Yilan forced herself to look at Jiang Haoyu without any emotion, and then turned her gaze away.She doesn't want to see him now, and when she sees him, she wants to shed tears.

When I saw him, I thought of his cruelty to her, and his tenderness and consideration to Zhou Zifei.If he doesn't accompany her on her birthday, can he celebrate Zhou Zifei's father's birthday?

What are you doing in front of her now?When she moved out from him, she only took her own things. She didn't take any of his things, did she?Of course, except for the baby in her womb, she can't give it to him!

Jiang Haoyu completely ignored Du Zixin's cynicism, he focused on looking at Yilan with a haggard face!This little woman really doesn't look at him heartlessly?Then he shook his head, how come?He saw the reluctance and love for him in her eyes~!

She still loves him, otherwise there would be tears of aggrieved flashing in her eyes.Jiang Haoyu stepped forward, raised his hand to stroke her fair face, and teased her disobedient strands of hair behind her ears.

This delicate and smooth touch made him feel so familiar and at ease!When he felt her temperature, he felt his heart vibrate as if being stimulated by electricity.

This feeling overcomes everything, and he will never let her go, never let her leave him.This feeling made him understand that she was the love of his life.

"Yilan, come back with me! I'm worried about you being alone now~!" Although he knows that he loves her, but he always only knows how to enjoy but not how to give, he can't say that he loves you and misses you at all. and so on.

Yi Lan looked at him with puzzled eyes: "I worry you? What do I worry you about?" It's not that she doesn't understand what he means by worry?Of course it refers to the baby in her womb now.

But this is not what she wants to hear. Is he coming to her just because she has his child?

Have nothing to do with her?Did he never love him?

If that's the case, she won't be coming back to him.

"Of course you are pregnant now? You have my baby in your belly, how can I rest assured that you are alone? What if the baby is in danger and there is no one around you?" Jiang Haoyu said as a matter of course, her body looked So thin, how can he rest assured?

He didn't consider at all what the consequences would be if he said that.

When Yilan heard his words, her body flickered for a moment, and she turned her head away from him. "Zixin, let's go!"

Du Zixin's eyes widened, eyes full of anger and said to Jiang Haoyu: "Don't worry, I will take care of Yilan, don't bother your boss!"

"What? The child is mine, so why don't you bother me?" Jiang Haoyu said in complete disapproval.Then he pulled Yilan over and said, "Yilan, tell your friend that I am the father of the child!"

At this moment, Jiang Haoyu has no calm thinking at all, like a kid who is trying his best to win the honor, let the teacher agree with him, and tell everyone!

Yilan gave him a blank look, not in the mood to answer his words, she pulled out the arm that was held by him, and wanted to leave.

Du Zixin took a look at him and said, "President Jiang, do you care more about the child, or the child's mother?"

Things that friends can't ask, of course, have to be done by friends, and friends are not fake!Get one when necessary.In fact, she could see that Jiang Haoyu was more worried about Yilan!

Although she hates him more!

"Of course I'm worried!" One is the woman he loves, and the other is his child.Which is important to him!

"Yilan, what do you say?" Du Zixin asked the friend beside him.

"I don't want to say anything, I just want to eat now, I'm hungry!" That's how it is now, I'm always hungry!

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Haoyu pulled her towards him and asked her face to him.Then he said to Du Zixin, "Get out of here!"

Of course Du Zixin is ready to leave, she doesn't want to be a light bulb! "Yilan, I'm leaving first, my family is calling me! President Jiang, please take good care of Yilan!"

Jiang Haoyu said in an impatient tone: "Don't worry, please leave as soon as possible now!"

Yilan hated him for using this tone of voice on her friend.

Failure to respect her friends is tantamount to disrespecting herself.

Yilan said to him with a cold face: "You are the one who should go, I hate you!" Then, she pulled Zixin's hand angrily and boarded a taxi.




[...Chapter 10 (1) - the fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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