Luo County was the fiefdom of the Kou family back then. (Apex novel hand-made novel) Known as Luo Guo, it is a marquis country.

Although the glory of the Kou family has long been in the past, Luo Guo has also become an ordinary county, and the position of Marquis of the ancestors has also been deprived.But Cole stayed.

Whether in terms of population or land, Luo County is one of the largest counties in Changsha.But the huge population and the vast land only set off the glory of the Kou family.

Luo County has a population of more than 15, but [-] of them are tenants of the Kou family.There are hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land, of which [-] acres belong to the Kou family.

But even so, many gentry still think that the Kou family is a local tyrant, because apart from the industry in Luo County and some influence in Changsha, the Kou family's power in Jingzhou is almost zero.

Within seven generations, no one was an official.Whether it is background or self-cultivation, it is not enough to be included in the gentry.

And Liu Feng's father, Kou Sha, a branch of the Kou family, is quite prominent in the Kou family, owning tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, thousands of tenants, and thousands of people.

As far as these industries are concerned, before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they could only be small local tyrants in the north.But after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the population of the Han Dynasty dropped sharply, and this industry was enough to make many people jealous.

On this day, Liu Feng took Chen Da and Liu Qing with him.And some guards came to Luo County.However, he didn't come here today to trouble anyone, but to visit the grave.

In any case, since he betrayed Liu Bei, Liu Feng had a sense of root for his uncle Liu Mi and the surname Kou.

For the father, Kou Sha, and mother Liu in memory.Liu Feng couldn't help but raise some respect.Those industries are just foreign things, not to mention they won't run away.So the first thing Liu Feng did when he came to Luo County was to sweep his parents' graves.rather than recapture the industry.

Although the members of the Kou clan are all gathered in Luo County, they are in conflict with each other. They share an ancestral hall, but their residences are scattered throughout Luo County.

The property of Kousha's branch is located in a village called Huijiang, thirty miles to the left of Luo County.It has a population of more than 3000 and tens of thousands of fertile fields.

All the people in the village used to be tenants of Liu Feng's family.Of course, I have followed someone else now.

From his aunt Chen's mouth, Liu Feng learned more details. It was the patriarch Kou Dang who conspired to seize his family's property. He adopted Kou Guang, the son of his most beloved concubine, to Kou Sha, who had passed away for many years. Conspired to seize Liu Feng's property.

Soon, Liu Feng and his party arrived near Huijiang Village.

However, Liu Feng and others did not go to the village. The graves of his parents and ancestors were on a nearby hill.

But Liu Feng and his party attracted the attention of some tenants.At first, the tenants only thought that Liu Feng and others were just ordinary merchants. After all, Changsha has a well-developed water system and there are many merchants.

However, someone noticed something was wrong after paying more attention to Liu Feng.Isn't this Kou Feng who became someone else's son?

How did he come back?

In the eyes of the world, changing one's surname to be someone else's son is a very bad thing, especially since Kou Sha's only son, Liu Feng, is the only son.

Ordinary tenants were already dissatisfied with Liu Feng, and with some provocations, the tenants were even more displeased with Liu Feng.

The so-called ignorance of the world is just like this.They also didn't think that Liu Feng was only 15 years old, and it was impossible for him to make his own decision to be Liu Bei's son.It was Liu Bei who begged, and Liu Mi nodded in agreement.

Especially recently, some news came from Xinye that this guy was Liu Bei's son and had an affair with Liu Bei's wife. He did such a thing that was condemned by thousands of people, and it was a disgrace to Kou.

The tenants don't know how the news came, and whether it was spread by someone with a heart, they don't know at all.But they believed it.

So, after someone recognized Liu Feng, he quickly slipped into Huijiang Village and reported to the people above.

Liu Feng didn't care much about the shaking of the figures around him, after all, he was just an ordinary tenant.However, Chen Da did not dare to relax, and stared around vigilantly.The radiant eyes indicated that as long as there was a slight change, he would attack swiftly like a tiger ready to go.

"Master, I haven't been here for a year, I don't know what's going on?" Liu Qing sighed with some confusion on his face.

The so-called feeling of being close to home is timid.Liu Qing was in charge of Liu's dowry back then, and after Liu Feng left, such a large portion of Kou's family fortune fell on Liu Qing's shoulders. Kou Sha, he personally went up to clean Liu's tomb every year.

Now, he will see Kosha again, but he is ashamed of Kosha.In vain, a family business was ruined by others.

Seeing that Liu Qing was in a low mood, Liu Feng smiled slightly and comforted him, "It's not Uncle Liu's fault that the property was seized. I think my father is in heaven, so he won't blame Uncle Liu."

Liu Feng's comfort made Uncle Liu feel better, and there was a little expectation on his face.

"Isn't that Uncle Liu?" At this time, several people from the side of the road passed by, and one of them had sharp eyes and recognized Liu Qing, and couldn't help shouting.

Although Liu Qing looked old, he had sharp eyes and ears, and not only heard the call of the other party, but also recognized who the other party was.

"Kou Shui?" Liu Qing turned his head and exclaimed in surprise.

Kou Shui is a 30-year-old man, with a coarse short shirt and a dark body. He seems to be an ordinary farmer.But it is unusual. Although Kou Sha's property was handed over to Liu Qing in the past, Kou Sha still has many loyal domestic slaves, and Kou Shui is one of the best.

Originally surnamed Chen, born in the Central Plains, fled to Changsha to avoid the Yellow Turban Rebellion, was adopted by Kou Sha's grandfather, and given the surname Kou, until Liu Feng changed his surname and went to Liu Bei's side, Kou Shui has become Liu Qing's subordinate An important steward.

Later, Liu Feng's family property was seized, and Liu Qing was taken back by Liu Mi, while Kou Shui led hundreds of slaves who were loyal to Liu Feng and stayed firmly in Huijiang Village.

"Uncle Liu, why are you back?" Kou Shui was more excited than Liu Qing, with a sway, he dropped the hoe in his hand, and rushed over with several companions beside him.

"I came back with the young master. The young master came back to visit the master's grave. You all have a way out, you have a way out." The two hadn't met each other for more than a year, but it seemed that it had been decades. Tears run down the road.

"Master." Kou Shui was stunned, then suddenly raised his head, looked at Liu Feng who was sitting in the carriage next to him, and scrutinized him carefully for a moment. It looked like he was really a young master, really a young master.

With a "plop", Kou Shui's knees hit the ground, his head hit the ground "bang bang bang", crying in his mouth: "Young master, young master, you are finally back. If you don't come again, master, the tomb of the old man will be destroyed." Someone dug it up."

Kou Shui followed the Kou family when he was a teenager. Although he was also a domestic slave in name, he was actually a retainer after he became a steward.The most loyal.

"What did you say?" Liu Feng's expression changed.

"Someone wants to dig the master's tomb? Then what does Kou Guang do for food? With so much property, he can't even look down on the master's tomb?" Liu Qing was also stunned, but his reaction was faster than Liu Feng's. With a speed that doesn't match his age, he grabbed Kou Shui's shoulder fiercely and roared mournfully.

Kou Guang was forced into Liu Feng's home by his father Kou Dang and became Liu Feng's younger brother.Taking advantage of Liu Feng's property in this name, although his behavior is disgusting, but since he is enjoying the property, he has the responsibility to protect Kou Sha. Tomb-sweeping and protecting Kou Sha's tomb are his duties.

But now I heard that Kosha's grave will be dug up.No wonder Liu Qing lost his temper.

Fortunately, Liu Feng was only shocked for a moment, and quickly forced himself to calm down.This matter is quite weird, so you have to ask clearly.

However, Liu Feng had a strange feeling for Kou, and today he came to visit the grave.If anyone dared to dig his parents' grave, of course Liu Feng would not remain silent.

"Who wants to dig my parents' grave?" Liu Feng said coldly.

"It's that bastard Kou Guang. He's just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. He wants to dig up the old man's tomb, and dig out all the gold and jade that were buried with him." Liu Qing's shoulders hurt from being scratched, But Kou Shui didn't notice it, he just gritted his teeth and said.

This matter was originally very close, and Kou Guang wanted to dig Kou Sha's grave, and it was definitely a treasonous act to spread the word.But Kou Shui has a lot of eyes. He had planted a nail in Kou Guang's way back when he moved into Huijiang Village.So well informed.

"Self-stealing." After listening to Liu Feng, he just felt ridiculous. There would be such a person in the world who enjoyed the inheritance passed down by Kou Sha and even dug Kou Sha's grave.

"Don't get excited, with me here, the sky won't fall." Liu Feng said slowly, his tone full of unwavering belief.

Kou Shui was even more excited and shed tears, God opened his eyes, God opened his eyes.They, the leader of the gang, finally hoped for the young master, and the young master had grown up.He is an upright man.

"Yes, yes, young master, he is now a school lieutenant in charge of hundreds of soldiers, who dares to try to move the master's tomb." Liu Qing beside him also came back to his senses, and said pleasantly.

It was like grabbing a life-saving straw and looking at Liu Feng impatiently.

"Forget it today, I'm here to sweep the tomb, I don't have to use force. We'll talk about it after today. But." Speaking of this, Liu Feng paused, and sneered: "But I will take back what belongs to me. Not only that, if anyone offends me, I will repay ten times. If you provoke me, all my soldiers will make chaos."

Liu Feng didn't just say these words.Liu's words that night reminded him that he has soldiers in his hands, and he can do whatever he wants.

In this era, there are a lot of bandits, and soldiers are turned into bandits to plunder.It's done.

If you want to dig his ancestral grave, you must be prepared to be looted.

Zongbing made chaos.No matter who it was, everyone who heard Liu Feng's words shuddered.This is the law of Mu Wang.

In fact, they were right, since Liu Feng killed Tang Song and left Xinye.It is already the law of the king, and whoever has the biggest fist can be the king and hegemony.

"Let's go, I'm going to pay homage to my father Kosha and grandfather Koda." After speaking, Liu closed his eyes, waved his hands, and let the team start again.

Liu Qing nodded to Kou Shui, and followed closely.Kou Shui and his companions looked at each other, and followed them together.

Soon, a small mountain appeared in the eyes of Liu Feng and others.The mountain is very low, but the trees are luxuriant.There is also a path consisting of hundreds of stone steps in the mountain.

Liu Feng left ten soldiers equipped with bows, arrows, spears, and steel knives to guard the carriage, while he took Chen Da, Liu Qing, Kou Shui, and twenty guards up the hill.

Soon he came to the middle of the mountain, and a little further up, there will be a flat mountain, on which is the place where Liu Feng's father and grandfather lived.

"Who?" Suddenly, an alert voice appeared in front of him, and a moment later, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Liu Feng with a steel knife.

On the way, Kou Shui had already said some things in detail.

What Kou Guang did was not only to excavate the grave of Liu Feng's father Kou Sha, but every year during the Ching Ming Festival, Kou Guang did not come up to sweep Kou Sha's grave, causing weeds to grow all around.

Kou Shui couldn't stand it anymore, so he took dozens of house slaves who were loyal to Liu Feng, and the tenants weeded together to pay homage to Kou Sha.But after Kou Guang got the news, he immediately took several times the manpower and beat them up.They were not allowed to weed, and ten middle-aged men were arranged to stay here all year round.Holding a steel knife.

Liu Feng didn't want to see blood today. "Shoot him unconscious." Liu Feng casually ordered Chen Dao who was next to him.

"Promise." Chen Daying made a promise, and immediately took several guards, unloaded the man's steel knife in two or three strokes, and knocked him unconscious.

After beating the man unconscious, Liu Feng set foot on the flat ground in the mountains.

On a large flat land, there are some tombs and several houses.Near the tombs, overgrown with weeds.Terribly dilapidated.

Everyone has roots.My roots are here.Looking at the overgrown tombs not far away, Liu Feng felt a pain in his heart.

Although the man was knocked unconscious just now, the screams spread out.When Liu Feng set foot on the flat ground, nine men with steel knives came out and stared at Liu Feng fiercely.

"Who are you, don't you know that this mountain is the private property of the Kou family?" A strong man at the head said aggressively.

These people were hired by Kou Guang from outside, so they didn't recognize Liu Feng.

Liu Feng's heart was aching. Hearing these few words, he just felt harsh.Can't help but coldly said: "Take it."

Chen Da didn't promise again this time, but directly brought twenty guards forward.However, because there were nine people on the other side and they were holding steel knives, Chen Da and the others were unable to go south to the nine people without seeing any blood.

After a short confrontation, five were seriously injured and four were slightly injured.Take them all.

"Weeding, laying the case. I want to pay homage." After these people were captured, Liu Feng immediately ordered Liu Qing and Kou Shui.

"Promise." Including Liu Qing, these people roared together, and couldn't wait to go forward to weed and clean the grave.

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