Jiang Mingda separated her arms vigorously, then looked at the woman in front of him coldly. "How is your relationship with her? It has nothing to do with me. You don't have to tell me about it. If you want to drink, go to the front. If you don't want to, please leave here! This is where my employees rest, employees only."

"It's so cruel, I just like a man like you!" Xia Yudie entangled with Jiang Mingda's arm, and the flesh on his chest was tightly pressed against his chest. "Does Xu Jimei's body have my sex appeal? Can she excite you?"

"I'm not interested in a woman like you!"

"No man is not interested in me, unless he is gay!"

"Hehe, you're so confident!" Jiang Ming's episode—Jiang Mingda and Xu Jimei Jiang Mingda and Xu Jimei's third party Erda frowned at her, this woman is simply a nympho.

Xia Yudie maintained her confident smile, her slender fingers stroked back and forth on his cheek provocatively. "I know you must think I'm a nympho, right?"

Then she shrugged and continued: "I don't care what you think of me, whatever you think of me is fine. I just like you and want to be with you! I am a woman who has seen the world, and I know the rules of adult games very clear!"

Jiang Mingda snorted coldly, then shrugged in the same way. "What does this have to do with me? What are you talking about? Do you think that as long as it is a woman, I will go to it? Don't get me wrong, I am not so hungry."

"I also don't pursue everyone, I like you and appreciate you!"

"But I'm a married man, don't you feel guilty for pursuing me like this?" This woman is very bold, and she can definitely afford it.

Xia Yudie pointed to her nose, and then burst out laughing. "Why should I feel guilty, I just hate that Xu Jimei, who always pretends to be a saint! In fact, she is not a woman who is a sex ng episode—Jiang Mingda and Xu Jimei, the third party in Jiang Mingda and Xu Jimei Wine 2 Yanghua's woman, I heard that there are many boys chasing her in their school, and she doesn't refuse anyone...Ah! It hurts so much, let me go!" Jiang Mingda squeezed her wrist fiercely, as if he wanted to pinch her wrist Same thing.

"Shut up, don't slander her." Jiang Mingda looked at her angrily, really wanting to sew this woman's mouth shut.

"Let go of me, I won't say anything!" She begged for mercy and said softly, her eyes also weakened a little. "I really don't want to say anything, let me go!"

Seeing her trembling arm, Jiang Mingda let her go. "Quickly get out of my sight!"

Xia Yudie ran away in fear, muttering non-stop. "My wife is messing around, and I'm afraid others will say it!"

He who had been suppressing his anger originally burst out when he heard her words. "Stop it, what do you want to do?"

Xia Yudie stopped and looked into his eyes to see how true his words were.

Who is Jiang Mingda, a successful businessman, of course he has the ability to conceal his true thoughts. "I want to enter this game, but you hesitate again?"

"Oh, no, your change is too fast, but I like it!" Xia Yudie grabbed his neck, and gently sucked on his sexy lips.

She is experienced in kissing, of course she knows how to do it, and she can seduce a man's sex even more.

She warmly stroked Jiang Mingda's sexy chest with her hands.The legs are slightly spread close to his lower body, giving him obvious ng hints.

"Could it be that you want me here and you?" Jiang Mingda narrowed his eyes, looked at Xia Yudie whose lower body was already trembling, and asked jokingly.

"Yes, we are here, I can't take it anymore, give it to me quickly!" Xia Yudie said hungrily, her hands clasped Jiang Mingda excitedly.

"Aren't you afraid of being seen?" What a bold woman.

"Aren't you the boss here? Go to your lounge!" She shouted excitedly because of her strong desire.

Jiang Mingda ignored her, and directly penetrated into her pussy with one hand, interspersed mercilessly until she released a wave of enthusiasm. "I want, I want, give it to me quickly!"

Jiang Mingda still looked at her indifferently, and asked calmly, "What do you want? What do you want me to give you?"

This was clearly asking the question knowingly, and she, who had been dazzled by the yu fire, gritted her teeth and shouted: "Of course I want yours..., give it to me quickly!" Urgently pulling Jiang Mingda's trousers with both hands.

Jiang Mingda cleverly avoided her tugging, pulling her hair with one hand, forcing her to look up at him. "Tell me, are you a slut or not? You will be rewarded for telling the truth!"

After Xia Yudie looked at him fiercely for a long time, she shouted, "Yes, I'm a slut. You're satisfied, it's time to give it to me!"

Hearing her words, Jiang Mingda laughed a few times, and then opened Xia Yudie coldly, just like opening something very dirty. "I'm sorry, you really can't arouse my interest! Leave quickly, or I will let the security guard throw you away!"

Xia Yudie, who looked embarrassed and sad, roared angrily: "Okay, you are cruel. Jiang Mingda, please remember, I will definitely get back this humiliation!" With messy hair, he staggered out of the wine. ! ! !

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