After Liu Feng treated the beautiful woman's wound and walked out, the outside world was very different. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The dozen or so maids in the hall have been taken away, and even the blood on the ground has been wiped clean.After leaving the hall, Liu Feng came to the bow.Looking around, I saw small boats floating around, disturbing the corpses in the river, and transporting them to the riverside.

In this battle, from the scene, Liu Feng won a big victory.An overwhelming victory, but still lost some troops.This can be seen from the figure in leather armor in Jiang Zhong's corpse.The corpses of the soldiers will also be dealt with in the same way.Brought to the river to be buried.

In the end, it was still an extra problem, and the loss of manpower that could not have been lost was lost.Sighing, Liu Feng thought.

But when he thought that he could recruit a team of water thieves with hundreds of people, Liu Feng couldn't help being excited again.A few days ago, didn't you just want to make Deng Ai a military marquis and let him completely join the army?Right now, we have all the staff.

Liu Feng stood for a while, and Xu Tian appeared beside him.

"My lord, the casualties have been counted. We have a total of five people killed in battle and 30 people injured." Xu Tian paused, and then said: "There are 180 five people who survived from the water bandits. Most of them are wounded. .”

Only five people were killed.This number made Liu Feng overjoyed.His soldiers were only more than 500 soldiers, and each one was very precious. It is really fortunate that only five people were killed in a small fight.

"The wounded should be taken care of carefully, including those water thieves." After being overjoyed, Liu Feng recalled that in this era, the wounded are also very troublesome, and they will die at any time, so he couldn't help telling.

"Promise." Xu Tian nodded. He still had things to do. After agreeing to the promise, he clasped his fists together and left quickly.

When everything was settled, Zhou Shun, Zhang Gui, and Li Lie all came to Liu Feng's side.Chen Da was in charge of security and did not participate in the finishing work.

"My lord, everything has been dealt with properly." After the three of Zhou Shun came to Liu Feng's side, they bowed.Even Li Lie clasped his hands together, looking decent.

"Yeah." Liu Feng hummed softly, then turned his attention to Li Lie.

Facing Liu Feng's gaze, Li Lie quickly lowered his head to show respect.At the same time, he felt his heart was about to jump out.

It's time, it's time.It was time to decide his fate, if Liu Feng did something wrong, he would have his head cut off.If Liu Feng kept his promise, he would survive.

"Since you have defected to me, I will not treat you badly. For the time being, I will let you be the Dubo in charge of 50 people. However, there is one sentence I will say first. Our army has strict discipline. If you do not observe military discipline, you will be severely punished." , If you fail to fight, you will be killed and pardoned. You have to remember." The closer to the end, Liu Feng's voice became more and more stern.

The rules are up front, and it will be easy to start in the future.Anyway, Liu Feng's army wanted soldiers, not cowards.

Liu Feng's stern voice fell into Li Lie's heart, like honey, frighteningly sweet.This means that this lord keeps his promise, if he doesn't kill the prisoners, he won't kill the prisoners.His life was saved.

"No." Joyful in his heart, Li Lie responded resoundingly.But apart from that, there was still a trace of fear in Li Lie's heart. Liu Feng's keeping his promise made him no longer doubt Liu Feng's words.

If he breaks the military law in the future, he will also be punished.With this preparation in mind, Li Lie made up his mind to go to the army to ask his seniors about military law later.Don't make a mistake.

Seeing Li Lie answering Hong Liang, Liu Feng knew that he had listened, so he couldn't help but nodded.Immediately, the conversation changed sharply and asked, "Where is your island? Are there any water thieves left behind?"

Liu Feng is already familiar with exterminating water thieves.This area is also the water system of Dongting Lake, with many islands.This guy must have a lair, and there will be many people left behind, and at the same time, there will be many supplies such as luggage.

"Yes, there are. There are 150 people left behind. It stands to reason that today they have surrendered to the Lord, and the subordinates should also dedicate the island to the Lord. But in the Dongting Lake area, they hate the navy, and almost every water thief is with the navy. There is a battle. My lord, if you want to drive in ostentatiously, I'm afraid it will cause trouble." Li Lie explained with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh, there are a lot of water thieves in this area?" Liu Feng asked in surprise.

It stands to reason that this section of waters should be controlled by Liu Biao, and it is also the waters connecting Jingbei and Jingnan, so there should be heavy guards.

And from what Li Lie said, there are a lot of water thieves, and there are so many that even his five hundred soldiers are so powerful.

The two armies fought just now, and Li Lie felt the same for his soldiers.But he still said these words, it can be seen that there are at least a thousand water thieves in this place.

"There are more than ten branches, at least thousands of people." Li Lie said solemnly.In water battles, although the quality of soldiers plays a very important role.But if they were chased and intercepted by thousands of water thieves who came to hear the news, Liu Feng's five hundred soldiers would still go back and forth.

Liu Feng's brows could not help but furrow deeply.Thousands of people, more than he imagined.That guy Liu Biao is really not good at armament.Keeping these water thieves, how powerful the destructive power it brings.

"Are you famous in this area?" But Liu Feng was not afraid, and he also needed the more than 200 people left behind. After thinking about it, he decided to take the risk to recruit the two hundred water thieves, and asked.

"In this area, they are quite famous." Li Lie replied immediately.A little proud.

"Then I'll order the soldiers to take off their leather armor and put on ordinary service. Under your banner, go to Dongting Lake." Liu Feng immediately felt relieved and said with a smile.

Since the officers and soldiers are detested by others, no one will pay attention to me if I turn into a water thief.

"This, it seems to work." Li Lie hesitated for a moment, and really felt that it would work.He no longer felt embarrassed, and said: "The little one leads the way."

"Well, let's set off after the trumpet sounds." After finishing speaking, Liu Feng turned to Zhou Shun who was listening, and Zhang Gui said, "You heard me too, going to Dongting Lake is more dangerous, don't relax, strengthen your guard."


The three of them said in unison.

At this time, the maid who went in to serve the beautiful woman came out, Liu Feng looked up and asked, "Is that lady finished dressing?"

"It's already tidy." The maid bowed to Liu Feng.After hesitating for a while, he said again: "The madam also asked the servant girl, is your surname Liu?"

Liu Feng stared for a moment, but frowned.Since he was asked if his surname was Liu, then he had guessed who he was.However, it doesn't matter even if you guess who he is, he himself has nothing to do with the forces in Jingzhou.Besides, this trip to the south was also for defecting to Liu Biao.Don't be afraid of the news getting out.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng couldn't help smoothing out his frown.

"Go back to the boat first." Liu Feng waved at the maid.

"Yes." The maid answered in a low voice and walked down.

The direction of Dongting Lake is actually the direction to Changsha, which does not hinder Liu Feng's plan. Now everything is ready and we can start in a while.

but.Liu Feng Brick looked at Chuanlou, the only trouble was the woman inside.It's not easy for a dignitary's wife to be abandoned here casually.

Ask if you need someone to take her home.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng raised his foot and walked into Chuanlou again.When he came near the door, Liu Feng deliberately knocked on the wall, thump, thump, thump.After three strokes, he asked, "Madam, can I come in?"

"Come in." A very gentle voice sounded.

Only then did Liu Feng walk in.The room has been tidied up.Those blood-stained clothes and other items seemed to have been discarded.It looked exceptionally clean.

There were two cushions in front of the bed, and the beautiful woman knelt and sat on one of them.Dress neatly and pack tightly.Apart from his pale face, he couldn't see any signs of injury from the outside.

There is only a trace of pain that flashes occasionally, which makes people feel pity.

"Has Lieutenant Liu planned how to arrange me?" The beautiful woman turned her eyes to Liu Feng and asked softly.

"What a smart woman." Liu Feng was surprised for a moment. The lady first guessed that he was Liu Feng, and now she guessed what he was doing.The end is the ratio of intelligence.

Although I was surprised in my heart, it didn't show on Liu's cover.After walking a few steps, he knelt and sat in front of the beautiful woman.He smiled and said, "I want to send a team of soldiers to escort Madam back."

"In this area of ​​the water system, there are unexpectedly many water thieves. I originally had 100 or 100 guards in this ship, but it still became someone else's meal. If there were less than [-] people escorting me back. I'm afraid..." Mei The woman said calmly, implying that if there were no [-] people to escort her back, it would be tantamount to letting her die.There was no coercion or harshness in the words, but the words that were spoken made people feel uneasy.

Liu Feng frowned, thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Just like Madam said, the water system in this area is extremely dangerous, and I only have 500 people under my tent. It would be really dangerous to divide the troops."

After all, Liu Feng is a person who will never take out a hundred soldiers to take risks just for the woman in front of him.

There was a flash of light in the glazed eyes, and it was true. Liu Feng's words were not beyond the expectations of the beautiful woman. From the moment when Zhang Dahai was shot and killed by random arrows, she knew that this man was really not ordinary cruel.

But, so be the case.But the beautiful woman refused to take out a hundred soldiers from Liu Feng to protect her safety, and she still felt a little uncomfortable.I want to tease Liu Feng.

After thinking about it for a moment, the beautiful woman said with a smile in her eyes: "Don't you ask me who I am? If you send me back, what benefits will you get?"

"The so-called benefits are all promised now. Maybe after they are done, they will become empty words." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

Leaving aside what kind of benefits this beautiful woman can promise, it is still a question mark whether the benefits can be fulfilled in the future.Liu Feng didn't want to talk any more, if she was the truth, Liu Feng was going to let Chen Da personally escort him, and take ten people to go there by land, if it wasn't the truth, let her wander in the river by herself.

The words without hesitation made the beautiful woman feel depressed.

This boy who is not yet in his twenties, apart from his good looks and good character, is really a cold man through and through.

From childhood to adulthood, with good looks, extraordinary family affairs, and exquisite heart.It was the first time for her to be rejected so many times in one day.

"Then what are you going to do with me?" Mei Funai said, feeling completely defeated.

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