Yilan skillfully moves her fingers in the new position. Although this new job does not have any high-tech, the stressful working environment and the easy-to-get-together boss like Sister Zhang still make her work very happy.

Yilan tidied up the collected money, then stood up and straightened her waist. Now her stomach is a little swollen, it's been four and a half months!When I went for an examination last week, I could already see the general outline of the baby. Looking at the fetus like a wriggling body, I couldn't help but sigh that life is so wonderful!

"Yilan, go out and walk around, there are not many people in the store now!" Zhang Yueran walked to Yilan's side and said to her.

"That's great, it's time to go to work!" Yilan smiled and declined Sister Zhang's kindness!

"No, it's working time now, and there won't be too many people coming here to pull. Don't go far, just walk around here, it will be good for the child and you!" Sister Zhang continued to persuade .

Yilan looked around the store, there were really not too many people on the table, it was past 10 am, it was really not the time for many people.

Then nodded to Zhang Yueran: "Okay, Sister Zhang is so sorry! I have brought you so much trouble!"

"What's the trouble! Go out, yes, go to the flower bed behind, the air there is better!" She suggested carefully.

"Okay!" Yilan opened the door and walked out.

Sister Zhang is really a nice person. On the fourth day of work, she found out that she was pregnant, but she didn't immediately fire the pregnant employee like other bosses.

Instead, continue to let her stay here and take better care of her.She was supposed to collect the money standing up, but she asked her to sit and collect it, and asked her to walk outside when she was not busy!


Jiang Haoyu drove to Harbin Street alone. There are many intersections here, and there will be a red light before driving too far. Jiang Haoyu stopped the car depressed, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Damn traffic lights, why are there so many?" While exhaling a puff of white smoke, he cursed.

He raked the hair on his forehead that blocked his view, and scanned the scenery on both sides of the street with lazy eyes.

Suddenly a familiar figure in front of him attracted him, and that beautiful figure has been haunting his mind these days.

I saw her walking by the pool of the fountain alone, and she was dressed casually.Putting on casual clothes, she looked quite innocent, like a 21-year-old girl.

It's just that she seems to have gained a lot of weight, and the overall feeling is a bit round. It seems that she is living a good life!

While he was observing her from a distance, suddenly a tall figure rushed into his sight.I saw a man approaching Chen Yilan.


"Yilan, what's the matter with you?" Wang Zhipeng saw Yilan bent down suddenly in pain, and rushed over to ask.

"Well, I have leg cramps!" Yi Lan said with a distorted face in pain.It was a coincidence that she met her former boyfriend Wang Zhipeng, she did not expect Zhang Yueran to be Wang Zhipeng's cousin.

"Then I'll help you sit next to me!" Wang Zhipeng grabbed her waist and let her lean towards him.

Because of the pain from her leg, Yilan had to put her weight on him.

Wang Zhipeng helped Yilan to the back of the stone steps and let her sit on it, then he squatted down and lifted her leg to help her move her cramp right leg.

"I see, my legs are cramping during the day, the obvious calcium deficiency is very serious!" He said to her while helping her to relax her muscles and bones.

"I have calcium supplements, there's no way it's like this!" Yilan also said with some regret.

"Well, then you have to pay attention to rest. Does my sister make you do a lot of work every day?"

He jokingly said that he has always felt guilty towards her, since he met again, he decided to take good care of her.

"No, how could it be! Sister Zhang is very kind to me!" Yilan shook her head hurriedly.

"Well, that's good. If she dares to bully you, come and tell me right away!"

Yilan looked at him with a smile and nodded.Wang Zhipeng is a nice person. If he hadn't cheated on another girl, she might have married him.

Then, there would be no four years with Jiang Haoyu.I don't know if that would be better?Maybe then she will never know what it's like to truly love someone, and at the same time, she won't know the pain of someone she likes and doesn't like herself.

The actions of such two people will look quite ambiguous and intimate in the eyes of people who don't understand the situation, and that person is none other than Jiang Haoyula of course!


Jiang Haoyu's eyes became more and more gloomy and cold. He didn't expect this woman to be really powerful. Did he really underestimate her?To leave him and find another master right away?Or did he have it long ago and left him?

Want to hang out with other people?What she thought was beautiful, in his life, there was no woman who didn't want him, unless he didn't want it!

His thoughts stayed in his own arrogance, and there was a series of car horns behind him.

Only then did he see that the signal light had turned green.

He quickly started the engine and started the car!




[...Chapter 9 (1) - the fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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