining take risks?That was not an ordinary place, and the danger of that place was comparable to the secret passages of agencies they had encountered before.

"Don't think about it, I will go with him, there will be no problem"

"I'm going too"

Mei Sha came out from the dark, this was her own business, how could she only let Feng Qining go?Then she couldn't make it through.

"You can't go, you don't know martial arts, it's dangerous for you to go to that place"

It's not that she looks down on her, but that where there are many traps, she only has a dagger, and there are no modern weapons at all. If she goes there, she will only die.

"But why can I only let you go alone? We are the best partners, aren't we?"

The two of them have never failed together, they have always been inseparable, and now she is taking risks for her, is she going to sit aside?

"I'm not going alone, don't worry, I'll be fine, here, you are no better than me"

Feng Qining whispered in her ear: "I told you to learn Qinggong quickly, so that we can still work together as partners."

She has no lightness kung fu and no spells, wouldn't she be sent to that place to die? [

"In that case, be careful"

Mei Sha clearly recognizes the situation in front of her. She used to go to help Feng Qining, but now she goes to harm her, so she still won't go.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, you don't have to worry too much, I'm not going at this time either"

Mei Sha nodded, after leaving, Mei Sha did not go back to the room, but went to find Lin Sheng.

Tonight he went to the palace with Murong Li and his gang, and when he came back, he was gone alone, Er Gouzi and Cai Die were also gone, only after asking, did the three of them go to have fun at the same time.

When Meisha found them, they were drinking in a restaurant. Of course, the restaurant also provided some special services.

This is a restaurant, a brothel, and a small brothel. This kind of place just satisfies the three of them.

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