Jiang Haoyu hasn't come to Yilan's residence for the past few days, and Saturday arrived in a flash.As usual, he would come tonight, and sure enough, at seven o'clock, the doorbell rang.

Yilan, who was cleaning the kitchen, hurried to the entrance and opened the door!

"Have you eaten yet?" After he came in, Yilan asked with concern.

"No, I just came out of the company!" After taking off his shoes, he straightened himself onto the sofa.

"I just cooked noodles, and I'll bring you some more!" Then he walked into the kitchen.

I've been very busy these days, I wanted to come here, but I don't have time at all.In the past few days, not only the company has a lot of things to do during the day.At night, my mother forced me to date Zhou Zifei again.

He didn't want to go, but his horrible old mom started a phone onslaught when she was never at get off work.

Although his mother can say that he is busy with work, his mother, who is a foot deeper, has already arranged an eyeliner by his side.

That person was none other than his secretary Cao Min.But what's more troublesome is that if this Cao Min is an ordinary person, he can get rid of her.Coincidentally, she turned out to be Fang Weilun's girlfriend.

So, hey~~ What an annoyance!

Tonight is the condition he negotiated with his mother, and he has to spend some time on his own for a week.Otherwise, he would not consider the issue of marriage.Mother thought about it, and finally compromised.

In the afternoon, he fantasized about the lingering scene with her in bed at night. Her smooth body and fair neck tempted him again and again, and he almost called her to come to his office.

In the end, it was his reason that restrained his desire.

Yilan brought the noodles to the tea table in front of the sofa: "Eat it while it's hot!" After speaking, she sat in a seat far away from him and watched the entertainment programs on TV.

Jiang Haoyu could see that she was pretending to be indifferent, but he had no intention of comforting her.What he hated most was a woman who lost her temper for nothing, and said that her relationship with him was only based on money.Whether she is happy or not is her business, as long as he is happy, isn't it?

He quickly cleaned up the noodles in the bowl, and then drank the cold boiled water she had prepared in one gulp.After feeding his stomach, Jiang Haoyu pulled Yilan with one hand with an evil smile on his face.Although he only used one hand, his strength was enough to make the thin Yilan fall into his arms.

"Baby, I miss you~ I miss you so much~" After finishing speaking, regardless of Yilan's struggle, she lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties.

"No, I don't want it now, let me go!" Yilan struggled in his arms.

But her non-painful strength couldn't stop him from exploring her further.

He pulled her body hard, let her sit on his lap, let her feel his stiffness.

"I don't want it now, let me go!" She turned her head to get rid of his kiss, twisting her body to escape his control.

Jiang Haoyu grinned evilly and said, "Soon, you won't say that anymore, you'll be yelling for me to want you!"

Then, without giving her a chance to escape, he fixed her head, pressed down and pinched her red lips accurately.

He rubbed her round face wantonly with one hand, and slowly reached down to her private part with the other hand.She wanted to stop him from continuing, but both hands were firmly controlled by him.

"Stop struggling, you know it's useless! Be good, don't you miss me?" He raised her stubborn little chin.

She lowered her eyes in embarrassment under his gaze, then opened her small mouth that was flushed red from his kiss and said, "What's the use of thinking? The president is busy with work, how can you have time for a small person like me?" Yilan didn't realize that what she said was full of resentment.

"It turns out that you think I've left you out in the cold, and the little one is unhappy? Then I'll make it up to the little one now!"

After finishing speaking, he pressed her under him with a wicked smile


After the love, Yi Lan lay lazily on Jiang Haoyu's body.His fingers dishonestly drew small circles on his hard chest, and pulled the little red beans on his chest from time to time.

Jiang Haoyu was so exhausted that he let her play tricks on his body. It was so comfortable just now, and he was exhausted too!The feeling of being with her is really great. It's not like he hasn't had other women in the past few years, but he has never felt more comfortable and exciting than her!

His hand suddenly patted her bare pink buttocks, and grinned in pain: "Ghost spirit, it hurts so much from you pulling me!" She actually pulled out a hair on the side of his nipple.

Yilan jumped up playfully from him, then rolled to the other end of the bed pretending to be innocent and said, "I'm kind too, the longer one doesn't look good!"

Jiang Haoyu couldn't help being a little crazy when he saw her rarely seen naughty look.This woman is really beautiful when she acts like a baby, this is the first time in his memory.

"Really? How do you feel now?" Jiang Haoyu asked cooperatively.

Yilan touched it with her hand, then raised her smiling face and said seriously: "It's much better now!" As if she was very satisfied with her work, she nodded when she finished speaking.

Jiang Haoyu was provoked by her actions and burst into laughter!

They were happily playing two-person games on the bed, and he seemed to have forgotten to remind himself - he didn't love her!

[...Chapter 6 (1) - the fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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