Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 104 Raising the Butcher Knife

Chapter [-] Raising the Butcher Knife

The Tang Mansion is located in the east of Xinye City, close to the Taishou Mansion. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Because of Liu Bei's flame-out son, Tang Song's status has been raised a lot, and the mansion has been refurbished, which is much more grand than before.

Inside the study of the Tang Mansion, the lights were bright.Tang Song knelt and sat on the main seat, his expression slightly lost in thought.Sitting here, Wei Wei can hear the noise coming from the prefect's mansion.

Sitting next to Tang Song was a woman with an enchanting figure.The woman's surname is Zheng, and she is Tang Song's favorite concubine.

"Master, calmness should be the main focus now, why did you give Liu Feng a dagger." Zheng asked puzzled.

Just now when Tang Song ordered his servants to give Liu Feng a dagger, Mrs. Zheng was also there.Zheng Shi can also be regarded as a more scheming woman. She knows that the current situation should be based on prudence, and slowly bring down Liu Feng. Things like intimidation are somewhat inappropriate.

"Men do things, women don't care." Tang Song reprimanded with a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Master." Seeing that she kindly reminded her, but Tang Song reprimanded her, Zheng said aggrievedly.The enchanting body, fair and soft appearance, coupled with the aggrieved expression, made Zheng Shi at this moment strangely attractive.

"Get lost." Tang Song yelled loudly, his complexion darkened.

Zheng Shi was immediately stunned, got up and walked out quickly.

Tang Song's face darkened, and he took a long breath before slowly calming down.

He didn't know why he gave Liu Feng a dagger.At this time, this small action is more dangerous.But watching Liu Feng marry his wife, Tang Song couldn't help but think of his sister's funeral, weddings and weddings, which were too dazzling.

It was entirely by accident that Tang Song sent a dagger that was dyed red.

"Perhaps this is called get rid of it and make it fast." After pondering for a long time, Tang Song found the answer in his heart, which is a kind of get rid of it and make it fast.

The sky was overcast, and there was a steady drizzle in the sky.

In the aisle in the backyard, Liu Feng and Huan'er walked towards Gan's yard together.Both of them were wearing red clothes, looking very festive.

Today is the second day after marriage, it is a very important etiquette to pay a visit to Mrs. Gan.However, the protagonist is not Liu Feng's new wife, but Huan'er.Today Liu Feng still intends to use the reason that his newlywed wife contracted the cold as an excuse to let Huan'er replace her.

This is actually against the rules. Even if a new daughter-in-law is seriously ill, she has to greet her mother-in-law when she enters the house.But Liu Feng knew that Gan's always had a kind heart, and Gan's definitely wouldn't care about this matter.

Gan's house.

As one of today's protagonists, Gan Shi sat on the main seat, and Mi Shi sat beside him. Gan Shi was smiling, with rosy and shiny skin on his face, and his spirit was much better than before.

In comparison, although Mi Shi was also smiling, she did it for Gan Shi.Knowing that Liu Feng's wife was dropped, she didn't feel happy at all.

Hearing movement outside the door, the smile on Gan's face became even wider.He looked up towards the door, but when Liu Feng and Huan'er walked in, Gan's expression froze for a moment, but he didn't say anything.

"Maybe the daughter-in-law is not in good health." Mi explained softly beside her.

"Yes." Gan nodded lightly, expressing her understanding.

"Greetings to mother." After Liu Feng and his two entered the door, they all knelt down on the ground and saluted.

"Get up, get up." Gan raised his hands again and again to let his sons get up.Immediately, let Liu Feng sit down again.Then he asked Liu Feng, "What's wrong with your daughter-in-law?"

"The wind chill has gotten worse." Liu Feng glanced at Huan'er next to him and shook his head.

"Have you invited a doctor yet?" Gan's surprise actually got worse.He couldn't help raising his voice, and said anxiously.

Of course it's heartless, your daughter-in-law is still in Xiangyang.Liu Feng was heartbroken, but still nodded lightly on his face and said: "Please, it's okay, just rest for a few days."

"That's good." Gan Shi listened with a sigh of relief, patted his chest lightly and said, showing kindness.If this happened to ordinary people, maybe they would not wait to see their new daughter-in-law.

Thinking of Gan's kindness in the past, Liu Feng just felt reluctant.The corners of the eyes were slightly sour, and a stream of moisture flowed out of them.Liu Feng's reaction was quick, he lowered his head slightly, and wiped it with his sleeve to hide it.

"Okay, it's fine when the ceremony is over, you'd better go back and take care of your wife." Gan didn't notice Liu Feng's little move, and waved his hand.

"Yeah." Liu Feng winked at Huan'er, and the two retreated and walked out together.

After Liu Feng went out, he didn't leave with Huan'er.Instead, he stood for a while, and after a while, Mrs. Mi came out.

"Are you leaving?" After going out, Mi Shi stood beside Liu Feng and asked softly.

"Ah, I have to go. I can't let my mother find out that I actually took Fei's concubine daughter." Liu Feng replied softly.

Without Liu Feng's explanation, Mi's certainly knew that if Gan's found out that the daughter-in-law he had worked so hard to find for Liu Feng was a concubine, he would definitely vomit another mouthful of blood.Don't give Gan the chance to know.Now is the best time to go.

In the next two or three years, I won't see him either.

Looking at Liu Feng in front of her, Mi has a feeling that her relatives are about to travel far away.Heartbroken, Mi sighed, and said softly, "Be careful."

"Mi mother also take care, help me take care of mother." Liu Feng turned his body sideways, bowed to Mi's, and begged.

This time I will go out for two or three years.The Gan family relies entirely on the Mi family, not only to keep Gan from knowing the truth, but also to take good care of Gan.

As a son of man, Liu Feng had no choice but to entrust these responsibilities to the Mi family.

"Don't worry." Mi nodded and agreed.

Only then did Liu Feng straighten his body, and finally took a hard look at Gan's direction, and then resolutely walked out with Huan'er.

Taking this step means that Liu Feng will never see Gan again in two or three years.It means that the Gan family can only be with the Mi family for the next two or three years.

But when Liu Feng came back, he would definitely have the strength to take the Gan family back from Liu Bei's hands.

From then on, Ganshi lived with him, and Ganshi could only be happy if he lived with him.

Liu Feng went back to the study on his front foot, and a soldier came in to report on his back foot.It is said that the army has been packed and ready to go at any time.

At the wedding banquet last night, Chen Da, Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao, Zhang Gui and others were drunk by Zhang Fei, but none of them were drunk, and they left the city early in the morning to prepare to go.

"Clean up, too, and leave with the girl from the yard next to you." After the soldiers who came to report left, Liu Feng told Huan'er.

After all, that woman was justifiably married in, and Liu Feng couldn't do it by leaving her in Xinye.

"Yeah." Huan'er nodded, she knew who Liu Feng was referring to.

Not long after, several carriages were ready, and there was no trouble when leaving the mansion because of Huan'er's existence.After all, the unfavorable rumors about Liu Feng were only circulating in secret. Before Liu Bei made any response, Liu Feng was still a major general.

However, not long after several carriages left the mansion, there was one less guard guarding the gate.

The guard came to Liu Bei's study.In the study, Liu Bei looked calm after hearing the guard's report, as if he had expected it.

"Keep guarding the gate. When the Major General leaves, please report back to me." Liu Bei waved his hand away.

"No." The guard responded respectfully, turned and left.

After the guards left, a slight melancholy flashed across Liu Bei's face.Liu Feng's every move is under his control.He knew that Liu Feng's subordinates were already preparing to leave the camp.

But he didn't mean to stop it. For him, it was best for Liu Feng to leave with the notoriety of having an affair with his adoptive mother.

Especially now that the rumors are intensifying, Liu Feng's departure gives people the feeling that he fled with fear in his heart, which further confirms his notoriety.The reputation that allowed Liu Feng to operate in the past three years collapsed in an instant.

Liu Chan no longer threatened.

The reason for melancholy is because Liu Feng is the person he has cultivated for three years after all, and he has spent countless efforts.Now he used means to force Liu Feng away, which made Liu Bei feel a little uncomfortable.

But when he thought of Zhuge Liang's advice to him, he believed that he had the opportunity to occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou and stand up against Cao Cao and Sun Quan.The melancholy in Liu Bei's heart dissipated immediately.

It was replaced by wild ambitions. For Liu Bei, Liu Feng was just a small obstacle, and he just had to get rid of it.His biggest obstacle is Cao Cao, Liu Biao, Liu Zhang and other princes.

"There is Jingzhou first, and then there is Yizhou." Liu Bei couldn't help but get up with his heart surging.Walked to the side, in front of the map fixed by the bracket.

Looking at Xiangyang, Jiangling, Jiangxia, Gongan, Changsha, Lingling, Wuling, Guiyang and other cities on the map, it is very hot.

He will rely on these cities to lay down a piece of territory.As the foundation of eternal life, it was passed on to his son Liu Chan.

"Feng Chan Taishan is not a dream." Liu Bei clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

For this goal, everything from the original wife to the stepson who has been raised for three years can be discarded.

In the backyard, inside Liu Feng's house.Liu Feng sat motionless.On the wooden table in front of him was an unsheathed long sword.

After Huan'er left, Liu Feng had been kneeling for two or three hours. If Huan'er was here at this time, he would have already prepared meals for Liu Feng to use.

But now it is empty.

Most of the maids in this yard are Huan'er's personal maids, or the old people Liu Feng is used to.They all went with Huan'er.

Liu Feng should not even think about using this lunch.

After continuing to sit for a while, Liu Feng's eyes flashed with determination. He slowly stretched out his hand, hung the sword on the case around his waist, and stood up.

Immediately, he quickly walked out of the house, led Wu Yunju quickly, and left the eunuch's mansion.Huan'er and the others were heading west, but Liu Feng glanced at the direction and they were heading east.

Holding the rein in one hand, and the long sword at his waist in the other.Liu Feng's eyes were full of coldness. Killing Tang Song was originally planned, and Liu Feng would not let it go easily.

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