Li Lie is the leader of the most powerful black water thief among the many water thieves in Dongting Lake. (Apex novel hand-made novel) Short stature, but very capable, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly, very fierce.

Li Lie has also been a water thief for ten years, although during these ten years, Liu Biao wiped out many water pirates.However, relying on the complex terrain of Dongting Lake, Li Lie survived.And the team is getting bigger and bigger.

Today there are 600 people.In the Dongting Lake area, among the more than ten branches of water thieves, they are relatively powerful.

Li Lie was cautious and rarely sent out looting.But every time it is dispatched, the target chosen is very large.What we believe in is not to open for three years, but to eat for three years after opening.

In the morning, some pirates reported that an unusually large boat passed by, and it seemed that the owner was playing on a boat.And what is even more astonishing is that there are no small boat escorts around the ship.Although there are guards, there should be less than a hundred people.

For water thieves, wealth is important, but ships are the first choice.A strong and huge ship is quite attractive to Li Lie.

Although going out to plunder, the big ship is useless.But against other water thieves, the big ship is very useful.

Coupled with such a huge ship, there should be some valuables inside.Many temptations made Li Lie choose to attack brazenly.

The situation went well. When they dispatched, the big ship wanted to speed up and choose to avoid it.But it was not as fast as their boats, and was eventually surrounded by their boats.

In the boarding battle, although they lost a lot of men and horses, they still boarded the ship.After a short hand-to-hand battle, seventy or eighty guards were quickly eliminated.

Just as Li Lie was about to count the harvest, a huge fleet suddenly appeared ahead of him.There are three big ships and dozens of small boats.Appears to be a regular army.

But there is no banner, it may be a caravan.Li Lie thought to himself, anyway, he voted once, so he made another vote.

He casually ordered half of the water thieves under him to intercept and kill them.It stands to reason that when dealing with caravans, their water thieves have a great advantage. Even if the opponent has many guards, they can easily take them down.

After resting his mind, Li Lie turned his head to look at the spoils.There are many trophies to wear, some valuable gold and silver items, and a lot of food.However, in Li Lie's opinion, the most precious thing is more than a dozen women.

That's right, woman.More than a dozen fair-skinned and pleasant-looking Jiangnan women.Feeling itchy for a while, Li Lie immediately turned around and entered the cabin.

This ship is very big, the so-called cabin is actually the ship building, there are three floors up and down.Dozens of rooms.The bottom room is very large, and it can be seen that the seat is the hall.

There are primary and secondary seats in the hall, one primary seat and four secondary seats.There is a screen behind the main seat, and straw mats are spread under the feet.There is also a scent in the air.

More than a dozen women were kneeling on the ground, some crying, some with pale faces.A few water thieves like wolves and tigers stood beside them, holding short knives, looking at these women with lustful eyes.

After entering the hall, Li Lie was immediately intoxicated by the fragrance. This should be the incense used by the nobles. It was passed down from the Western Regions, and the price is expensive.These water thieves are not entitled to enjoy it.

But no matter how refreshing the fragrance is, it is not as refreshing as a woman's.After closing his eyes and enjoying for a while, Li Lie put his eyes on the front.

Said it was the front, but actually only looked at a woman.One of the dozen or so women.Over the years, Li Lie has killed many people and robbed many women.Many of them are wives and young ladies from wealthy families.

It can be seen at a glance that among the dozen or so women, the others are maids, and only one of them is the madam.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, with fair skin and the charm of a Jiangnan woman, but with a slender figure and a hot figure.

A frenzied desire flashed in Li Lie's eyes. As a water thief who was born at the bottom and lived a life of licking blood on the edge of his knife all day, what could be more exciting than playing with a noble lady?

Especially this woman has the water spirit of the southerners and the tallness of the northerners.In Li Lie's eyes, she was a woman with big breasts and big buttocks.The desire in Li Lie's heart reached its peak in an instant.

Li Lie's strong desire made the beautiful woman feel something.Immediately she frowned, her status was respected, no one dared to look at her like that in the past.Now not only did he meet a water thief, but the water thief was also full of confusion.

"This strong man crossed the Yangtze River, and what he did was nothing but money." The beautiful woman calmed down, said, paused, and then said: "If the strong man can release the news that I was robbed, my family will definitely redeem it with gold." back."

The influence in the beautiful woman's family is unimaginable, but she did not threaten the water thief with words, knowing that water thieves are people who lick blood on the edge of a knife.But I really want to cry.

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Lie's eyes, and he put away his lustful eyes and looked up and down the beautiful woman, only to see that her expression was calm, without any sense of being robbed.

"Haha, you're really self-conscious." Li Lie let out a big laugh, and after laughing three times, Li Lie's face changed suddenly, and he said sarcastically, "But don't treat me as a young thief who just debuted. Just by looking at the boat, the guards, and you, a beauty, I can guess how powerful your family is. If you release the news that you have been kidnapped, you may face the encirclement and suppression of the government army."

As he said that, Li Lie smiled darkly and said, "How good it is now. I robbed the boat and you, a beauty. As long as I lead my troops to hide in Dongting Lake, no one will find me."

A trace of imperceptible anger flashed in the beautiful woman's eyes, and this idiot couldn't help but know that his death was imminent.If she lost a hair, even if this Dongting Lake is very big, she can't survive the siege of tens of thousands of navy troops.

However, she was angry in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.With this idiot's head, it's already too much to say.Putting on a threat or sneer will only kill you faster.

Thinking that these gang of water thieves could do anything, even with the calm temper of the beautiful woman, she couldn't help but shudder deeply.

"Hahaha, the beautiful woman has accepted her fate." Li Lie said happily with a laugh.He also stretched out his left hand, wanting to touch this Shuiling's face.

As Li Lie's hand approached, the beautiful woman's expression became colder and colder. She gritted her silver teeth and wanted to kill herself by biting her tongue to avoid being humiliated by this idiot.

But at this moment, the big ship shook violently.It appears that the two ships collided.

Caught off guard, Li Lie was immediately carried to the ground.Just like a dog eating shit, you can be as embarrassing as you want.However, he also had a thick skin, cursing and cursing: "****, what do those bastards do all day long. They can't do little things well."

I just thought it was an accident in my heart, and I didn't believe how powerful the combat effectiveness of those merchant ships would be.

"Boss, the idea is very strong. Most of the brothers have been killed." Until a middle-aged man broke in with a panicked expression, he said loudly.

"What?" There was a bang in Li Lie's mind, and it exploded.Most of his thieves were actually killed?This was impossible, even if a thousand Jingzhou navy came, Li Lie was confident enough to deal with them.But now he was killed by a group of merchant ships?

Have they encountered Jiangdong navy?

Of course the beautiful woman could hear the drum beating outside.But seeing Li Lie's calm expression earlier, she didn't have any hope in her heart.But now listening to the conversation between the two, someone actually killed the water thief.

The beautiful woman was overjoyed, but she didn't show it, she just looked forward calmly.

"Go out and have a look." After Li Lie was shocked, he managed to calm down. He shouted at the middle-aged man who came to report the news, and rushed out immediately.

After rushing out of the hall, Li Lie felt his eyes light up. After getting used to it for a while, looking at the surrounding situation, he could only feel the roaring sound in his head.

This, what is the situation?Just for a moment, just for a moment.

I saw that the big boat they set up was surrounded by small boats, some belonged to the pirates themselves, but more of them were small boats that Li Lie thought were protecting merchant ships. The two sides were fighting each other, but the situation was almost one-sided.Those soldiers who did not carry banners but wore leather armor and held spears were all very brave.

What's more important is that the three merchant ships of the other party are showing a brazen posture at this time, and two of them hit the belly of the big ship they were standing on with their bows.

The violent shaking just now must have been caused by this.

My God, is this a caravan?This is probably more sturdy than Jiangdong's navy.Look at those soldiers, not only outrageous, but also strong and muscular.

"Boss, what should we do?" The middle-aged man standing next to Li Lie asked in horror with a pale face.

To say that they are also very famous in this area, the reputation is illustrious.But I have never encountered such a situation before, it is simply overwhelming.

In fact, Li Lie's first thought when he saw this situation was to run away. Although this would ruin his dignity, at least he could survive.

But looking at the surrounding situation, Li Lie quickly dismissed this idea.Defeated like a mountain is not enough to describe their side.

The water thieves around are decreasing sharply.The sharp drop in water thieves made it more difficult for the enemy to escape with more soldiers.

With a smile on his face, Li Lie raised his fist and pointed in the direction of the three big ships, and greeted loudly: "May I ask which general is here, can you meet me?"

At this moment, the sound of the drums vibrated, but Li Lie's words reached Liu Feng's ears clearly.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Liu Feng looked at the water thieves who were constantly being thrown into the water or chopped up by the soldiers.In fact, I was a little excited and didn't want to cause extra branches, but this branch still grew out.

Anyway, he wanted to accumulate strength, so he simply subdued this water thief as well.

Heartbroken, Liu Feng ordered Zhou Shun next to him, "Come closer."

"No." Zhou Shun nodded, and immediately ordered people to pull the boat over.

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