However, the beautiful woman is also a person who is used to the scene. Regardless of her own safety, she appreciates Liu Feng's decisiveness in the current situation. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

I don't know which gentry's son in Jingzhou this leading general is.

As far as people are concerned, beautiful women are also very conceited. Liu Feng has no arrogance in his body, coupled with his good appearance, and the light cultivation brought about by years of reading, she naturally guessed that Liu Feng is a nobleman children.

It's just that the rude behavior of Zhang Dahai next to him made the beautiful woman have to withdraw her scrutiny.

"Do you really think I dare not kill her?" Zhang Dahai's expression was agitated, and the hand holding the knife trembled a little.Yelled at Liu Feng.

However, this loud roar, in Liu Feng's ears, contained more fear.It just maintained its superficial strength.

"I'll repeat it again, is it surrender or a fight to the death?" Liu Feng was unmoved at all, and just repeated his previous words coldly.

Zhang Dahai's hands trembled even more when he heard the words, and when he didn't pay attention, he exerted a little force.

The beautiful woman only felt a chill on her neck, followed by a pain.However, she, who was calm by nature, still didn't make the slightest move.There is no sense of being a hostage.

However, Liu Feng's heart tightened when he saw the red line on the beautiful woman's neck.Although he hated other people's threats, he didn't want this beautiful woman to die before his eyes.

After all, he will have to stay in Jingzhou for the next two or three years. The status of this beautiful woman is not simple. If she dies, it will be somewhat troublesome.

"I'm not a general of Jingzhou, but a lieutenant under General Liu Bei of the left. I have no contact with the major clans in Jingzhou. Don't waste your energy. Put down your knife." Although his heart was tense, Liu Feng remained firm on the surface, and said coldly. road.

Of course he was not explaining, but waiting for an opportunity.Because of this news, the defense line of the water thief leader in front of him might be destroyed in an instant.

You threatened me with the lives of nobles in Jingzhou, but I am not from Jingzhou at all, what can you do to me?With such a meaning.

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Feng's words came out of his mouth, the horror in Zhang Dahai's eyes could no longer be concealed, and the fierceness instantly replaced it.The few companions around him also lost their minds for a moment.

"Do it." With a flash of determination in his eyes, Liu Feng shouted loudly.

"What?" Everyone, including Zhang Dahai, was stunned when they heard the word "hands-on" that Liu Feng yelled instantly, and the steel knife in their hands was unstable for a while.He didn't respond either.

"Swish, swish." At this moment, more than ten arrows flew towards him. "Pu Chi, Pu Chi." With such a fast speed, the iron arrow was inserted into the necks and upper bodies of these water thieves very smoothly.

"Ah." Zhang Dahai and the other water thieves only had time to let out a scream before falling down in response.After falling to the ground, the arrows on his body were still trembling.

Originally, this small fight showed Liu Feng's determination and the city's government.

But Liu Feng didn't feel any complacency in his heart, and even felt a little embarrassed.Because of that immortal arrow, one of them stuck in the shoulder of that beautiful woman.

"Hum." Hearing a huff, the beautiful woman also covered her shoulders when the water thieves fell to the ground, and almost fell to the ground.

Although he forced himself to stand, his face was pale and cold sweat dripped down unceasingly.That delicate look made the beautiful woman lose her previous arrogance and aroused pity.

"Cough, come here, draw out the arrow for Madam and treat the injury." Liu Feng smiled awkwardly and waved his hand.

"Promise." With a promise, the doctor who came with the army immediately came to the beautiful woman with a wooden box, intending to pull out the arrow and bandage the wound for the beautiful woman.

"Wait." But just when the doctor's hands were about to touch the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulders, the beautiful woman cried out in pain, then raised her head to look at Liu Feng and said, "Come here."

"Me?" Liu Feng was stunned, pointing at himself and said, "I'm not very good at it."

Immediately, Liu Feng frowned and said, "Don't pick and choose, quickly pull out the arrow and bandage it to avoid getting sick."

But it could be seen that when the doctor's hands were about to touch her, the displeasure in the beautiful woman's eyes flashed away.

In other words, the doctor who accompanied the army was recruited by Liu Feng in every possible way. He is very good at dealing with trauma and other injuries, but his appearance is really unflattering. If the elders are injured, it is nothing to ask him to treat them.But making her a woman is indeed a little bit.

Moreover, Liu Feng only now remembered that the person in front of him was a woman, and after pulling out the arrow, he had to undress her, bandage her up, and let a man come, which was really embarrassing for her.

"Find a maid over here." Liu Feng turned around and said.

"Well, my lord, ordinary maids don't even have the strength to pull out arrows, let alone bandages." The doctor was also very embarrassed, but he still reminded aloud.

"Why don't you just feel wronged, madam, and let me, a doctor, bandage you up." Liu Feng persuaded softly, if his men hadn't shot her, Liu Feng wouldn't bother to take care of her right now.

But although the beautiful woman was already sweating profusely from the pain, she stubbornly bit her lip and didn't reply.In fact, she was also suffering. She didn't hate the doctor's appearance, but she couldn't stand the doctor's hands, which were dark, thin, and full of wounds.Thinking of such a hand, touching her, this feeling may be worse than death.

Seeing this beautiful woman's resolute expression, Liu Feng felt a little admired in his heart.Because he could see that the look of this beautiful woman was not pretending, but that she was really not afraid of death.

Unlike ordinary superficial women, on the one hand, she hates the doctor's appearance, and on the other hand, she fears death.

"I'm not an expert in this way, don't cry for pain later." Liu Feng's eyes flashed, and he said.

"Follow me." The beautiful woman nodded without any fear, with her hands still covering her shoulders, and staggered towards the boat building.

"Find a maid over here. By the way, clean up here, pack up all the corpses, and salvage all the floating corpses in the river." Liu Feng ordered Zhou Shun, and then glanced at the doctor standing aside in embarrassment , sighed, took the wooden box from him, and followed inside.

Very decisive general.That beauty is so beautiful that she doesn't even bat an eye when shooting.

After Liu Feng left, Li Lie let out a long breath.You know, he took a long breath just now.Liu Feng was not threatened, and when he resolutely shot Zhang Dahai and others at the risk of shooting the hostages, he was terrified and thankful at the same time.

Fortunately, of course, it was because he did not choose to threaten Liu Feng. You must know that the idea of ​​pulling that beautiful woman to threaten Liu Feng also flashed in Li Lie's mind, and finally gave up because he felt that it was impossible.

Fortunately, fortunately.He shouted in his heart to be thankful, but Li Lie looked at Zhang Dahai who was lying in a pool of blood, and felt cold again, feeling terrified.

"Still following?" Suddenly, Zhou Shun said coldly.

"No, promise." Li Lie shook his head and kept nodding his head.He rushed out to help Zhou Shun and the others appease the Blackwater thieves.

In the hall, it was very tragic. The dozen or so maids were all lying in a pool of blood.Just now Zhang Dahai and others wanted to threaten Liu Feng with a beautiful woman, but they caused trouble for other women, so they were cruel and killed them all.

Among them, there is also a personal maid who has followed the beautiful woman for more than ten years.As she walked by, the beautiful woman couldn't help but pause for a moment, her eyes flickered with sadness.

Seeing this, Liu Feng, who followed in later, also had a cold look in his eyes, and said to Zhang Dahai and others in his heart that he deserved death.

The beautiful woman paused in the hall, then walked in through a small door on the left side of the hall.Liu Feng followed closely.

After passing through the small door, there is a room, which looks like a bedroom.There is a bed and a dresser.There are even bathrooms.Liu Feng glanced slightly.

"Do it." At this time, the beautiful woman was already lying on the bed, seeing Liu Feng looking at her bedroom, her shame and annoyance flashed away, but when she thought about waiting, the man in front of her would have to undress her.My heart was immediately replaced by Nai, and said softly.

"Yeah." Liu Feng nodded and walked over.

Walking to the bed, Liu Feng put the wooden box beside him, and sat down on his knees.Glancing at the arrow on the shoulder of the beautiful woman, he opened the box and found a pair of scissors.

"Offended." Liu Feng said in a deep voice, picked up the scissors very neatly, first cut off the arrow, and then, the scissors quickly cut off the clothes near the wound, including the left sleeve .

When the sleeve was taken off, a burst of white light flashed, and a white and tender jade arm appeared in Liu Feng's eyes.

The jade arm was raised up, revealing half of the fragrant shoulders. In addition to the blood still flowing out, a section of red line connecting the edge of the apron was clearly visible.On the left side, it is the plump breasts rising and falling with the beautiful woman's breathing.The end is delicious.

Of course, Liu Feng could not be a student, but he just glanced over and turned his attention to the wound.He frowned immediately, the arrow was almost completely penetrated into the flesh, and when he pulled it out, there might be a lot of blood, not to mention that he didn't know if the bone was hurt, if it hurt the bone, there was nothing he could do fixed.

"Madam, is it true that the doctor is not allowed to come and take a look?" Liu Feng couldn't help but added, "The so-called doctor's parents' heart, why bother about his appearance?"

"Of course I know that doctors are people who save lives. How could I hate him. It's just that those hands are too unsightly." The beautiful woman had already closed her eyes, waiting for Liu Feng to make a move.Hearing Liu Feng's words, he couldn't help opening his eyes, and said naively.Immediately, his eyes shifted, and he said mockingly: "I didn't see you just now, why do you feel sorry for the fragrance and cherish the jade?"

Thinking of the more than ten arrows flying towards her just now, the beautiful woman was so calm, she couldn't help but tremble.

The words were full of sarcasm, but to Liu Feng's ears, it was full of meaning to let him do it.Coupled with the loss of reason, Liu Feng will be left to her.

"Endure it." Liu Feng tried his best to make his tone gentle. His hand should have been pressing on the injured man's chest, but Liu Feng moved a little, trying to stay away from the plump left breast of the beautiful woman.

Press it down, and the moment he touched it, Liu Feng only felt the beautiful woman's body tremble slightly.But his attention was not concentrated here, and he held the severed arrow with a serious face.

Immediately, he pulled it out decisively.

"Huh." The so-called skin-to-skin kiss, in fact, although Liu Feng was far away from her chest just now, his fingers still pressed it slightly. When the beautiful woman shook her body, her face immediately turned red.But Liu Feng pulled out the arrow decisively, making her face turn pale in an instant, and she let out a muffled groan.

Liu Feng didn't have time to talk to her, because he had already realized that he had made a mistake.Looking at the wound that was gushing blood because the arrow was pulled out.Liu Feng smiled wryly, forgetting to prepare trauma medicine first.

However, although he has never done this, as a captain, he was injured several times and was treated by doctors.He still knows what trauma medicine looks like.

So he rummaged through the wooden box a little clumsily, found a bamboo tube, opened it, and immediately sprinkled the medicine powder inside on the wound.

The trauma medicine was very effective, and the bleeding stopped immediately after being poured on it.But also exciting.The scorching pain made the beautiful woman twitch all over, and her complexion was even more pitiful.

Seeing this, Liu Feng could only smile wryly, he was really not very good at it.If the doctor was here, it wouldn't be so painful.

At this time, a maid came in from the outside.It should be sent by Zhou Shun.With a basin of water and towels.

"Come here and wipe the blood for this lady." Liu Feng ordered, and then stood up.

"Yes." The maid obediently responded, holding the basin, wet the towel, and wiped the blood for the beautiful woman.

At this moment, the severe pain has passed, and the beautiful woman's body gradually calmed down.But there was a lot of sweat on his face.After wiping the blood, the maid conveniently wiped the cheeks of the beautiful woman.

After the maid was finished, Liu Feng ordered her to wait beside her, then knelt down and took out some tapes from the wooden box, preparing to bandage the beautiful woman.

I just encountered another difficulty. It is really difficult to bandage the wound on the shoulder. It must be passed through the armpit and then circled around.

"Ma'am, I've offended you." Liu Feng said apologetically, first he gently lifted the beautiful woman's body to let her sit down, and then raised his arm for her.

The fingertips are ringed, but it is smoother than it.The wound has basically been treated, and Liu Feng's tense heart has relaxed.

Then he noticed the touch of his fingertips, which was smooth and soft, which made Liu Feng pause slightly.

This meal made the beautiful woman's pale face suddenly flush with two blushes.But his eyes were full of anger.

"Hurry up." He couldn't help saying.

He just paused for a moment, this woman is really sensitive.Liu Feng's face is not yet kind, taking advantage of an unknown woman.He was just a little distracted, and now the beautiful woman said something.Immediately withdrew his mind and began to bandage.

It's just that the bandage must be rigorous, and it has been circled three or four times.It doesn't work if you don't take advantage of it.But if Liu Feng didn't have to pause this time, he would never miss the beautiful woman's skin like jade.

The beautiful woman could also feel that while the blush on her face was getting redder, the embarrassment in her eyes had quietly dissipated a little.

It was finally wrapped up.When Liu Feng made a knot in the bandage and then cut it off with scissors.Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.During this moment, not only must bandage be bandaged, but also be careful so as not to be misunderstood.This hand is more sour than practicing swords.

"Change clothes for Madam." While breathing a sigh of relief, Liu Feng immediately ordered the maid, and then quickly put the tools back into the wooden box, and walked out.

"Thank you for saving me." A slightly weak voice sounded from behind.

"You don't need to thank me, but you have suffered a lot of wronged crimes." Liu Feng smiled bitterly and turned back.

Listening to Liu Feng's words, the beautiful woman couldn't help thinking of Liu Feng's clumsy behavior just now.She couldn't help but smile, but that's not what she wanted to say.

If it weren't for Liu Feng, not only would her life be in danger, but her reputation might also be ruined.It doesn't matter if her life is in danger, but her death will definitely cause a series of changes. I'm afraid her natal family will suffer a lot if it doesn't plummet.

"Actually, this time I asked you to be a captain to bandage my wound. It's really me, it's me. Thank you." Originally, I wanted to say the word arrogant, but when I thought that I was no longer a girl, the beautiful woman couldn't help but stop. , just say thank you again.

In fact, this is also a common problem of women.The so-called love of beauty is in everyone.Women see men the same way, the healer has an ugly face, and a pair of thin, black hands full of wounds.Compared with Liu Fengyingwu's appearance.Anyone would be arrogant and choose to let Liu Feng bandage her wound.

Liu Feng blushed a little, but he gave the order to do it.

"You're welcome." After only one word, Liu Feng hurried out.This thank you is really well deserved.

After Liu Feng left, the beautiful woman stood up, pointed to the maid, pointed to a cabinet beside her and said, "There are some changes of clothes over there."

"Yes." The maid answered with a low eyebrow and took out a green dress.The clothes are soft and thick in the hands, not clothes that ordinary small families can wear.

However, this maid was also served by Huan'er's side.Nor is it the maid of a small family.Naturally, he put the clothes aside, and immediately began to undress the beautiful woman.

When the obscene clothes were finally undone, a seductive and gentle body was exposed in the air.

Wrapped in a big red bellyband, the majesty that is about to emerge.Pink snow back.And a flat and delicate waist.Show the beauty of women.

Unfortunately, this beauty is still wrapped in the room.The maid is also a woman, but she never knew about this, she just quickly started to dress the beautiful woman, and soon wrapped up this beautiful body tightly.

When the maid fastened the belt for the beautiful woman, the task of undressing and undressing was considered complete.The maid stooped to leave.

"Is your lieutenant's surname Liu?" The beautiful woman suddenly opened her mouth and asked.

"Yes." The maid hesitated for a moment before replying.She also knew that Liu Feng was on the run now, and she needed to be cautious in everything.However, considering that Liu Feng personally drew the arrow to heal the lady, the maid hesitated for a moment, but said it anyway.

"Go back." The beautiful woman nodded and said.

"No." The maid bowed and walked out after hearing the voice.

"Liu Feng? He doesn't look like a lustful person who would have an affair with his adoptive mother." After the maid left, the beautiful woman shook her head and said softly with a trace of thought on her face.Immediately, with a playful look on his face, he said to himself: "You really are cruel Liu Daer."

But based on Liu Feng's character, she guessed whether the rumors from Xinye were true or not.And discern all right from wrong. (

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