Chapter [-] A Dagger

"Okay, happy, as expected of my nephew." Zhang Fei yelled "Hello", and happily drank the wine in his hand.

With Zhang Fei taking the lead, everyone present was not like that.

The atmosphere became intense for a while.Seeing this, Zhang Fei laughed and said, "I heard that Fei Guan's daughter, Fei Shu, is famously dignified and beautiful."

After saying this, Zhang Fei winked at Liu Feng and jokingly said, "I only saw the groom today, uncle, I'm not satisfied."

Everyone in the audience was very happy, whether they were worried about Liu Feng's future or something, but at this moment they all wished Liu Feng well.

There was only one person who maintained a bitter expression from beginning to end, and Fei Da was very anxious now.

That shouldn't be the case. According to what the master said, Liu Feng would definitely be furious when he found out that he married Fei's concubine daughter, but he took care of his face and finished the wedding in a low-key manner.Eat this bitter fruit.

But now Liu Feng is very high-profile, and invited these important officials under Liu Bei to come for a drink.Moreover, he also claimed that he was taking Fei's legitimate daughter, that is, the young lady.

This this.

Of course Fei Da knew the reason why Fei Guan did this, because he wanted to regret the marriage when he heard that Liu Bei had his own son and that Liu Feng had an affair with the Gan family.But he was also afraid that Liu Bei would send someone to take back the three thousand gold dowry, so he couldn't help but make a plan and send Fei Ting, the concubine's daughter.

The purpose is nothing more than to pretend to be fake, to complete this wedding.With the dowry gift of three thousand gold, his daughter Fei Shu can find another good family.

But now that Liu Feng did this, he declared that he married Fei Shu, Fei's daughter-in-law.How will the eldest lady find a good family to remarry in the future?

Fei's ingenious plan of exchanging his concubine's daughter for his concubine's daughter became a money-losing deal for both his concubine's daughter and his concubine's daughter.

"Uncle, Uncle, did you make a mistake, our second young lady?" Fei Da interrupted Zhang Fei and Liu Feng, and when he spoke, he was already in a cold sweat, because Zhang Fei's gaze was already directed at Liu Feng. He came, and his eyes were full of displeasure.

It is already the master's tolerance for Fei Da to be here as a housekeeper, and it is rude to interrupt the master's words.

But still had to bite the bullet and finish speaking.Because Fei Da didn't know what kind of punishment he would face if the news came back to Xiangyang.

"Did the butler say something wrong? It should be your eldest lady. Your eldest lady is fine. She drank some medicine and fell asleep." Of course Liu Feng knew how the butler was feeling now, and his heart was cold. Snorting, you are only allowed to belittle me, but you are not allowed to belittle your entire Fei family?

He sneered again and again in his heart, but on the face, Liu Feng said very gently.

Zhang Fei glared at the rude Fei Da, then turned his head and asked Liu Feng concerned, "Is my niece and daughter-in-law sick?"

"It's just a little cold, don't worry about third uncle." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Well, then take a good rest, and I'll see you in a few days." Zhang Fei hummed.

"What are you talking about? You should meet your nephew and daughter-in-law today. After a while, you, as an uncle, will go to see your nephew and daughter-in-law. What will happen?" Before Liu Feng could reply, Guan Yu's words of reprimand arrived.

Zhang Fei was shocked, and knew that he had made a slip of the tongue.Seeing Guan Yu's eyes turned cold, he couldn't help shrinking his neck, smiled at Liu Feng, and walked back.

With such an interruption, no one will make a fuss about meeting the bride.

Liu Feng smiled, approached Fei Da, whispered into Fei Da's ear, and said, "You guys brewed this bitter fruit yourself. I swallowed it, and you have to swallow it. When you go back, tell Fei Guan, Let’s just say my mother’s three thousand gold dowry is not easy to swallow. Fei Guan’s eldest daughter, Fei Shu, is my Liu Feng’s wife, so she can’t escape.”

After speaking, Liu Feng paused, and said with a sneer: "If Fei Guan has the face to marry his daughter twice, I have nothing to say."

Fei Da only felt cold all over, married twice?How is that possible? As long as the news about Liu Feng and Fei Shu gets out today, the whole Jingzhou will know about it sooner or later.

No matter how thick-skinned the master is, it is impossible to marry his daughter twice.I can only swallow this bitter fruit.

Seeing Fei Da's whole body stiffen, Liu Feng couldn't help but snorted coldly in his heart, he knew why he had to do it today, no matter how poor I am, Liu Feng, I can't be pinched by just anyone.

Ignoring Fei Da, Liu Feng only drank with the guests in the venue.

It was cheerful and bustling, or Gan Shi who was not far away could hear it.Reassure Gan.

Under the siege of the surrounding people, Liu Feng was quickly defeated, and finally had to pretend to be drunk, and let his servants help him into the backyard to rest.

After entering the room, Liu Feng immediately asked Huan'er to make a bowl of hangover soup to drink, and then sat with his eyes closed for a while, only then did he feel much better.

Huan'er was also wearing festive clothes today, with a sincere smile on her face, happy for her major general to marry his wife.

"Won't the Major General go to Madam's side?" Of course Huan'er didn't know that the Madam she was talking about was just a role that was dropped.She just cared about Liu Feng.

"I won't go, lay out the quilt, and I'll settle it with you at night." Thinking about the unhappiness he encountered today, Liu Feng simply shook his head and said.

Huan'er wanted to persuade him, but seeing Liu Feng's resolute attitude, he had no choice but to obey the words in his heart, got up and went to the back room to spread the bedding.

After Huan'er left, Liu Feng immediately asked the maid to bring the gift from Xu Shu just now.

Xu Shu didn't hesitate to arrive late to prepare the gift, which Liu Feng believed was not easy.Can't wait to open the bamboo slips, Liu Feng read a few words. "Young Master Qi Jin, the second of the Five Hegemons."

Looking at these eight characters, the corner of Liu Feng's mouth involuntarily hooked upwards. Sure enough, this was exactly what Xu Shu was implying.

It may be seen that he is calm these days and has no reaction.Xu Shu was in a hurry, and reminded him again with words.

"Young Master Qi and Jin, the second of the five tyrants." After reading these eight characters repeatedly, Liu Feng closed the bamboo slips, and then walked to the charcoal stove and threw the bamboo slips into it.

"Don't worry, sir. I also have the same intention. When I come back again, I can also be in charge of state affairs like Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin." Liu Feng smiled and said softly.

At this moment, a maid suddenly came in, holding a box in her hand.

"Major General, Mr. Tang sent someone to bring a congratulatory gift." The maid lowered her head and said softly.

Mr. Tang?Immediately, Liu Feng thought of what kind of gift Tang would send this person?Liu Feng was curious, but he also knew that nothing good would happen.

After receiving the box, Liu Feng waved the maid away.

Then, slowly opened the box.A dagger was exposed inside, without a sheath, a dagger gleaming with coldness.On the edge of the blade, there are still some bright red things.

"Is this showing off, or threatening, intimidating?" Liu Feng couldn't help but bend down and sniff lightly after laughing.Not blood.It should be a kind of dye.

Gently pick up the dagger in the box and put it in front of your eyes.Liu Feng said softly: "Since you are so sincere, then I will use this dagger to send you home."

"Use your life to let the world know that anyone who insults my mother will die a miserable death." Thinking of the frail Gan in the backyard.A cold light flashed in Liu Feng's eyes, and he gently put the dagger back into the box, closed the box, and put it on the case.

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