Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 108 The Famous Jinfan Thief

Linjiang Village is still that Linjiang Village, a small fishing village in the south of Du Island. (Apex novel hand-made novel) It is no different from the time when Liu Feng exterminated Zhou Shun and other water thieves.

The villagers fight at sunrise and return at sunset.Repeatedly.

Only the day before, a huge army of 600 people was stationed near the village, which completely disrupted the tranquility of the village.Those ferocious sergeants brought a great sense of oppression to the villagers.

When the villagers go out to fight dogs, they are also cautious, for fear of causing any trouble.

The weather is fine today.A group of soldiers marched to Linjiang Village. This group of soldiers was extremely imposing, and some of them were still stained with blood.They surrounded one of the carriages and moved forward slowly.

"It can be regarded as revisiting the old place, do you want to go in and have a look?" Inside the carriage, Liu Feng smiled and asked Zhou Shun who was riding the horse beside him.

Zhou Shun was the head of the village who lived in this village for many years after being expelled by Zhang Xiu.Although time is tight, Liu Feng doesn't mind Zhou Shun going to the village to visit again today.

"Forget it. Anyway, the wife and children are not in there anymore." Zhou Shun shook his head and declined Liu Feng's kindness.For Zhou Shun, the village brought him more pain.From a soldier to a water thief.

"Well, forget it." Liu Feng didn't force it, looked up at the military camp next to the village, and said in a deep voice, "Accelerate."

"No." Zhou Shun complied, and then passed on the order.The speed of the group immediately increased a lot.We soon arrived at the gate of the camp.

Zhang Dao at the gate of the camp, Xu Tian, ​​Chen Da, Zhang Gui and others stood there bowing down.On the way, Liu Feng kept sending scouts to contact here, so they all knew the exact time when Liu Feng came here.

We waited outside the camp gate early.

"My lord." When Liu Feng's carriage appeared, Zhang Dao and others bowed to Liu Feng together.

"There's no need to be too polite. How about contacting Gan Xingba?" Liu Feng waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be too polite.

"I have already contacted Gan Zhuangshi to provide us with three large ships and dozens of small boats for us to go south." Xu Tian came out and replied loudly.

The plan for Liu Feng's departure was very detailed.Among them, the role of Gan Ning is particularly important.Because Liu Feng was afraid that Liu Bei would regret it later and sent cavalry to intercept and kill him, he had to go by water. However, Liu Feng didn't have a boat, so he had to borrow it from Gan Ning, and then took the boat down to Changsha.

Gan Ning, I haven't seen you for several months, what's the matter?

Liu Feng had some expectations in his eyes. Today's situation is different. When he was lobbying Gan Ning that day, Liu Feng did not have a clear goal. He only thought of helping Liu Bei conquer the city and recruit generals.Today, however, he has already independently acted in the world, and his relationship with Xinye has almost been severed.

Even if he wanted to accept Gan Ning, it was for himself.At present, what Liu Feng needs to do is to accumulate strength, wait for the outbreak of the Battle of Chibi, and take the opportunity to seize the four counties and dozens of cities in southern Jing.Strengthen the forces to recapture the Gan family.

If that time really comes, the power must have expanded to a certain extent.Advisers and senior generals are indispensable.And Gan Ning is definitely the best among them, Liu Feng must recruit Gan Ning.

However, Liu Feng once said that if one day he commanded thousands of troops or controlled a county, he would recruit Gan Ning as a general.Liu Feng would not break his promise either.

When I take Jingnan in the future, I must come here with a letter.According to Gan Ning's temperament, he would definitely lead his navy to join him.

"Prepare the boat, I'm going to see Gan Ning." Liu Feng got up and got off the carriage, without any doubt.

"No." Chen Da accepted the order, and immediately went down to prepare the ship.

The southeast and southeast sides of Du Island are cliffs, and ships must enter from the northwest.After Liu Feng boarded the boat prepared by Chen Da, he immediately headed north.

Soon, Du Dao appeared in front of Liu Feng.The soldiers in charge of punting turned the bow of the boat and entered from the west gate.

On the solid Chamen, there is a big flag embroidered with the word "Jinfan" on the door, fluttering in the wind.Behind the door, soldiers were still patrolling vaguely.

It seems that it is no different from a few months ago, but Liu Feng knows that the defense of this island is completely different from a few months ago.

Gan Ning originally had [-] strong men, all weapons and weapons were complete.The combat effectiveness of the water bandits led by Zhang Gui and Zhou Shun is more than twice as strong as before.In the past few months, Liu Feng has continuously led his army to wipe out the water bandits returning to Zhou, which also promoted the strength of the Jinfan bandits.Today, Gan Ning has thousands of troops under his tent.

They continued to plunder Fancheng, Anzhong, Lushan, and even Nanyang in the north.It is said that Gan Ning's boldness is not blown out.Some of Cao Jun's Fuzhong were taken away by Gan Ning.Very brave.

This makes the name of Jinfan very famous in the north.

If it weren't for the fact that the navy was not good enough, it is estimated that Cao Ren would have personally led his troops to kill Gan Ning.

Although Liu Feng was unable to see Gan Ning and his army again, Liu Feng believed that Gan Ning's army became stronger after the fighting in the past few months.It is no different from ordinary elite soldiers.

If it is based in Jingnan, it is possible to use the water bandits of Gan Ning as the foundation to build a powerful water army of the famous Jinfan bandits in Chapter [-], and run across the Yangtze River to counter Cao's cavalry.

This is the first benefit that Liu Feng brought from Xinye.Without Liu Bei's constraints, he can imagine how to arrange defenses and how to build an army.

Jumping out of the small place of Xinye, he can do more than that.

While thinking about it, the boat slowly approached Chamen. "Who is coming?" From the arrow towers on both sides of the gate, a strong voice immediately came out, not only implicitly asking, but also carrying a strong warning.

"Tell your family leader that your old friend Liu Feng has arrived." Of course Liu Feng would not log in rashly, as it might cause unnecessary trouble, so he just stood at the bow of the boat and raised his fist and said loudly.

"It turned out to be Lieutenant Liu. Our leader has been waiting for a long time. Please." As the word "please" fell, the gate opened suddenly, and a pair of fully equipped water thieves rushed out.Line up on both sides to meet Liu Feng.

"Thank you." Liu Feng bowed slightly, and stretched out his hand to signal the boat to come over.The soldiers understood and immediately pulled the boat to the shore.The river was a little rough, but the soldiers in charge of the boat were very experienced, and they let the boat dock steadily.

When the boat docked, Liu Feng jumped off the boat and stepped onto the land of Du Island.

"My lord, please come inside." A burly man among the water thieves, who seemed to be the leader, bowed to Liu Feng and saluted.

"Please tell your leader, the strong man, that it's urgent and I won't go in. I'll wait for him here." Liu Feng shook his head and said apologetically.

Before he could judge whether Liu Bei would come to intercept and kill, Liu Feng didn't want to delay for a moment.If we went in to reminisce with Gan Ning, it would probably take another day.Very unfavorable.

"No." The pirate leader nodded when he heard the words, and then immediately turned and entered Du Island.

Seeing the water thief's agile behavior, Liu Feng smiled slightly, it seems that Gan Ning also issued a strict order, ordering the water thief not to neglect him.Otherwise, these rebellious water thieves would not be so well-behaved.

I couldn't help but look forward to meeting Gan Ning even more.

Gan Ning didn't keep Liu Feng waiting for a long time. Not long after the water thief leader left, he saw a heroic man in a brocade suit walking towards him not far away.

"Brother Xingba." Liu Feng laughed, stepped forward a few steps, and saluted.

"Young Master Liu." Gan Ning saw that his footsteps were even faster, he came around Liu Feng's body, and returned a salute.

"Hahahaha." The two looked at each other and let out hearty laughter in unison.

For Liu Feng, Gan Ning was bold and courageous by nature, but he was a general and he could make friends with him.For Gan Ning, Liu Feng was a wise man, and his words awakened him, making him feel at ease to station on Du Island, waiting for the right time.

The two of them cherished each other that day, and now that they have been away for several months, there is no estrangement between them.The appreciation for each other is still there.

Amidst the laughter, Gan Ning stopped first, looked at Liu Feng who was very open-minded, and sighed: "I have also heard about what happened in Xinye, young master. Now I see that young master is still open-minded, and Gan Ning is not as open-minded as before." .”

After Liu Bei and others' propaganda about Liu Feng, even Xiangyang already knew about it.Fei's family even replaced the prostitute daughter who was originally married with a concubine daughter.Du Island is so close to Xinye, Gan Ning has not only heard about it, but also knows it very well.

He was very angry about Liu Bei's ruthless method of eradicating his stepson immediately after he had a parent-child.He didn't believe that Liu Feng would have an affair with his adoptive mother at all, he believed in his own vision.She sympathized with Liu Feng leaving angrily.

"I don't need to mention the matter of Xinye. After borrowing a boat from Xingba today, I immediately set off for Changsha. From then on, I will decide whether it will rise or fall." Liu Feng waved his hand and said with a smile.

Seeing that Liu Feng was smiling all over his face, he wasn't pretending.Gan Ning could only say that he was open-minded.However, Gan Ning was also a little confused, seeing Liu Feng today, he had to clear up his doubts.

"Several months ago, you persuaded me to lead the army here and wait for the right time. But today, you want to lead the army south to join Liu Biao. I am really confused." Gan Ning asked, and then sincerely said: "Why don't you lead the army Here, you will be stationed on Du Island with me, waiting for the right time?"

"If the son is willing, I want to be the leader."

Gan Ning's words are sincere and come from the heart.Liu Feng was moved, but he had to shake his head and said, "Du Island is too close to Xinye, which is not good for me. What's more, Du Island is too small to use my fists."

"Does Xingba still remember what I said that day? In the future, you may lead thousands of troops, or take over a county. If you are trapped on Du Island, it will not work." After a pause, Liu Feng looked at the surging river with pride Qian Yun said.

If one can pick up the loopholes and rise from the opportunity, it is not only a land of one county, but also a land of four counties in Jingnan.

"But with the current situation of your son, it might be dangerous to meet Liu Biao." Looking at Liu Feng's heroic appearance, Gan Ning had to pour cold water on him.

The words did not explain, but it implied that Liu Feng had a reputation for having an affair with his adoptive mother, and if he went south to join Liu Biao, he might be killed.

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