With an evil smile on his face, Jiang Haoyu took Zhou Zifei's arm and walked leisurely towards Yilan.

Yilan turned her head calmly, not looking at him and Zhou Zifei who were getting closer.But the hands under the tablecloth were already tightly clenched into fists, and the nails were already deep in the flesh.

Xie Wei saw that Yilan's face suddenly turned pale, and asked with concern: "Yilan, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Yilan grinned slightly and said, "No, it's nothing~~"

Before Yilan finished speaking, Jiang Haoyu and Zhou Zifei stopped by their table.

"Mr. Xie, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Jiang Haoyu greeted Xie Wei politely, in a completely commercial tone.

Xie Wei looked at Jiang Haoyu in surprise, never expecting to meet him here. "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect such a coincidence!" Then seeing the beautiful woman beside him, he said ambiguously, "Mr. Jiang and his girlfriend are here for dinner?"

Jiang Haoyu nodded with a smile: "Yes, today is my girlfriend's father's birthday, and there is a reception upstairs."

His words pierced into her heart like a sharp knife. It turned out that his business today was to attend Zhou Zifei's father's birthday.What a coincidence, why is it August NO.16?Was it because Zhou Zifei's father had her birthday that he abandoned her?After four years with him, she asked him to accompany him for the first time, but he rejected her because of someone else?

other people?Maybe she is his other!After all, "others" are his future father-in-law, who is she to him?

"Oh!" Xie Wei nodded.

Jiang Haoyu pretended to see Yilan just now, grinned and said, "Isn't this Manager Chen?"

Yilan heard that he changed the topic to herself, so she had to look at him. "President Jiang!"

"Well, is Mr. Xie dating my capable men? When did it start?" Jiang Haoyu asked jokingly, but his angry eyes shot at Yilan for a moment.

How dare this woman in front of him be stolen by him?Is it because he's been too nice to her lately?Give her three points, and she will open a dyeing workshop for him?

"Mr. Jiang misunderstood, how dare I climb up to Yilan? A woman as good as Yilan is suitable for a man better than me!" Xie Wei didn't know the relationship between Yilan and Jiang Haoyu, and felt that it was unnecessary and unfamiliar People explain too much, so I said it half-jokingly.

Jiang Haoyu nodded as if he understood, and after saying goodbye to Yilan and Xie Wei, he left hand in hand with Zhou Zifei.

Afterwards, Du Zixin took Xiaotong's little hand and walked back to her seat. Of course, she didn't know how much misunderstanding had been caused by the absence of her and her son.


Escorted by their family of three, Yilan returned to the dark apartment.Facing the darkness, Yilan felt even more lonely.

Today is her birthday, she is just a small request to let him spend it with her

If he really has something very important, she will feel better.But she saw the scene between him and Zhou Zifei, why did she see it?There is no excuse to even deceive myself in the end!

Maybe, it's time to leave him, don't be nostalgic for what didn't belong to her in the first place, let alone in her embrace in the future.

Yilan opened the door of the study and walked in, opened the last three drawers of the desk, and took out a delicate velvet box.

Inside is the bank card that Jiang Haoyu gave Yilan, and the gifts he gave to Yilan in the past few years, including diamond necklaces, bracelets, earrings and even waist chains, but there is no ring.

This is definitely not a coincidence, he is definitely a thoughtful person.He never wanted to marry her and never loved him, so he never gave her a ring.

These gifts are really beautiful, eye-catching and valuable, but Yilan doesn't like them at all, because there is no intention of Jiang Haoyu here.

She closed the box and put it back in the drawer.

Walking into the bathroom, Yilan only saw herself when she was facing the mirror, and she burst into tears at some point!


Zhou Zifei looked at Jiang Haoyu who had been silent all this time, since he saw that woman, something was wrong with him.

She is also a woman, so she can't fail to see the affection and sadness in that woman's eyes. Their relationship is definitely not a simple relationship between a boss and a subordinate.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter with you? Let me tell you something unhappy, maybe I can help you?" Zhou Zifei leaned on Jiang Haoyu's shoulder and said softly.Her voice is as graceful as a butterfly flying in the air, light and beautiful.

Jiang Haoyu put his arms around her, bringing her closer. "It's nothing, when I'm with you, how can I think about other things?" Although he said so, he clearly thought about that woman Chen Yilan in his heart.

She is just a woman bought with her own money. Why is she laughing at other men in her mind tonight? That scene constantly stimulates him, making him want to kill that man Xie Wei angrily.

He looked at the gentle and sweet woman in his arms!Compared with Yilan's young and beautiful face, her lips are full and smooth, and her slightly raised mouth is waiting for his kiss.

Jiang Haoyu held her head, and then slowly bent towards her




[...Chapter 7 (5) - the fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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