Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 109 Leading the army to the south, approaching Changsha

"Although Liu Biao and Liu Bei are brothers, but because of Liu Bei's great reputation, he can only be used as a guard dog, so Liu Bei was accepted. Even if Liu Biao won't reuse me, he won't kill me either." Gan Ning's words were obvious enough, and Liu Feng no longer concealed them, calling him Liu Bei directly.

"Since you know that Liu Biao won't use you again, what are you going to do?" Gan Ning immediately sensed the meaning of Liu Feng's words, and asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter if you don't reuse it. I just want to be a leader and wait for the opportunity. Just like Xingba, you live on Du Island, I also want to put on the identity of General Liu Biao and hide. Hiding in the mountains." Liu Feng did not answer Gan Ning directly, nor could he answer Gan Ning.

But Liu Feng's self-confidence when he spoke, was exuded involuntarily.

Feeling this demeanor, the faint confidence exuding.The doubts and worries in Gan Ning's heart could not help but quietly dissipated.

"If Liu Biao can't accommodate you, please come to Du Island. The door of Du Island is always open for you." Gan Ning put away his words of persuasion, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice.

"If you're desperate, you won't be polite with Xingba." Gan Ning said this for the second time, Liu Feng thought about it, and if he didn't agree, it would hurt his relationship, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe." Seeing Liu Feng agreeing, Gan Ning let out a sigh of relief.

After laughing, Liu Feng turned his head to look at the surging river.To Gan Ning: "Actually, this time, I not only went to Xingba to borrow a boat, but also wanted to ask Xingba to help salvage a batch of iron armor in this river."

Liu Feng had long coveted the two hundred sets of iron armor sunk in the torrential river, but because Liu Bei might confiscate them, he could only look at them eagerly instead of salvaging them.Now that we have left Changsha today, without Liu Bei's restraint, there is no reason for these armored men to sleep in the river again.

"Iron armor?" Gan Ning asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, two hundred armors. It's what Zhang Xiu left behind." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll send people down to salvage immediately." Gan Ning nodded immediately without further questioning.

Immediately, Gan Ning ordered to beat the drums to gather the water thieves.And personally drove the stationed ship to salvage the island of Du.

In the surging river, hundreds of boats of different sizes float on the water.It's winter now, and the temperature of the river has dropped to a certain level.But this does not hinder these water thieves begging for food in the river.

One by one, shirtless, under the command of Suan Ning, they kept going into the water to check the condition of the armored armor.

However, the situation was not as simple as Liu Feng imagined. After half an hour, there were water thieves entering the water and emerging from the water, but no trace of those armored suits was found.

Zhou Shun would never lie to him.Where did this armor go?Liu Feng was a little anxious. In his plan, the combat power of the army accounted for a large proportion. The battle for conquering the city was not about resourcefulness, but about the army. Whoever had a strong army would be able to occupy more cities.Putting on iron armor will definitely make the army's combat effectiveness take off again.

Although many water thieves had been wiped out in the past few months, Mi Zhu gave him more than 1000 gold, which made Liu Feng able to use up to six thousand gold.I can barely buy five hundred pairs of iron armor, but iron armor is not something that can be bought just by buying it.

You are like Liu Biao, Cao Cao buys iron armor, will they sell it to you?Not at all.So these two hundred armors are very important to Liu Feng.

"Continue to look downstream." After another quarter of an hour, there was still no trace, and the water thieves who went down the river were already shivering from the cold, Liu Feng couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"En." Gan Ning understood, and ordered the boat to continue driving down.

If there were no more traces of those iron armors, Liu Feng would not let Gan Ning's water thieves take risks again. He had to wait for a day and go to the river tomorrow to salvage them.But for Liu Feng who was threatened by Liu Bei, waiting another day was not what Liu Feng wanted to see.

Fortunately, God still helped Liu Feng.After driving down for a certain distance, a water thief quickly appeared after entering the water, and shouted excitedly: "I saw the box at the bottom of the water."

Because of the cold, the water thief turned purple from the cold.

"All come up, drink some wine to warm up first, and then go down to salvage." Liu Feng and Gan Ning were overjoyed, and Gan Ning even laughed out loud, ordering.

"Thank you, Chief." Seeing that there was wine to drink, the water thieves cheered in unison, quickly returned to the boat, wiped off their bodies, and drank happily.

After watching the water thieves drink heavily, they immediately regained their spirits.Liu Feng couldn't help but praised: "These people under Xingba's tent are born to be sailors."

"If you can be a sailor, you can't be a water thief?" Gan Ning joked.

"Of course I can." Liu Feng laughed.Sailors and water thieves are just a letter difference, and they can be reversed at any time.Liu Feng's heart was full of smiles.

After drinking the wine, it warmed up for a while.Under Gan Ning's command, the water thieves went into the water again to salvage the iron armor.However, the process was unexpectedly difficult.

It was not as simple as Liu Feng imagined to salvage two hundred pairs of armor in the water.It took more than a dozen people to work together to salvage a box.It takes a lot of time.

"Come up, come up." When the first box was lifted up by the water thieves together and slowly moved onto the boat, the water thieves shouted loudly.

Liu Feng rushed to the bow of the ship with one stride.Xinhu looked at the salvaged box with great emotion. The box was black, big and heavy.In front of the box, there was a rusty brass lock.

According to Zhou Shun's description, there are two pieces of iron armor hidden in a box.Liu Feng calmed down for a moment, drew out the long sword at his waist, and split open the copper lock.Immediately opened the box eagerly.

The inside of the box was tightly wrapped with a layer of waterproof cloth, and Liu Feng quickly unwrapped the layer of cloth.The iron armor that had been sleeping underwater for several years appeared in front of Liu Feng.

The body armor is placed below, and the two helmets are above.They are all black with a faint light.Stretching out his hand to caress the helmet, a burst of coldness spread from his fingertips to his body.

"Good stuff." Liu Feng instinctively decided that this thing was a good stuff.It was not in vain that he thought about it day and night.

"It's the black iron armor on the upper floor." Gan Ning was calmer than Liu Feng, observed from the side, and confirmed softly.

This black iron armor is not an ordinary iron armor. To produce this kind of iron armor, black iron is needed, and it will not come out without fifty gold.In other words, these two hundred pairs of iron armor are worth no less than ten thousand gold.

"The battle in the future depends entirely on it." Liu Fengyin nodded with joy in his heart.

While talking, another box was salvaged by water thieves.This time it was Liu Feng who opened the box himself, but his expression was much calmer.After all, Liu Feng was not the kind of person who couldn't hide his emotions.He ordered someone to carry the box into the cabin, and then quietly waited for the salvage to end.

However, there are a hundred boxes, and it is very troublesome to salvage them.When the last box was salvaged by the water thieves, it was almost dark.

When Gan Ning returned with his large and small boats, the sky was already dark.

Outside Xicha on Du Island, Gan Ning was standing on the island, while Liu Feng was standing on the bow of the boat.Countless torches were lit all around to illuminate this small area.

"Can't you stay overnight?" Gan Ning asked with some reluctance on his face.

Although he was a water thief on Du Island, he came and went like the wind, and he wanted to rob whoever he wanted to save whoever robbed him.Live happily, but have few friends.Gan Ning really wanted to stay with Liu Feng for a few nights.

"It's better to go one step earlier." Liu Feng shook his head and refused.It was still the same idea, Liu Feng didn't want his own safety to be based on Liu Bei's judgment, and if he took one step earlier, he would be out of Liu Bei's sphere of influence earlier, which also meant safety.

"If that's the case, I won't keep you anymore. I hope to see you again in the future." Gan Ning was also open-minded. Hearing this, he put away the reluctance on his face, raised his fist and said loudly.

"I will see you again." Liu Feng said in a deep voice, his words were loud and powerful.For Liu Feng, when he saw Gan Ning again, it was the time when he led Jingnan to recruit Gan Ning as a general.

He cannot fail.Gan Ning must be seen again.

After a brief farewell, Liu Feng ordered the ship to set sail.Go to Linjiang Village and pick up hundreds of soldiers and horses to go south to Changsha.

The main trunk of the Yangtze River, Jiangxia area.

A huge fleet is slowly going upstream.This fleet consists of three large ships and dozens of small ships, stretching for hundreds of meters.

There is no banner, but soldiers wearing leather armor, holding spears, bows and arrows are enough to deter ordinary water thieves.

On one of the big boats, a man stood with a sword, his long hair fluttering in the breeze.Full of heroism.

"My lord, Xiakou is ahead. The area where Huang Zu and Sun Quan fought is very chaotic. There are often water thieves, and there are many big water thieves with hundreds of troops.

Be careful. "At some point, Xu Tian, ​​who was wearing thick clothes, came to Liu Feng's side and said softly.

"Blow the horn and order the soldiers to be alert." Liu Feng nodded and said.

"Promise." Xu Tian responded and walked into the cabin. After a while, a continuous sound of horns sounded, making the soldiers who were already very cautious even more cautious.

Listening to the sound of the horn, Liu Feng turned his gaze to the front.In front of this surging river, there is his destination, Changsha.

It has been ten days since they set sail from Du Island, and their fleet has arrived here smoothly.In a few days, we will arrive in Changsha.The birthplace of the Kou family.

Kou's ancestor was a hero in the Eastern Han Dynasty and was named Luohou.It has been passed down for hundreds of years. Although it has gradually declined, the position of Marquis has already been taken away.But the family status is not low.Absolutely no worse than Liu Bei, a clan member of the Han Dynasty.

Although Liu Feng is not the main branch of the family, he is more prominent among the side branches.In Changshaluo County, there are vast fields and a large number of domestic slaves.The only flaw is that Liu Feng's parents died early.

Even if his parents died early, Liu Feng was still the only heir in the family.Can inherit vast fields, house slaves.It stands to reason that such assets and influence are not small.There is no need to be someone else's son.

When thinking of this, in Liu Feng's memory, the figure of a man in his 40s emerged. This man is smiling all the year round and is very kind.

This man is Liu Feng's uncle, Liu Bi.I don't know what kind of consideration it was, when Liu Bei showed his love for Liu Feng and intended to accept him as his stepson.Liu Mi made the decision and adopted Liu Feng to Liu Bei.

Going to Changsha this time, Liu Fengyi wanted to take back Kou's fields, slaves, and wealth.Second, I also want to meet Liu Mi.

In my memory, Liu Mi was very kind to him. Liu Mi himself was born in the clan of the Han Dynasty, and the power in his family was not small.

If you can take back Kou's wealth, house slaves.Then ask for help from uncle Liu Mi, and the power will surely rise.Great for his plans.

Constantly accumulating power and wealth.Raise [-] soldiers and take back the Gan family.

"Mother, I hope you don't blame me for leaving without saying goodbye. Take good care of yourself and wait for me to come back." His hands tightly clenched the sword hilt at his waist, his fingers turned white, but Liu Feng still didn't realize it.I only said silently in my heart.

It's like a wanderer who goes out, always worrying about his mother's situation.Especially Gan's situation is not good, that old man Liu Bei almost doesn't take Gan's seriously.Liu Feng was very worried.The more you worry, the heavier it gets.The hatred for Liu Bei grew deeper.

In order to force his stepson away, the filthy stepson had an affair with his adoptive mother.Thanks to him for doing it.

"My lord, look ahead." Just as Liu Feng was thinking about Gan, a voice suddenly sounded from beside him.Liu Feng turned his head and took a look. It was the voice of a soldier.

Immediately, he looked up again.I saw a big boat floating in the river ahead. This boat was very luxuriously built, more than three times bigger than Liu Feng's big boat.And it's not a warship.At a glance, it is clear that it is a boat built by a wealthy family and goes out for fun.

However, at this moment, the ship seems to be in a little trouble.Because there are dozens of small boats floating near it.And there was a shout of killing.

"Water thief." These two words immediately appeared in Liu Feng's mind. Although Liu Feng had never seen water thieves looting in Jianghefeng, he had personally exterminated many water thieves.

I know that water thieves always use this kind of fast boat when they go out to plunder.Fast attack, fast escape.Coupled with the sound of shouting and killing, it should be suspicious of water thieves.

In the process of leaving, it is not advisable to cause extraneous problems.After apologizing to the owner of the big ship, Liu Feng ordered the soldiers to stay away from the ship.

But there was a voice in front of him, "The black water bandits in Dongting Lake are looting, and the idlers are waiting to die." Not only that, when Liu Feng and others did not answer, dozens of small boats on the other side Among them, half of them were immediately separated, and they attacked Liu Feng and others brazenly.

Even if the other party uttered bad words, Liu Feng had to avoid it in order to avoid complications.But the other party obviously didn't give Liu Feng the right to make a choice.

"Go up and defeat him." Liu Feng ordered, watching the dozens of ships attacking them blatantly.

"Promise." After a loud and clear promise, the soldiers quickly entered the cabin, and then there was a burst of earth-shattering drum beating.

Back then, Liu Feng trained his troops by exterminating water thieves.Although he is afraid of trouble now, it does not mean that Liu Feng is afraid of trouble.

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