Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 111 Not Afraid of Threats

With an order, the big boat where Liu Feng was on slowly approached. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Li Lie looked a little nervous, he recklessly hijacked a general's fleet today, if the general is easy to fool, it's fine, if he is not easy to fool, I'm afraid he will have to confess his 100 jin here.

However, Li Lie was overjoyed immediately after the few people who got off the other party's boat. Although there were strong fingers and scribes among them, the most brilliant one was Liu Feng who was surrounded by everyone.

However, the brilliance in Li Lie's heart is a little different from what most people think. Although his face is full of heroism and his figure is tall and straight, he is not crowned, which means he is under twenty, which is so confusing.

"It's you who want to see me?" After stepping into the big ship, Liu Feng also looked at Li Lie at a glance. Although Li Lie's eyes dodged, his sturdy aura rushed towards him, and he was considered a desperado.He smiled slightly at the moment and asked.

"It's the little one." Li Lie nodded and bowed.

This small action fell into Liu Feng's eyes, but it made his evaluation of Li Lie greatly diminished.Both are water thieves, but the biggest difference between Zhou Shun and Zhang Gui and this person is that they are not afraid of death.If there are heroes among water thieves, then Zhou Shun and Zhang Gui are among the heroes, and this person in front of him can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

"Since you opened your mouth to see me, you are begging for mercy. Tell the people outside you to stop and arrest them all." Liu Feng said without giving Li Lie any face.

In troubled times, speak with strength.Without a word, the fellow came up and robbed his fleet.If it weren't for his powerful army, the situation of the two of them would have been reversed today.

Therefore, Li Lie deserves no sympathy.

"This." Li Lie's complexion changed, and he secretly groaned in his heart. Unexpectedly, this young general seemed to have no hair, but his actions were not ambiguous at all.Originally, what he meant was He Jie, but under Liu Feng's words, he begged for mercy.

Today, he provoked a general who has such a powerful army and is unambiguous.What a disaster.If I knew this earlier, I would just let them go.

Regret in my heart, timid.However, Li Lie also traveled across the Yangtze River for several years, enjoying himself happily.How can you catch him without a fight?No matter what, I have to struggle to the death.

After secretly making up his mind, the expression on Li Lie's face suddenly changed, and his slightly curved spine straightened instantly.Looking at Liu Feng with piercing eyes, he raised his fist and said in a deep voice: "We meet on a narrow road today. Although our side is in decline, we are not without strength. .”

This remark is tyrannical on the surface, but it actually tastes like begging for mercy.

If ordinary people listened to it, they might really let Li Lie go.After all, a general will cherish his soldiers.But Liu Feng was different. He used to specialize in recruiting water thieves to train soldiers, and he was very skilled in exterminating water thieves.In addition, Li Lie had nothing to provoke him, so he didn't take the opportunity to accept him, he was really sorry for himself.

"I'll give you three breaths of time. Surrender, or fight to the death. If you surrender, I'll surround you to survive. If you choose to fight to the death, I'll wave my hand, and my soldiers will smash you to death first." Liu Feng didn't have time to argue with this person, With a wave of his hand, he said coldly.

As if cooperating with Liu Feng, Zhou Shun beside him immediately drew out the dagger from his waist, and led a few sturdy soldiers to meet him, as if they would fight if they disagreed.

The fierce aura coming towards him, Liu Feng's young but upright aura made Li Lie even more afraid to act rashly.The three breaths of time gave Li Lie a great sense of oppression, and it can be said that he didn't give him any chance at all.

He can't compete with others in terms of strength, and he can't fool Liu Feng.

"Stop, all brothers of the Blackwater Thief stop." Li Lie clenched his fists tightly, and when he yelled this sentence, his lips were chapped and his face was full of regret.

Now in this water area, although Liu Feng's men had the overall upper hand, there were also quite a few water thieves who were brave and ruthless.Seeing that he was surrounded by Liu Feng's army, he immediately aroused the murder weapon in his heart.It's almost a battle of the trapped beasts.Zhang Gui, who has rich experience in leading the army, has secretly ordered the soldiers to take protecting themselves as the top priority.

There is no need to sacrifice too much for the trapped beast.

Now, with Li Lie's words, all the water thieves in the Blackwater Thieves lost their viciousness in an instant. After looking at each other, many people put down their weapons.

Zhang Gui, who commanded the soldiers to fight in one of the small boats, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the soldiers to go up and collect the weapons.

However, there are also true outlaws among water thieves.When faced with the surrender of the chieftain, not a few jumped into the Yangtze River to escape.

It is midwinter now, and the water temperature is very low, so there is no need for the soldiers to take the risk of chasing and killing these slippery fish.So Zhang Gui did not order the pursuit.

The shouting and killing around had gradually stopped, and even without looking, one could know what was going on below.

With a long sigh, Li Lie also put down the weapon in his hand, knelt down to Liu Feng and said, "Young Li Lie, who do you want to be a general with. Please, general, please spare your life."

"Don't die around you, go down and appease your people, and follow my fleet to the south later." Liu Feng has no hobbies for bloodthirsty. Generally, when others ask for mercy, they will let it go as soon as they can.It is also a human life, and it can increase strength to some extent.

And Liu Feng is not afraid that this kid will be weak and turn his back on the battlefield in the future.His army, the most important thing is discipline.With Zhou Shun in the army, he is not afraid of poor training.

"Thank you, General." Li Lie and the middle-aged man beside him were overjoyed and kept saluting to Liu Feng.

However, at this moment, there was a muffled groan from the other side of the cabin, and a voice that roared like a thunderbolt rang out, "Hmph, you are crazy, chief, if you don't do good water thieves, Surrendered to the army."

He had just saved his life, but something disrupted the situation.How could Li Lie not be angry in his heart, if there was such a chance, could I let the water thief do nothing and surrender to the officers and soldiers?

You are the one who said that because he didn't see how tough this group of officers and soldiers are.

Li Lie knew who this person was by hearing the voice, it was the water thief leader who he stayed in the hall just now and was in charge of guarding.He was also his confidant, but he turned his back on him now.

Li Lie suddenly turned his head, and saw Zhang Dahai resting on the beautiful woman's arm with one hand and holding a short knife around the beautiful woman's neck in the other.There are several steel knives stained with blood behind him, all of them are fierce water thieves.

"Zhang Dahai, you are crazy, hurry up and put down your weapon." Li Lie said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Put down your weapons? Think of me as you, foolishly surrendering to the officers and soldiers. It's not like you don't know what kind of guys the officers and soldiers are. I don't know how many water thieves have been wiped out by the officers and soldiers over the years. Have you seen them after surrendering?" Can he really survive?" Zhang Dahai sneered and sarcastically asked.

Of course Li Lie knew this. Jingzhou had many water systems, and dozens of water thieves were perfunctory.Especially in the Dongting Lake area, the water system is complicated, and thousands of water thieves are hidden.For the disaster, all the water thieves captured in the battle became the souls of the sword, and the officers and soldiers were spared in order to establish their prestige.

But it also depends on the situation. Now resistance is death, and there is still a glimmer of life if there is no resistance.

"Put down the knife." Li Lie said in a deep voice, although Li Lie looked like a soft-footed shrimp in front of Liu Feng's absolute power, but in front of all the water thieves, Li Lie was still the leader of the thieves.When speaking, there is a sense of majesty.

Liu Feng looked at it and nodded secretly.

"I won't let you die." But the man named Zhang Dahai in front of him had already eaten the weight and made up his mind. He said in a cold voice, and turned his gaze to Liu Feng.

"Are you a general? Look at the person in my hand. It is definitely the wife of a dignitary in Jingzhou. If it is true, let us leave a boat. If it is not true, I will kill her. Afterwards , You will definitely not end well." It was a sentence of threats, and his eyes were fixed on Liu Feng for a moment.Vicious and unusual.

This beautiful woman had already attracted Liu Feng's attention when she appeared.A beautiful face, and a curvy body are second to none.The sharp short knife rested on the fair neck of this beautiful woman, and the cold light on the blade and her fair neck reflected each other, forming a strong temptation.

There is also a beautiful woman, even with a knife resting on her neck, she did not show any signs of panic.There is still the noble air of a lady.

Based on this, Liu Feng believed what the water thief said.This must be the wife of a high-ranking official, and she is not just an ordinary high-ranking official.Her husband's family should be one of the top noble families in Jingzhou.

However, although Liu Feng has a mild temper, he can't stand the threat of others the most.Tang Song threatened him, and he eradicated it himself.And now this water thief is even more unpopular than Tang Song.

How could Liu Feng be threatened by him, not to mention that Liu Feng was not afraid of those Jingzhou gentry, and secondly, he was not a man who couldn't sell his feet when he saw a beautiful woman.

"Just now I gave your leaders two choices, now I give you two choices, one is to put down the steel knife in your hand and surrender, and the other is to kill on the spot." Liu Feng said coldly, unmoved.While speaking, Liu Feng put his right hand behind his back and made a certain gesture. After a soldier saw it, he immediately jumped back to their own boat without saying a word.

After a while, the soldier led more than a dozen archers, set up a strong bow, and pointed the arrows that shone with dim light, pointing directly at Zhang Dahai.

Zhang Dahai's heart was horrified by the words without any flinching, and the more direct approach of the dozen or so archers.

In fact, their threats are also out of fear of the officers and soldiers.Afraid that the other party will kill them afterwards.Therefore, when Li Lie made the sound of surrender, the brothers gathered together and immediately set up this beautiful woman, wanting to bargain with Liu Feng.But unexpectedly Liu Feng didn't care about their threats at all.Zhang Dahai immediately lost his mind, his eyes dodged a little.

Liu Feng's words and his deeds.Not only did Zhang Dahai and the others startle, but the beautiful woman who remained calm all the time shrank her pupils, and the look of shock disappeared in a flash.

She didn't expect that the young man in front of her was so courageous, with a heart as cruel as a blade

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