"I've been here for a long time, did you just find out?"

Mei Sha looked at him amusedly, it seemed that he didn't know what he said just now, it's not bad, he forgot what he just said so quickly.

"Really? When did you come, and how did I get here?"

"It seems that you are very forgetful, let me help you remember."

Mei Sha added more details to what he said just now, listening to her words, Lin Sheng's heart beat faster, not excited, but frightened. [

He, he actually said that just now, didn't he?He actually said bad things about her in front of her, and she will never let him go.

"Hehe, I was drunk just now. Your lord has a lot, so don't worry about it like me."

She doesn't want to argue with him, but if she tells him to shut up, he won't. How can she let him go so easily now?

"Then how do you say you're going to make amends?"

How to apologize?He wants money but has no money, and he wants to look like, how can he make amends?

"So that's what you plan to do?"

Did he think it was too good?Does she seem like such a generous person?

"Auntie, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Sheng groaned in his heart, why is he so unlucky?Finally, someone bought him a drink, and even bumped into her. Could it be that she is his nemesis?Specifically to beat him?

"Well, you just owe me one more thing"

no?He has promised to teach her lightness kung fu, what else does she want from him?He had nothing left for her to blackmail.

"What are you thinking about? Of course I won't let you teach me anything. You can't teach me anything except lightness kung fu."

Lin Sheng looked at her angrily, even if it was true, she shouldn't have said it so bluntly, right?

"Just remember this first, and I will tell you again when I find out that you have any use value."

Well, Lin Sheng was downcast. He thought that God had favored him this time and gave him two fat sheep, but unexpectedly it was a disaster, and Meisha found him.

"What are you looking for me at this time?"

It's so late, what else does she need to ask him?Lin Sheng could think with his toes, it must be something bad.

"Of course I came to you to let you realize what you promised me at the beginning."

Meisha stares, has he completely forgotten?He said he would teach her martial arts, how could he forget? [

"I promised you?"

Lin Sheng thought for a while, and then remembered, it turned out to be a matter of light work.

"Aren't you busy being your queen now? Where is the time to learn?"

She is right?If she doesn't want to be a good queen, what lightness kung fu should she learn?Is she all right?

"Who said that I don't need to learn light work when I become a queen? Also, I am not a queen now, so don't talk nonsense"

If he dares to leak the news, don't blame her.

"All right"

Lin Sheng went back with Meisha dejectedly, just teach me, it's no big deal, he doesn't know anything else, can't he still know light work?

At night, when everyone else was sleeping, Mei Sha was still squatting. Lin Sheng said that she had some martial arts foundation, but she still needed some training.

Jin Yun stood in front of the window, watching Mei Sha squatting on horseback, he glanced at Feng Qining's room, she should have fallen asleep long ago.

I thought she would come to him, but she was so calm that she didn't say anything.

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