These two women were also from high-ranking families, and they also had a trace of sadness and melancholy around their bodies. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The figures in his heart gradually overlapped, and Liu Feng almost blurted out, "Are you living an unhappy life?" Fortunately, he restrained himself. It's really ridiculous for a big man to ask a woman.

But Liu Feng's heart softened involuntarily, and he sighed and said, "Okay, it's just hunting, don't trouble me anymore."

"Thank you." In Liu's ears, these words were different from the sounds of nature, and he bowed to thank him with a smile on his face.When she bent down, the plump breasts that were already ready to come out became more prominent.

Liu Feng's eyes could not help but pause, and he cursed secretly in his heart.Immediately withdrew his gaze.

"Get off the boat first. Take the carriage later." Liu Feng said, and got off the boat immediately.


If Liu Feng knew Liu's evaluation, he might vomit blood with anger.He has been a human being in two lives, and he has never seen any woman.The reason for this is because I have studied with Xu Shu for three years, and I have a kind of Xu Shu's modest gentleman's taste.

For women, especially married women, they will keep some distance.

Just like treating Liu's wounds that day, it could be a big advantage, but Liu Feng always restrained, just healed Liu's wounds very dutifully, and asked the maid to change Liu's clothes after finishing.Avoid yourself.

Although she underestimated Liu Feng in her heart, she couldn't help but improve Liu Feng's character.

After Liu Feng got off the boat, he uttered a curse to Mrs. Liu in his heart.Best avoided.

"My lord, I'm ready and ready to go at any time." Liu Feng didn't take a few steps, and saw Chen Da walking over with a few soldiers not far away.

"Blow the horn, let's go." Liu Feng nodded, then paused, turned to look at the big boat behind him and said, "Notify the lady on the boat, let's go."

"No." Chen Da had a strange expression on his face, but he still promised.

Soon after, amidst the sound of horns, the team set off slowly eastward.

A total of three hundred strong soldiers exuded a strange evil spirit.In the middle of the team, a carriage accompanied Liu Shi, and Liu Feng who was driving the Wuyun Horse beside him.

Originally, Liu Feng took the carriage by himself, but Liu Feng was too embarrassed to sit by himself, so he had to ride a horse.

After walking for about an hour, the team had already reached the vicinity of Changsha City.

Although the county is called Changsha, the city is called Linxiang.It is an upright county town, but it is also the seat of the entire Changsha County.Therefore, there are both the prefect's mansion and the county magistrate's mansion in the city.

The antique city looks a little lower and dilapidated than Xinye City.But in terms of scale, it has to win the new field.

This is a large city with a population of tens of thousands.And the entire Xinye, city residents, and villagers add up to only tens of thousands.

"This is Changsha. I've grown up so much, and I've never been here before." Looking at the city not far away, Liu muttered with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"When you go to see my uncle later, you must not cause trouble." Liu Fengnai sighed.

"I won't cause you any trouble." Madam Liu immediately put away her excitement and promised.

Although the city was already in sight, Liu Feng and the others did not enter, but walked past it, because Liu Feng's uncle was a person who didn't like to be lively, and he didn't live in the city, but lived in a village in the countryside.

After walking another two miles like this, Liu Feng and others stopped near a large village.According to the situation in memory, there are about 2000 households in this village, with a population of [-], and tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, all of which belong to the Liu family's property.

The Kou family's property in Luo County is only a lot more than the above figures.

After the team stopped, Liu Feng sent Xu Tian to ask to see Liu Mi, while he led the team and waited here.

"I have never met your uncle, but I have heard of him. He adopted you, the only son of the Kou family, to Liu Bei, and he is considered a courageous person." Perhaps because he was waiting for a little chat, Liu said softly Said to Liu Feng.

"Well, he has courage and foresight." Liu Feng nodded and said, for Liu's evaluation, Liu Feng thinks it is very pertinent. In history, if the situation did not go wrong, Liu Bei suddenly had a parent-child, he Liu Feng is the most orthodox The heir of Shu Han.

The mere Kou family is really nothing in front of the entire Shu Han.

"However, sometimes a little bit of luck is lacking in being a human being. Liu Bei's little family fortune still hasn't fallen on your head." Liu sighed.

Not always.Liu Feng secretly said in his heart, now he is trying to seize the family business that originally belonged to Liu Bei.Jingnan four counties.The place where Shu Han started.

While talking, Xu Tian, ​​who was sent out by Liu Feng, came back, accompanied by several people dressed as domestic slaves.

One of them was a little old man with a wrinkled face and white hair and a short stature.

Liu Feng didn't know anyone else, but Liu Feng had some impression of this old man. The old man's name was Liu Qing.This is the dowry steward of his wife Liu Shi. After going to Kou Shi with Liu Shi, this little old man is the housekeeper in charge of inside and outside.

He can be regarded as someone who watched Liu Feng grow up.

After Liu Feng adopted Liu Bei as the eldest son, he let Liu Qing stay with the Kou family and continue to manage the Kou family's property.

But now that Liu Qing appeared here, could it be that something went wrong with the Kou family?Liu Feng was slightly startled, with a bad premonition.

Not to mention the bad premonition in Liu Feng's heart, when Liu Qing saw Liu Feng, he immediately knelt on the ground, crying, "Master."

Three years ago, when Liu Mi was going to let Liu Feng adopt Liu Bei, Liu Qing strongly opposed it.One is that he is reluctant, and the other is that he thinks that the descendants of the Kou family, who are also well-known in Jingnan, should be Liu Bei's son.

But at that time, Liu Mi was very optimistic about Liu Bei and insisted on going his own way.Liu Qing's objection didn't work at all.

These days, the news from Xinye has also spread.As someone who watched Liu Feng grow up, he was full of worries, fearing that Liu Feng would be wronged.

The moment I saw Liu Feng, I couldn't help but shed old tears.

The old man's tears moved Liu Feng, and Liu Qing's current image gradually merged with the strange figure in his memory.A very strange feeling rose from Liu Feng's heart.

This may be the root.Liu Feng's root is in Jingnan, and the root is in Kou's.It was a mistake to be the son of that old man Liu Bei for three years, more than a mistake.

During those three years, Liu Feng was like a duckweed with roots. Although he worked hard to take root, he was blown away by the wind and rain, which was not tolerated by the Liu family.In the end, he came to Changsha, where his roots are located.

After a strange feeling rose in his heart, Liu Feng quickly got off the horse, put his hands on Liu Qing's shoulders naturally, and helped the old man up.

Can't help saying: "Uncle Liu"

Although Liu Qing looks like an old man in his seventies and eighties, he is actually only in his 40s. It is only because the ancients are old and Liu Qing is a servant that he can't talk about maintenance, so he looks old.

Liu Feng's "Uncle Liu" calmed down Liu Qing. He wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve, and said incessantly, "The old slave has lost his temper. It is the old slave who has lost his temper."

After wiping the tears from his face, Liu Qing bent over and said, "As soon as the news of the young master's return reached my uncle's ears, my uncle was overjoyed. I quickly sent an old slave to welcome the young master, and invited the young master Go in quickly, don't make uncle wait for a long time."

Seeing Uncle Liu happy, Liu Feng had no choice but to let go of his doubts.Order the team to move on.

After traveling for hundreds of meters, passing through the houses of some farmers and tenants, a very huge Zhuangzi appeared in front of Liu Feng's eyes.

This mansion is very grand. According to the memory in Liu Feng's mind, his uncle Liu Mizu was a prince and king, but after hundreds of years, the throne has disappeared.He didn't even have the title of marquis, but some details were passed down.

In terms of background and blood inheritance, Liu Mi is the real nobleman.The clan of the Han Dynasty.

Soon, Liu Feng's attention was withdrawn from the mansion.Because there was a middle-aged man with a fair complexion standing in front of the gate, and this man was looking at him with excited eyes.

"Uncle." The image of this man and the appearance of his uncle Liu Mi in memory also naturally overlapped. Liu Feng rode his horse and galloped for dozens of steps, got off his horse, and shouted.

Because this place gave Liu Feng a strange feeling, like a feeling of roots.So this call of uncle Liu Feng was very natural, not forced at all.

"Good nephew, my good nephew." Liu Mi helped Liu Feng up with moist eyes, held Liu Feng's hand and kept looking at Liu Feng.Repeatedly.

When Liu Feng went out, he was only 15 years old, but this year he is already eighteen.No, almost nineteen.In Liu Mi's eyes, Liu Feng is very different from before, he has matured a lot, and he is much taller.But it can't be changed, nothing can be changed, Liu Feng is his nephew.

Holding Liu Feng's hand and shouting a few times, Liu Mi suddenly had a ferocious look on his face, and he said to Liu Feng, "My uncle has also heard about the incident in Xinye. You really misunderstood him. Don’t worry, your uncle and I are useless, but we have contacts with Liu Pan, the prefect of Changsha. I will immediately recommend you to Liu Pan as a general. When the power rises in the future, I will go Find Liu Daer to settle the score."

What Liu Feng had an affair with his adoptive mother, what Liu Feng's personal morals were at fault.Liu Mi doesn't believe it at all, he only believes that his nephew is not that kind of person.

He only thought that Liu Bei kicked Liu Feng away after he had a parent.

Liu Mi's words made Liu Feng a little surprised, but also a little unusually happy.

This may be the real relative, which coincides with his thoughts.They all want to settle accounts with Liu Bei.However, Liu Feng was a little confused about what Liu Mi said about Liu Bei crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

It seems that the reason why Liu Bei adopted him back then was not simple.

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