president's woman

Volume 2 again on August 8

When she arrived, Jiang Haoyu was in the emergency room.Yilan looked at the red light on it, her heart was pounding, and she almost jumped out.She watched with an expression on her face, her eyes fixed on the display light.

Yilan, you can't fall down, he is your husband, he needs to be taken care of, not you falling down cowardly.Yilan told herself over and over again, and encouraged herself over and over again.She leaned against the cold wall to prevent herself from falling suddenly.

Should she tell her in-laws?Yilan hesitated holding the phone, she was worried that they would not be able to bear it.But if you don't tell me, how can I deal with it if something happens, Yilan finally called her father-in-law.

"Dad, I'm Yilan! Listen to me first, Haoyu got into a car accident and is now in the 'Medical University'. It shouldn't be a big deal. Don't worry too much about you and Mom!"

"I'll be there right away!" Jiang Mingda said calmly, and then hung up the phone.It was useless to ask too many questions on the phone. From the tone of his daughter-in-law, he could tell that the matter was quite serious.

Ji Mei, who was teasing her granddaughter, saw her husband's frightened face, and an ominous premonition hit her heart. "What did you say on the phone?"

After staring at his wife thoughtfully, Jiang Mingda said with trembling lips, "Haoyu was in a car accident and is now being rescued at the 'Medical University'. Calm down, don't make a fuss. () Let's go now, make trouble." Leave it to Lao Zhong and his wife!"

When Ji Mei heard the news, she bit her lower lip and began to cry.A cry of grief overflows from bitten lips

"Naonao, you are playing at home with Grandpa Zhong and Grandma Zhong. You have to listen to Mrs. Zhong and go to bed early! I'm going out with your grandma to do something, you have to be good!" Jiang Mingda said seriously.

Nao Nao stared at their unsmiling faces, and could feel that grandparents were going to do something very important. "I'll be good!" she promised.

Jiang Mingda pressed a deep kiss on his granddaughter's cute little face.He took his wife, who was already in tears, to the hospital.

Seeing the 'in operation' light go off, Yilan's heart, which had been calm just now, started beating wildly again.It wasn't until the doctor took off the mask and came out that Yilan ran towards him in response. "Doctor, how is my husband?" She held her breath and waited for the doctor's sentence, her eyes full of pleading.

The doctor said in embarrassment: "We did our best~"

When Yilan heard this sentence, she was terrified and grabbed the doctor. "Doctor, please save him! Please, please!" Unable to control himself anymore, he wailed and cried.

The doctor hastily pulled up the kneeling body. "Miss, calm down. Listen to me! His life was temporarily saved, but because of the violent impact on his head, three ribs were broken, and the calf and arm were broken. The injury is serious."

After hearing that his life was not in danger, my tugging heart calmed down a little.But hearing so many broken bones still made her very uncomfortable. "Then how is he?"

He stopped crying, wiped away the tears on his face, and asked the doctor excitedly.

"Of course he was seriously injured, but we will try our best to rescue him, and he should be fine!" After the doctor finished speaking, he hurried forward.

The little nurse who followed behind shook her head and said naively: "I was really defeated by our director. He is used to saying 'do my best'. Doesn't he know that saying this will cause great misunderstanding to the patient's family members? ~!"

After that, Jiang Haoyu was taken out of the emergency room with tubes inserted all over his body, and he lay on a stretcher as if lifeless.

Yilan couldn't bear to look at it, just looking at it made her whole body ache.

When Jiang Mingda and his wife arrived, Jiang Haoyu had already been admitted to the intensive care unit.When Yilan saw her father-in-law and mother-in-law, she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

"Doctor, come quickly, someone has fainted!" Ji Mei shouted loudly, and Jiang Mingda picked up his daughter-in-law and put her on the hospital bed.

The doctor who hurried in took off his stethoscope after examining it carefully. "There's nothing wrong with it, it's just being too nervous, causing a coma, pay attention to let the pregnant woman rest more! You'll wake up in a while, don't worry too much!"

Although there was no danger, the old couple still worried a lot.

"Husband, our son, there is nothing wrong!"

"Didn't the doctor say that there is no danger to life! As long as there is no danger to life, he will recover. I believe in my son!" They have already asked the doctor just now, and judging from the doctor's expression, the injury is not as serious as imagined.

"Who are the family members of the injured in the car accident?" A police officer shouted in the corridor of the ward.

Yilan, who had fainted at first, woke up immediately when she heard the word 'car accident'. "I am, the police officer!" Yilan shouted.

"Please show your ID!"

Yilan quickly found the bag and found out the ID card from inside.After careful confirmation, the police handed over the wallet, mobile phone, and a small red velvet box to Yilan. "This is something on your body, please sign for it!"

After looking through the things, Yilan signed her name.When Yilan opened the little velvet box, she was so sad that she couldn't make a sound.

A ring-style diamond ring lay inside intact.This is for her, yes it is for her, she no longer has any doubts.

"The injured was hit in front of the jewelry store. He was walking towards the car when a vehicle came from behind him and knocked him down. The other party was driving under the influence and has been arrested by the police. If you have If you have any questions, you can come to the police directly. Also, the injured person's car has been consigned, and you have time to go there to get it!" The police officer explained the situation in detail and left.

The police officer's words echoed repeatedly in Yilan's ears.The accident happened to him to buy her a ring. It was a birthday present for her. He remembered it, but he didn't forget it!She clutched the ring tightly, crying uncontrollably.

"Dad, Mom! I'm sorry for you! If it wasn't for me, Haoyu wouldn't have made it like this!"

"I can't blame you for this incident, it's purely an accident. Don't blame yourself, Haoyu knows that he will feel distressed! My son, I know, is a strong man, this injury is nothing!" Jiang Mingda said soothingly, but His expression, suddenly, was several years older.




[...The second volume of The CEO's Woman is on August 2th [-]nd—the fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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