"Hey, I see that uncle is confused. It's not convenient to talk here, let's go in." Liu Mi suddenly realized that there are many people talking here, so she couldn't help but shut up, and took Liu Feng's hand into Zhuangzi.

The guards outside the door, as well as the Liu family who seemed to be Liu Fengji's concubine, were all arranged by the servants.

Liu Feng followed Liu Mi all the way, and soon arrived at the hall.

After the two sat down respectively, Liu Mi still spurned Liu Bei non-stop.Looks very angry.

Liu Feng took the time to ask the reason, and only then did he know the source of Liu Mi's resentment.

It turned out that three years ago, Liu Bei asked Kou's children, that is, he was his stepson, not simply for the sake of inheriting the family business a hundred years later.It was also back then that some of the civil and military officials under Liu Bei's tent gradually became a bit distracted because of Liu Bei's knee.

After all, even if Liu Bei is famous all over the world, one day he will be submerged in the loess. If there is no heir to pass it on, what is the future of following Liu Bei?

At that time, because of this incident, many officials in Xinye were panicked.For this reason, Liu Bei chose to adopt a son.

At that time, Liu Mi was a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and he and Liu Bei were considered brothers.Liu Feng had a good-looking appearance and was full of heroism. Liu Bei fell in love with him, so he proposed to adopt Liu Feng.

At first Liu Mi didn't want to agree, because Liu Mi was his sister's only son and had the responsibility to inherit the family business.But Liu Bei couldn't hold back Liu Bei's earnest words, and Liu Bei secretly promised him that after a hundred years, everything about him, including his reputation, would be passed on to Liu Feng by his followers.

Although Kou's family business has a little bit, it is different from Yinghuo and Haoyue compared to Liu Bei.Liu Bei's hint gradually made Liu Mi change his mind.Coupled with Liu Bei's great reputation at the time, Liu Mi felt that Liu Bei might appear as a flying dragon in the sky, so he gritted his teeth and decided to adopt Liu Feng, the only nephew, to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was overjoyed by Liu Feng, not only to solve the knee-jerk situation, but also to stabilize people's hearts.So after returning to Xinye, he immediately held a banquet and introduced Liu Feng to the civil and military officials.

Liu Mi was also happy when he first heard the news.But when the news came that Liu Bei had a son, Liu Mi's heart began to sink, and finally the rumor spread that Liu Feng had an affair with his adoptive mother Gan.

Liu Mi concluded that it was Liu Bei who cheated and defiled his nephew.

Ask to be a stepson when you need it, and kick him away when you don't need it.What Liu Bei did was tantamount to letting Liu Feng be Liu Bei's son for three years in vain.How can Liu Mi not be angry, how can he not complain.

"It's all my uncle's eyes on Liu Bei's family property at the time, and I misjudged him." Speaking of this, Liu Mi burst into tears, and couldn't help blaming himself.

After listening, Liu Feng also knew that Liu Mi was not to blame for this incident. At that time, Liu Bei's reputation was in full swing, and the reputation of benevolence was broadcast all over the world. Few people would think that Liu Bei would regret what he did.Moreover, Liu Bei has indeed reached middle age.

Liu Feng successfully inherited everything from Liu Bei, and the chances are great.

Unfortunately, things backfired.As Liu Shi said, he lacked a little bit of luck.

"Uncle is not to blame for this matter." Seeing Liu Mi's tears, Liu Feng comforted him, and then said with a smile: "Actually, it's not for nothing that I have been a son for three years. This time I went south, I brought Nine hundred soldiers and horses, five or six thousand gold. There is no loss in this transaction."

Isn't this all comforting Liu Mi, Liu Feng really didn't lose money.Although bear the limitless humiliation, the responsibility.

Bearing the filthy name all over his body, this is one of them.Gan's love is the second.Taking Fei's concubine daughter as his wife is the third.But he also got some great benefits, and he worshiped Xu Shu as his teacher.Being friendly with Zhang Fei, Mi Zhu and others will bring infinite possibilities.More importantly, there is a Gan family with him.

Compared to what was lost, some was really gained.

"Who cares about those soldiers and gold. Although your Kou family has fallen, you still have thousands of servants, tens of thousands of fertile land, and thousands of gold in your family. Even if you don't mention these, you still have my uncle. The sum is more than what you get In three years, you went to be a son for three years. During these three years, uncle will give you a list. Now you can also hold the title of captain in Changsha and control the military power "However, Liu Mi didn't know this, he only felt furious after hearing what Liu Feng said, and said angrily.

This number of words made Liu Feng gasp, and then he was overjoyed.When Liu Feng left home, he was only 15 years old. Although he had grown up, he didn't have much idea about the family business. He only knew that there were many servants and his family was well-off, but he didn't expect it to be so rich.

Thousands of gold.Adding his own five or six thousand gold, there is a full ten thousand gold.That's a thousand horses.Not counting tens of thousands of mu of fertile land, thousands of slaves.

But after being happy, Liu Feng forced himself to calm down because he thought of Liu Qing.Because of his status, Liu Qing did not stay with them after entering Zhuangzi.

However, this did not prevent Liu Feng from guessing.Liu Qing should be the steward who stayed behind in Kou's property, but now that he appeared here, Liu Feng felt that something was wrong.

"Uncle, this matter is over in the past, and I will settle the score with Liu Bei in the future. The top priority now should be to recover those properties of the Kou family." Liu said with a tentative look on the cover.

Following Liu Feng's words, Liu Bi's face burst into anger, but after a while, he sighed like a deflated ball, his face full of decadence.

Liu Feng's heart sank, what really happened?

"What happened to the family?" Liu Feng asked aloud, that huge wealth is definitely or indispensable for Liu Feng now, whether it is raising soldiers, forging weapons, armor, or buying war horses, etc. wait.All need money support.Even active relationships.Liu Feng's defection to Liu Biao also wanted to use Liu Biao as a golden rooster to expand his power.At least the military power should be expanded.

"It's all uncle's fault. It's all uncle's fault." Liu Mi sighed, and the look of despair on his face became more intense.After a short pause, Liu Bi slowly explained the situation.

Although Liu Feng was adopted by Liu Bei, he was the only son in the family.The industry was naturally inherited by Liu Feng.Next to him was Liu Mi who was taking care of him.It stands to reason that there is no trouble.

When Liu Fenggang went to Xinye for a year, nothing happened.

But I can't stand the jealousy of others, thousands of gold, tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, thousands of tenants, and domestic slaves.This is real wealth.

After Liu Feng left for a year and a half, members of the Kou clan suddenly raised an alarm.On the grounds that Liu Feng's father, Kou Sha's successor, forcibly adopted Kou Guang, a younger brother of a clan, as Kou Sha's stepson.That is Liu Feng's younger brother.

I did my best.Slowly embezzling the property that originally belonged to Liu Feng.

It was not that Liu Mi did not resist during the period. After hearing the news, he was furious and immediately found Liu Pan, the prefect of Changsha.Ask Liu Pan to call the shots.He also sent domestic slaves to help Liu Qing, who stayed behind in Kou's property.

Liu Pan is Liu Biao's follower, and he can be regarded as Liu Mi's clan son, and the two of them can have a personal relationship.It stands to reason that there is no reason to lose this lawsuit, but at best, Liu Mi lost miserably.

Because of the pressure, from Kou's pressure.

The center of Liu Biao's rule lies in Jingbei, and his control over Jingnan is relatively weak, which makes the enemy's powerful forces very strong.The Kou family is also a local tyrant, united with some big families in Changsha, and put pressure on Liu Pan, but Liu Pan did not dare to do anything wrong.

In the end, this matter was arbitrarily decided by some big families. Of course, the final result was that Kou Sha had an extra stepson, and Liu Feng had an extra younger brother.Liu Feng's property was embezzled completely.

After listening to it, Liu Feng felt heavy.They really don't make sense in this matter.Because Liu Feng himself has been adopted by Liu Bei and changed his surname to Liu, he is no longer a descendant of the Kou family morally.

But Kou Sha has only one son, Liu Feng. After Liu Feng adopts to someone else, Kou Sha is tantamount to his successor.At this time, the elders of the clan decided to arrange a son for Kosha to inherit the family business.Very reasonable.

So even with Liu Pan's help, Liu Bi still failed miserably.

On the contrary, if Liu Feng wants to regain his family property, he is trying to seize other people's property, which is unrighteous.

But this can't cover up that those people are jealous of Liu Feng's property, so they conspired together.This is a fact.

How could Liu Feng be an easy person, how could he easily hand over his property to others.

"Uncle, don't worry, wait for my nephew to check the situation before planning to take back the property." Liu Feng said coldly to Liu Mi.

"It doesn't make sense, no matter where you go to sue, it's useless. Unless you reply to your original surname Kou, you will have some chances. But it's just a few, after all, your nominal "brother" is your branch." The orthodox heir of the Kou family. Hey." Thinking that Liu Feng has returned now, Liu Mi couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but then he said dejectedly.

After sighing, Liu Mi cheered up again, and said to Liu Feng: "Don't worry, Feng'er. Although my uncle is able to take care of your property, he will not let you go home. The uncle of this village It is given to you by the Lord, and I hope you can use this property to revive your family business."

"Uncle's property, I can't take it." Liu Feng took a breath when he heard the words, and refused without hesitation.

Although he also knew that Liu Mi cared about him, he was afraid that he would not have a foothold.Generously gift him property.But it doesn't mean that Liu Feng will accept it with peace of mind.

Liu Mi also owns a lot of property, there is another Zhuangzi of this size, and there are other smaller ones.It would be nothing to give him one.But after giving him the property, how will Liu Mi face his family?

Liu Feng knew from memory that Liu Mi had three sons, two of whom were legitimate sons.Most of Liu Mi's property will be inherited by the two legitimate sons.

Liu Miping gave his nephew a big estate for nothing, which made Liu Mi's two sons feel how they will feel. If they don't handle it well, it is not impossible for father and son to turn against each other.

Although Liu Feng needs money, he will never suck blood like Liu Mi, an uncle who is sincerely kind to him, absolutely not.

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