When Meisha descended in front of them like a god, the cups in the hands of the three fell to the ground at the same time, and that action made Meisha wonder if they had been trained.

"Young master, why did you appear here?"

Cai Die quickly stood up, she hugged left and right like a man, and there were several men in her arms.

"What? Can't I appear here?"

Meisha looked at them with a half-smile, okay, on the surface they told her that they were going to inquire about the news, but they didn't expect to come back after so long, and now they are drinking and having fun behind her back. [

What time is it now?The enemy's knives are all on their necks, and they are still drinking here, not bad.

"Young master, we are tired from inquiring about the news, so we just have a couple of drinks here."

Er Gouzi also stood up with a smile on his face, looking at him like that, Meisha really wanted to kick him away.

"See what you look like?"

Mei Sha grabbed his collar and with a little force, Er Gouzi flew out of the window.

Cai Die looked terrified, she wouldn't throw her out too, would she?Is she still alive then?

"You're here?"

Lin Sheng stood up staggeringly, Cai Die looked at him as if asking for help, didn't he say that he belonged to the master of Meisha?Now is the time for him to go out, let him get her done quickly.

It turned out that the two people invited him to dinner because Lin Sheng told them that Meisha wanted to worship him as a teacher and asked him to teach her lightness kung fu, and she would definitely listen to his words.

In order to prevent Meisha from always sending missions to them, those two came to curry favor with him. Now is the time to use him. If he doesn't go out, who will go out?

"I will teach you later"

Meisha caught Lin Sheng and left, Caidie breathed a sigh of relief, she was glad that she was a girl now, if she wasn't a girl, Meisha would not let her go so easily.

"Let me tell you, those two men of yours are stupid, they will believe whatever I say, oh, why do you want people like that?"

Meisha didn't answer him, she dragged him away, the combination of the two attracted countless eyes from passers-by.

"Why didn't you answer me? I know, you must be embarrassed to say it, right? Apart from them, no one is with you, right? Who told you that you don't know martial arts?"

"shut up"

Meisha couldn't bear it anymore, what was he talking nonsense on the street?Was he trying to ruin her reputation?

"How's it going? You've become angry from embarrassment at what I've said?"

Not only did Lin Sheng not accept it as soon as he saw it, but it became even worse. She couldn't bear it any longer. She tore off a piece of his clothes, gagged his mouth, and threw him into the stinky ditch. [

She also wanted to throw him into the river like Feng Qining did, but there was no river or lake nearby, only a stinky ditch, so she unceremoniously threw him into the stinky ditch.

The stinky ditches here are not like the modern ones that are covered with something. In ancient times, a ditch was opened, and the stinky water and dirty things were thrown down.

The smell that was too bad finally woke Lin Sheng up.

"Where is this place? Why is it so smelly?"

He looked around and found that he was surrounded by rubbish. He felt like crawling out of the stinky gutter, and he still felt a little dizzy after drinking too much alcohol.

"Finally willing to get up?"

Mei Sha looked at him, seeing Mei Sha, Lin Sheng was startled: "You, why are you here?"

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