In the end to do this?After talking, I still came back to this question. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Liu Feng was a little helpless, but he had to think.In the end, there were still only two paths.

"I am going south this time to Changsha. If you have relatives there, I can take you with me. Or, I will send a team of soldiers to send you back by land." Liu Feng said softly.

The beautiful woman directly ignored Liu Feng's method of sending a team of soldiers to escort her back.She is also a little scared, there are too few guards, so don't worry.

As for Liu Feng, he was a little interested in taking her to Changsha.

"You should be Liu Feng. Going to Changsha to recognize your ancestors? Restore your original surname, Kou. Revive the Kou family?" the beautiful woman asked with interest.

"I'm Liu Feng, but it's inconvenient to tell Madam what I'm doing in Changsha." Liu Feng refused to answer with a smile.

The two met by chance, so it's no wonder Liu Feng would answer.Therefore, the beautiful woman didn't care, but smiled and said: "If you want to revive the Kou family, you might as well go to Xiangyang." After speaking, the beautiful woman paused and said: "My husband's family name is Liu, and he lives in Xiangyang. The same as the Cai family There is a relationship between them, and with your ability, you will definitely be reused."

Liu Feng didn't pay attention to the beautiful woman's husband's surname Liu.On the contrary, this sentence was related to the Cai family, but it caught Liu Feng's attention.

The gentry in Jingzhou surnamed Cai, except for the top Cai family, don't have a semicolon.

However, Liu Feng was noncommittal about Liu's proposal.He smiled and said: "I don't want to restore my original surname. With the name Liu Feng, even if I go to Mr. Cai, I'm afraid I have to consider whether to accept me. Not to mention reuse."

Restoring the Kou surname is tantamount to severing ties with Liu Bei, so there is no obstacle to defecting to the Cai family.But using the name Liu Feng is equivalent to being related to Liu Bei, and Cai Mao may not accept Liu Feng.

Liu Feng made this point clear.Liu also understands.

"I've heard about what happened in Xiangyang. Are you still thinking about Liu Bei?" Mrs. Liu asked with a deep frown.

"I changed my surname to Liu at the age of 15 and became someone else's son. The reason is to get ahead. Now that I have not made a name for myself, if I restore my original surname, it will make people laugh at me. Hey." Liu Feng sneered.

These words, of course, are just perfunctory Liu.His purpose is always to occupy Liu's surname, and he doesn't want to put aside his relationship with the Gan family, and to keep this surname, justifiably revenge Liu Bei.

However, what Liu Feng said.Liu Shi believed it.If she was placed in Liu Feng's position, she would not be reconciled.

Became a son at the age of 15 and called him a father for three years.In the end, the adoptive father had his own son and kicked him away.No one will be reconciled, and everyone will be full of resentment.

Faced with the opportunity to lean on Cai's behemoth, Liu Feng flatly refused, just to prevent the world from underestimating him.Liu Shi realized that she admired Liu Feng more and more.He couldn't help being encouraged and said: "A man should have this kind of courage. I believe that you will be able to build a foundation bigger than Liu Bei in the future. Then you will restore your original surname dignifiedly, so that no one in the world will look down upon you."

Although what Liu said was very pleasant, Liu Feng had no choice but to remind him: "This is a bit far away."

A blush rose on her pale face, and Liu Shi also woke up suddenly, these words were really far away.Facing Liu Feng, she really couldn't help saying these words.

Of course there is appreciation in it, and I want to recruit Liu Feng for the Cai family, but.Liu raised her head and looked at Liu Feng's heroic face. It was undeniable that this cruel man made her feel very special.

Terrible thoughts rose unstoppably.

Suddenly, Mrs. Liu realized the horror of this thought, and quickly suppressed that terrible thought.He straightened his face, calmed himself down again, and said softly, "I'll follow you to Changsha."

But it was only her face that was calm, but her heart was still not calm.

Liu's husband's family name is Liu, and her husband is an old man. He was fine for a few years, but over the years, her husband has become worse and worse.She has been married for a long time, but she has no children.

It is terrible for a woman to have no heirs, and she has unstoppable resentment towards her husband.Almost unstoppable.In order not to let the husband notice, but also to relax.In the name of returning to her natal family, she drove a boat and drifted on the Yangtze River.

Once, she was also young, an unmarried lady.I also once fantasized about marrying a young talent, and then taking care of the family and having children.But when she was young, she married the old man as her stepmother for the sake of her family.Living a beautiful life on the surface is actually just a widow's life.

Liu Feng looked at Mrs. Liu strangely, this beautiful woman seemed to trust him strangely.Are you not afraid that he will have evil intentions?

Forget it, deal with it and save it.When I go north to Xiangyang, I will take her back by the way.

"In this case, I will immediately order a soldier to enter the ship, and also send some maids to my wife." Liu Feng nodded and stood up.

"Thank you." Mrs. Liu was also afraid that Liu Feng would notice something, so she tapped her delicate chin lightly and said.But she didn't get up to see her off, as her shoulders still hurt.

Liu Feng didn't mind either, and walked out.

After arriving outside, Liu Feng immediately ordered a team of soldiers to garrison the big ship, and then ordered the fleet to set sail again and head for Dongting Lake.

At this time, it was no longer going down the current, but going up against the current, so the speed of the fleet slowed down unstoppably.

It wasn't until the second day that Liu Feng and others arrived near Dongting Lake.

Dongting Lake in this era has not been reduced by later generations, and it is truly the second largest lake in China.Needless to say, the scenery is very beautiful.

Because it is the middle of winter, the water surface is also very calm.

But under this tranquility, there is a great danger lurking.Thousands of water thieves are hiding in this calm lake, ready to strike at any time and plunder wealth.

During this day's journey, Liu Feng was not always idle. He asked Li Lie about the distribution of water thieves in the water system of Dongting Lake in detail.

I learned that although the water thief is divided into more than a dozen branches, there are actually only two factions.One is to dominate the northern part of Dongting Lake, the blood water bandits. This water bandit itself has 500 people, and there are another 2000 people attached to it.A total of about 3000 people and horses.Among them, Li Lie of the Blackwater Pirates lives with this team of water thieves.The leader of the thief is a man named Li Ran.

The second is the Changsha water bandit who dominated the southern part of Dongting Lake. Because the leader of the bandit, Zhang Gu, was from Changsha, he got his name.The upper and lower forces add up to 3000 people.

The strange thing about these two forces is that although these two forces occupy Dongting Lake separately, they do not violate the waters of the well. When there are few conflicts, sometimes they will join forces to resist when faced with the siege of the government and the army.

With 6000 people from the north and the south, it's no wonder that Liu Biao couldn't be wiped out.

This extremely oppressive word count made Liu Feng also weigh it, and extinguished his thoughts of wanting to wipe out all these water thieves for my use.

Unless the power is established and Gan Ning is appointed as the commander of the navy, it is possible to wipe out these people in one fell swoop.

On that day, Liu Feng's fleet quietly collected a group of two hundred water thieves and hundreds of gold left by Li Lie on the island.Continue south to Changsha.

Changsha is located in the Yangtze River system, on the edge of the Xiangshui River.Boats can go directly to the vicinity of the city.But having said that, Changsha in Jingnan, Lingling and other four counties are all built on the edge of the water system.

Water transportation is relatively developed.

In addition, Liu Feng also had a detailed understanding of the population of the four counties in southern Jing, as well as the surrounding ethnic minorities.

The situation is not optimistic. Jingzhou has a million households, of which Jingnan has only 20 households and a population of 80 million.You know, in terms of area, Jingnan and Jingbei are basically equal.But the population density varies so much.

It's no wonder that after Liu Bei took Jingnan, he still feared Cao Gong's strength in the north and Sun Quan's persecution in the east. It turns out that there is so much difference in strength.

The difference in strength is not a big deal. There are also several ethnic minorities in the south of Jingnan, with a population of tens of thousands, and the number of brave warriors.It is also a scourge.

There are water thieves in the north, and there are ethnic minorities in the south, and the population itself is small.Sure enough, it can only be used as a temporary foundation, not the foundation of the world.Only by taking Yizhou, which has a population of 200 million, can the power increase greatly.In order to advance, you can go north from Jingzhou, and if you retreat, you can defend Yizhou.

After research, Liu Feng came to this conclusion.

In the cabin of the three large ships that Liu Feng went south on this trip, Liu Feng knelt and sat on the head seat, and under him were Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao, Chen Da, Zhang Gui, Zhou Shun, and Deng Ai.

Slowly glanced at these confidants, Liu Feng said in a deep voice: "I will enter Changsha soon, I will divide the army into two parts, one part will enter Changsha with me, and the other part will be stationed near the Xiangshui River to take care of the ships."

"Chen Da, Xu Tian, ​​you two will go with me, and the rest will be stationed."

"No." The six agreed in unison.

In fact, this matter does not need to be so solemn. The purpose of Liu Feng's summoning of civil and military officials today is actually for Deng Ai.Liu Feng turned his eyes away from the rest of the people, and turned to Deng Ai's tall and straight body.

On this trip to the south, this clever boy was the first to guess his intentions.In addition, in these years, Deng Ai either followed Xu Tian to handle logistics in the army, or followed Chen Da to master the method of training and formation.

The foundation is solid.Being a military lord is more than enough.Now he has an extra battalion of soldiers and horses under his command, which happens to be handed over to him.

"Li Lie and other water thieves still have more than 380 people, plus the 200 people led by you, Zhang Gui. The two teams will be mixed together, and then divided into two battalions. One of the battalions is still in charge of you, and the other battalion is under Deng's command." Ai is in charge." The first half of the sentence is to Zhang Gui, and the second half is to Deng Ai.

This time 380 people were recruited, plus Liu Feng's original army, his strength had increased to 900.

"Promise." Zhang Gui first promised. Although the mix of troops will inevitably lead to a decline in combat effectiveness, the number of troops under his command has increased by one-third.

Liu Feng had already explained that in the next two or three years, there will be very few major wars.He has plenty of time for training, so that his combat ability has been improved step by step.

In comparison, the precocious Deng Ai was a little stunned.Marquis?

There are only two military lords under Liu Feng's tent. If he also becomes a military lord, there will be three military lords in the army.It is equivalent to mastering one-third of the soldiers and horses under Liu Feng's account.

One-third of the soldiers and horses show how thick Liu Feng is.It was so heavy that even Deng Ai was surprised.However, he has a strong character and is confident.After being stunned for a moment, he immediately raised his fists with both hands, bowed to Liu Feng and said, "No."

At the same time, a wave of excitement rose in Deng Ai's heart.Command the troops, finally command the troops.The formation of troops and formations in the book of war are no longer just talking about armies on paper.can make it a reality.

Teenagers are teenagers after all.That gleam of excitement happened to fall into Liu Feng's eyes, and he smiled inwardly.

At this moment, the ship that was always moving forward suddenly stopped.It seems that Changsha is here, Liu Feng thought.

"My lord, we have reached Changsha." Not long after, the soldiers who came in to report confirmed Liu Feng's thoughts.

"Land, go to Changsha." Liu Feng suddenly got up and said.


The six people also stood up and said as they were ordered.

The landing is a bit cumbersome, and it is not enough for people to go ashore.On this trip, Liu Feng brought not only people, but also a dozen horses including Wu Yunju.and a carriage.

However, Chen Da and others were tossing about these things, and Liu Feng didn't bother with them.The only one who bothered Liu Feng was Liu Shi.

On Liu Shi's big boat, Liu Feng and Liu Shi stood at the bow together.

After three to five days of self-cultivation, Liu's pale complexion returned to a rosy complexion.The protruding body stands against the wind, no matter how you look at it, you find it pleasing to the eye.

But the resolute look in her eyes gave Liu Feng a headache.

"I'm going to Changsha to meet my uncle, what are you going to do?" Liu Fengnai said.

That's right, the woman in front of him wanted to follow him to Changsha, saying it was to relax.No matter how much he persuaded her, she was determined not to retreat, not wanting to stay with the soldiers in the barracks.

"Of course it's to relax." The breeze blew, and a strand of blue silk blocked Liu Shi's glazed eyes, and she reached out to brush the strand of blue silk gracefully, Liu said as a matter of course.

This trip, she was originally to relax.

It's really relaxing, Liu Feng has already asked before, the Liu family has no relatives in Changsha at all.There are no friends I know.I don't know why I came with him in the first place.

"Madam really doesn't think that I have evil intentions and sold Madam?" Liu Fengnai said.

There was a big smile in Liu's eyes. In recent days, she had been with Liu Feng several times.Found a very interesting thing.

That is, although Liu Feng's character is high-level, he is also cruel enough.But he is a soft-hearted person, as long as you don't threaten him with words, he will be a bad guy.

It's impossible to sell her out of spite.

After laughing, Mrs. Liu looked at Liu Feng very seriously and said: "It's really just to relax, ride a horse or go hunting. As long as you send a few guards to accompany you, I won't cause you any trouble."

Relax and ride a horse.With Liu's current status, there are very few such opportunities. I remember that when she was a teenager, she was still an expert hunter, and she was able to shoot arrows with both hands.

It's a pity now.Liu shi slightly lowered her head, looking at her white and tender hands, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

The feeling at that moment reminded Liu Feng of someone.


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