But Liu Feng didn't want to talk to death. (Apex novel hand-written novel) Although he can't take Liu Mi's property, he needs some support from Liu Mi.

The purpose of coming this time is for this.

"Cough. However, I want to borrow some gold and silver from my uncle." Liu Feng coughed lightly, a little unnaturally.Just now, he categorically rejected the property offered by Liu Mi, and now he wants to borrow money again.

However, Liu Feng felt ashamed in his heart.This money is borrowed and must be repaid.Moreover, borrowing gold and silver is no better than accepting Liu Mi's property, and it will not cause dissatisfaction with Liu Mi's two sons-in-law, that is, Liu Feng's cousins.

Liu Mi was a little dissatisfied with Liu Feng's refusal of the property he gave him before, but after hearing Liu Feng's words, he immediately turned into joy.

For Liu Feng, he always felt guilty.If he hadn't made the decision, Liu Feng wouldn't have ended up in the current situation.

"Okay, there are about three thousand gold in the warehouse. Uncle, I will get together again. It sounds like I can get five thousand gold. My nephew is waiting here." Liu Mi agreed without hesitation, said happily, and immediately got up impatiently , I want to collect gold.

"Don't bother uncle, I don't need much, just two thousand gold is enough." Liu Feng was startled, and hurriedly said.

Liu Feng didn't doubt whether this uncle could make up five thousand gold, but what should he do after he made it out.There are hundreds of people in the Liu family going to eat the northwest wind?

Liu Feng had the audacity to ask for two thousand gold, how could he confiscate all the gold and silver of the Liu family.

Back then, Liu Mi made the decision to adopt Liu Feng to Liu Bei. In terms of vision and courage, he was first-rate.How could he be a reckless person? After Liu Feng interrupted him, the heat in his head gradually cooled down.

Thinking about it carefully, their family really can only take out two thousand gold.If the five thousand gold is really collected, this day will really not be passed.

Liu Mi couldn't help but blush when she thought of her boasting about Haikou just now, but she was really satisfied with Liu Feng, her nephew.

Liu Feng declined the gift of property.Asked him for gold and silver, but also worried about his situation.

How could such a character have an affair with his adoptive mother?After thinking about it, Liu Mi returned to this matter, and the resentment towards Liu Bei rose again in her heart.

The anger in his eyes flashed away, Liu Mi nodded towards Liu Feng and said, "I can take out two thousand pieces of gold, uncle." After speaking, Liu Mi paused, and said, "But uncle wants to ask you one thing."

"Uncle, please speak." Seeing Liu Mi's solemnity, Liu Feng couldn't help adjusting his posture and saluted.

"If there is a chance, you must embarrass Liu Daer." Liu Mi said with a cold gleam in his eyes, gritted his teeth.

"Even if uncle doesn't say anything, I will do it." Liu Feng nodded without hesitation when he heard the words.

Seeing Liu Feng's determination, Liu Mi showed a smile and said, "I want everyone in the world to know that my nephew is not easy to bully."

After speaking, Liu Mi said again: "I will send someone to deliver the gold and get it ready. You stay here for a few days first, and when your uncle goes to the city to pay a visit to Liu Pan, let him arrange a job for you."

Saying that, Liu Bi wanted to get up.He didn't want to delay for a moment, which shows how much he loves Liu Feng in his heart.

"Wait a minute, uncle." Liu Feng stopped Liu Mi again, he never thought of defecting to Liu Pan, the prefect of Changsha, he was too young.Xinye is very small, and Changsha is just bigger than Xinye.Only by going to Xiangyang can we get greater opportunities.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Feng to stay in Changsha.

However, how to explain it to Liu Bi?After pondering for a while, Liu Feng sincerely said to Liu Mi who was full of doubts: "Uncle, I am not here to follow Liu Pan. I want to go to Xiangyang and ask Liu Biao for troops. Only in this way can I find a chance to deal with Liu Bei."

It's not easy to say clearly that he wants to develop latently, so Liu Feng used the excuse of seeking revenge from Liu Bei.

"Yes, why did I forget that Liu Bei will still be restrained by Liu Biao. Go to Xiangyang to become an official, approach Liu Biao step by step, and gain trust. There are too many opportunities for revenge like this." Liu Mi slapped his thigh, shaking regretfully He shook his head and said.

After a pause, Liu Mi suddenly raised his head, and said to Liu Feng: "Go to Xiangyang, you must go to Xiangyang. However, you need to prepare a little bit. Liu Pan is Liu Biao's follower, and he is highly regarded by Liu Biao. Let him go to Xiangyang." Bringing you over will get twice the result with half the effort."

Liu Mi misunderstood, Liu Feng just wanted to lead the army and ask for a city.Lurk with peace of mind.Liu Feng never thought about getting close to Liu Biao and gaining his trust.

However, Liu Feng did not correct Liu Mi's thoughts, but just nodded and said: "In this way, there will be Uncle Lao."

"Okay, you'll just stay with uncle for a few days, and I'll go to Changsha to meet Liu Pan." Liu Mi still couldn't calm down, got up again and said.

Seeing Liu Mi's sincerity, Liu Feng didn't want to dispel Liu Mi's enthusiasm, so he got up to see him off.

After Liu Mi left, Liu Feng was entertained by his aunt, Mrs. Chen, but because she was a woman, it was not good to be alone with Liu Feng for too long, so she left after a while.

However, he arranged Liu Feng's residence and sent servants to take Liu Feng there.

This was exactly what Liu Feng wanted. It was afternoon and there was still more than an hour before dinner, so he could think about how to regain his property.

Although Liu Feng was thinking constantly in his heart, his footsteps followed closely the servant who led the way.Soon, they came to the outside of a big house.

"Please, Young Master Biao." After the servant brought Liu Feng to the door, he bent over and invited Liu Feng in.

"Yeah." Liu Feng woke up from his contemplation, responded, and walked in.

However, the situation in the room surprised Liu Feng a little.A woman with a beautiful appearance and an enchanting figure was looking at him with a smile.It's not who Liu is.

Snack was taken aback, and then Liu Feng smiled wryly.I forgot to explain when I entered the door, maybe my aunt Chen thought this was his concubine Ji and arranged the two of them together.

"Cough, Mrs. Tangtu, I'm going to change rooms now." Liu Feng coughed lightly, planning to leave.

"Then in what capacity are you going to place me?" A hint of teasing flashed in her eyes, and Liu asked slowly.

Liu Feng couldn't help but stop, this was a problem.The one who came with Liu Feng was not his concubine Ji?

"But we can't live together." Liu Feng said with a wry smile, got up and entered the house.

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Here, this house is very big, and it is divided into an inside and an outside room. I live in the inside room, and you live in the outside room. Is it okay to send the maid away at night?" Liu said boldly.

Liu Feng had no words for Liu's trust in him so much.However, it cannot be denied.Mrs. Liu's method is very good, they live in the same room, and it is confirmed that Mrs. Liu is his concubine.There is no need to find excuses to settle Liu.Extraneous branches can be avoided.

"Are you really afraid that I will eat you?" Liu said with a giggle, covering her mouth.

His body shook amidst the laughter, letting Liu Feng know what trembling was.

Being looked down upon repeatedly, Liu Feng also got angry.He couldn't help but said angrily, "What am I afraid of?"

As he said that, he also sat beside Mrs. Liu in a bachelor's way.There happened to be a pot of tea next to it, and Liu Feng felt that it was a bit delicious, so he poured a cup of tea and drank a cup.

Then he put his head in his hands and lay down on the floor.And closed his eyes.

He still had to think about how to get his property back, so he didn't have time to fuss with this woman.

"But what difficulties did you encounter?" Mrs. Liu asked desperately.It made Liu Feng feel irritated for a while, and ignored her.But after a while, Liu Feng's heart suddenly moved.

This woman was from a rich family, so she should have a lot of knowledge about the struggles in some clans.

"There is indeed something in my heart, can Madam explain it to me?" Liu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, turned to look at Liu Shi beside him and asked.

At this moment, Mrs. Liu was lowering her head, looking at Liu Feng interestingly, but she didn't care when she saw Liu Feng suddenly opened his eyes.He said straightforwardly, "Tell me."

"I used to be named Kou, you should know." Liu Feng told Liu what he got in detail.

After Liu Shi finished listening, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were full of disdain. "It's no wonder that the Kou family, which was prominent for a while, has declined. It turns out that the clan members are a bunch of pussies."

"Oh, what do you say?" Liu Feng asked with interest.

"A clan can only work together if they are of one mind, can they be single-minded in planning for the clan, and can be prominent. Although you changed your surname to Liu, you still have the blood of the Kou family in your bones. They don't want to help you, but they want to take your property. How can such a clan not be defeated." Liu sneered, and the disdain in his eyes grew stronger.

But one thing Liu didn't say was that the reason for her anger was that those surnamed Kou took away Liu Feng's property.Along the way, Mrs. Liu has already figured out some things.

It made her stop denying her real affection for Liu Feng.Liu is a sensible person, she can marry an old man for the family.It stands to reason that it is difficult for such a person to have a good impression of a man.

But it did happen, perhaps because this period of time was when she was most tired and her mind was weakest.That day, when Mrs. Liu said on the boat that she would follow Liu Feng to Changsha, Mrs. Liu had already noticed it, and now she no longer shy away from it.

However, Mrs. Liu also knew that this kind of goodwill was only goodwill, and it was impossible for anything to happen.But on the other hand, because of this goodwill, Liu's temper of protecting the calf was aroused.

She is very protective of the calf in her bones.That's why Mrs. Liu expressed deep disdain for Mrs. Kou.

Of course Liu Feng didn't know what kind of thoughts Mr. Liu said so, but he became very interested in Mrs. Liu's words.

It turns out that it is no wonder that some clans are getting bigger and bigger, while others are getting weaker and weaker.The key is unity.

Concentric?Liu Feng's eyes lit up, he looked up at the Liu family and said excitedly: "Madam, do you want to say that since the Kou family can seize my family property, it is a discordant clan. It will also cause some problems, such as the distribution of spoils Uneven, or bristling with forces."

"There are two ways, simmer slowly, or boil over high heat. The so-called slow fire is what you said. Find out about the forces in the Kou family, fight one by one. Find a way to regain your property. But compared to this method, But I am more inclined to the latter. Fierce." Liu said with a coquettish smile.

"Fire?" Liu Feng asked in confusion.

"Don't you have an army? It's better than anything else." Facing Liu Feng's eager gaze, Mrs. Liu hesitated for a moment, brushed the hair around her ear, and then said.

This method is quick and direct, but it is not good for Liu Feng's reputation.Liu Feng had already betrayed Liu Bei bearing the infamy of having an affair with his adoptive mother, and now he used military force against his original clan.It is not good for Liu Feng's future development.

However, as Liu said, she is more inclined to fire.In the face of strength, everything is empty.As long as you have strength, you can quickly get back what you lost.

In Liu's heart, Liu Feng is already sharp enough.When dealing with water thieves, Liu Feng never compromised a single step, and was extremely decisive.Of course she hoped that Liu Feng would be more decisive.Be stronger.

As long as a man has the ability and determination.You will get everything, even if you bear the infamy.

After figuring this out, Mrs. Liu told Liu Feng clearly.

It's really simple and effective.After hearing Liu's method, Liu Feng could not deny that he was also more inclined to fire.Wen Huo was too long-winded and troublesome. He didn't have time to deal with the small clan of the Kou family, so he stayed for several months, or even longer.

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