Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 106 Hanging Corpse City Gate

Chapter [-] Hanging Corpse City Gate

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me. (Apex novel hand-written novel) My nephew is Liu Bei's own son, Liu Bei's own son. He is your younger brother." With Liu Feng holding a dagger in his hand and pressing him step by step, Tang Song has completely lost his composure.He yelled loudly.

He stepped back step by step until he knocked over the screen and his back was pressed against the wall.But Tang Song still didn't realize it, he stumbled and wanted to continue to retreat behind.

"Why didn't you think so when you made my mother vomit blood?" With a sneer, Liu Feng's hand holding the dagger was very steady, and he was not moved at all.

Until he got close to Tang Song, he stabbed him with a knife.

"Puchi." With a sound, the sound of the dagger piercing into the flesh sounded, and then a stream of blood gushed out, staining Liu Feng's sleeves and hands red.placket.

To be honest, this was Liu Feng's first time to kill someone, but he was relatively stable. This was inseparable from Liu Feng's training in sword skills over the years, and it was also inseparable from Liu Feng's hatred for this person.

No matter what Tang Song says or does.Liu Feng will send this dagger into Tang Song's heart.

"You can't kill me." At the moment when the dagger pierced, Tang Songhuan still screamed, but when the dagger pierced into it, leaving only the handle outside, Tang Song's screaming stopped abruptly.

His eyes were slack, and there was still fear on his face, which was unbelievable.He thought Liu Bei couldn't kill him to death.Can't kill him.

His nephew has just been born, and he still has to enjoy the blessings and enjoy a lot of money.Liu Feng's mother and son must also be eradicated.How could he die, how could he just die like this.

But he didn't want to think about it, if he didn't have a vicious heart, how could he have fallen to this point.

Seeing Tang Song's body struggling for a moment, there was no more sound.Liu Feng then slowly let go of his hand, leaving the dagger in Tang Song's heart.

"Congratulations, my lord, for taking revenge." Zhou Shun congratulated from the side, and Liu Feng did not hide the cause and effect of the incident from Zhou Shun.Zhou Shun is definitely a qualified soldier, as long as he is ordered by his superiors, he is a person who dares to break through even the mountains of swords and fires in front of him.What's more, he is Zhang Xiu's old department and has no connection with some people in Xinye.Therefore, Liu Feng chose Zhou Shun as the executor this time.

At this moment, seeing Liu Feng avenged his vengeance, it was definitely a sincere congratulation.

"Big enmity? It's just interest." Liu Feng shook his head slowly and said.To him, although Tang Song is hateful, Liu Bei is even more hateful.

If it weren't for Liu Bei's acquiescence, the Gan family would never be involved in this matter, and Tang Song would not be so reckless.Liu Bei doesn't have the strength to start, so today is considered interest.There is only one goal for Liu Feng, and that is the Gan family and the Mi family.

Liu Feng will feel at ease when they are snatched back in the future.

"Carry him out." After Liu Feng finished speaking, before Zhou Shun was confused, he turned his head and said loudly.

Now is an extraordinary period, Liu Feng had expected that Liu Bei would not kill him, but he would not be so confused that he would delay time after killing Liu Chan's uncle.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what.

"No." Zhou Shun made a promise, and immediately led the soldiers to lift Tang Song's body and walked out.Liu Feng followed closely behind.

After leaving the study, Liu Feng and others walked towards the stables in the front yard.Along the way, there are corpses everywhere.Liu Feng didn't want to leak the news, at least he wanted to delay the time for Liu Bei to get the news. For his own life, he couldn't help but make a cruel move.

Several carriages were found in the front yard, Liu Feng was sitting in one of them, and Tang sent the body in another carriage.

After leaving the gate, he immediately closed the gate of Tang Song's mansion from the outside.A group of fifty soldiers walked quickly towards the west of the city.

Sitting in the carriage, Liu Feng's expression was extremely calm.The blood-stained clothes were not changed, and the blood on his hands was not wiped.Killing Tang this time was firstly revenge, and secondly to ensure the safety of the Gan family in the next two to three years.If Tang Song is kept, Liu Feng can't guarantee that something will happen that he will regret for the rest of his life.

Finally there is a purpose.That is Liwei, using Tang Song to deter other ambitious people in Xinye.Let them weigh the consequences of moving Gan.

Liu Feng wanted to let everyone in Xinye know that even if the Gan family did not have Liu Bei's protection, he would still have his son, the son of the leader of five hundred soldiers.

Whoever dares to touch the Gan family, even if he sends a dead soldier, Liu Feng will kill him.

But if he just killed Tang Song, Liu Feng didn't know if it would have such an effect.Because Xinye was under Liu Bei's control, Tang Song suddenly killed everyone.

Liu Bei might block the news, announcing that he just died suddenly.If this is the case, then it would be meaningless for Liu Feng to kill Tang Songliwei.

Anyway, it can be regarded as turning his face, and simply making things big.Liu Feng planned to hang Tang Song's body at the gate of the city, so that everyone in Xinye would not only know, but also see what happened to Tang Song.

There was a slight sneer on his lips, and Liu Feng's eyes were so cold.

At this moment, the main road in the city is not empty of people, but there are many people walking on the road.But the speed of Liu Feng and his party did not slow down.

Because of the pressure, the murderous aura emanating from the soldiers, as well as the blood-stained leather armor, made the passing pedestrians give way one after another.dare not approach.

In this state, the West City Gate soon appeared in Liu Feng's eyes.

Liu Bei has always paid attention to military preparations. Not only did he have a large number of troops under his rule, but even the city walls were extremely strong, with a height of three feet and a width of two feet.Can withstand tens of thousands of troops.

The city gate is naturally the top priority.The solemn city gate tower, the stalwart and solid female wall.And the soldiers who kept patrolling.There is a kind of tension.The left general Liu Bei ruled the tension in the city.

"May I ask which general is going to go?" A strong voice sounded from the gate of the city. Liu Feng looked up and saw an officer in armor. He was a tall man with a strong face.His eyes looked directly at Liu Feng, without any fear of the soldiers surrounding Liu Feng.

There were more than 2000 soldiers under Liu Bei's rule, of which [-] were miscellaneous soldiers, who were used to defend the city.But even miscellaneous soldiers are more powerful than Liu Biao's general army in Jingzhou.

The four city gates, of course, are commanded by four military princes.

Liu Feng knew that the west of the city was under Wei Yan's jurisdiction, and he didn't have much contact with this general who was praised or criticized by later generations.Because this person belongs to Liu Bei's confidant, he was already Liu Bei's trilogy when he was in Yuzhou.Do not rush to win over.

However, the two see each other from time to time.Not a stranger.

Since Liu Feng has seen Wei Yan, it stands to reason that Wei Yan should have seen him too.But Wei Yan still asked questions out of his mouth, calling him a general, which meant that Wei Yan was a rigorous person.

"I am the school lieutenant Liu Feng, and I am leaving the city by the order of General Zuo." Liu Feng raised his fist and replied loudly.

"Please, Colonel." Wei Yan nodded, and also greeted in a loud voice.Liu Bei never told Liu Feng to stop him from traveling, or to report it.Therefore, Wei Yan's actions above are just a formality.

"Before leaving the city, there is one more thing that must be asked of Wei Junhou, and please go down to the city to talk." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

To send Tang to hang at the gate of the city, it would be impossible without Wei Yan's help.

"Master Captain, please wait a moment." Wei Yan looked a little surprised, but without any doubts, nodded, got up and went down the city.

"May I ask if there is any need for Wei Yan, Captain?" After getting off the city, Wei Yan came to Liu Feng's carriage and asked respectfully.

"I was engaged in sending Litong Cao Cao in the Tang Dynasty. I ordered General Zuo to kill him. I also wanted to hang the corpse at the city gate as a warning to others. I have brought the corpse, and it is in the carriage. I also asked Wei Junhou for help. Hang up the corpse." Without talking nonsense, Liu Feng pointed to a carriage behind him and said.

Wei Yan was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at Liu Feng in disbelief.These days, rumors have almost swept the entire Xinye, and Wei Yan, who is in the army, has also heard about it.Judging by the situation, the major general is already in jeopardy.

Why is the situation suddenly changing now, and Tang Song, who had the upper hand, died here.But Liu Feng, who was at an absolute disadvantage, was able to save himself from danger.

This had to make Wei Yan suspicious, but he met Liu Feng's extremely calm gaze.Wei Yan didn't say what he doubted.If it is true that Tang sent him to communicate with foreign enemies, the young general was ordered to kill him.Wouldn't it be an offense for him to ask extravagantly.

Let's hang up the corpse first, and then send someone to ask General Zuo later.After several circles in Wei Yan's mind, he made a decision.

"No." Responding loudly, Wei Yan took the soldiers and carried the body sent by Tang to the city wall.Hanging the neck with a rope, hanging above the city gate.

Watching Wei Yan lead people to deal with Tang Song.Liu Feng's gaze didn't change a single bit, it was always as calm as water.Talking about the city, Liu Feng asked himself that no one could see anything wrong from his face.

Because Liu Feng knew that in order for Tang Song's body to be successfully hung on the top of the city, he had to have the courage to falsely pass orders and a city that could not be seen through.

It was not that there were no people passing by when Tang sent the corpse to the city gate, but the people were afraid to avoid it, and no one stood by and pointed and watched.

Liu Feng didn't take the opportunity to leave, but watched Wei Yan tie him up.Moreover, after returning to his carriage and returning to his command, Liu Feng raised his fist and said, "Thank you, Marquis Wei. I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead."

"My lord, go slowly." Wei Yangong said.

"Yeah." Liu Feng hummed softly, turned his head and gestured to Zhou Shun who was riding his horse, Zhou Shun understood, and the group set off again, slowly left the city gate, and headed straight to the west.

After watching Liu Feng and his party leave, Wei Yan gently recruited a trusted soldier and asked him to report to Liu Bei immediately.

Wei Yan didn't see anything wrong with Liu Feng's face.From the beginning to the end, Liu Feng was very calm and peaceful.But Wei Yan's caution made him decide to send someone to notify Liu Bei.

"It should be an illusion. In this situation, how dare he kill Tang Song and give false orders. If he really did this, it is doubtful that he is forcing himself to a dead end, and Xinye will have a place to live again from now on." Standing in the city Looking west, Wei Yan muttered to himself.

But there is still a shadow in Wei Yan's heart. Today, he may have missed something.

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