Soon, the weeds were all gone. (Apex novel hand-written novel) Fallen leaves and ash are often swept away.Although in a short time, there is no way to repair the dilapidated tomb.But at least it's clean.

Liu Qing and the others arranged the table with excitement and offered sacrifices.

Liu Feng stepped forward gently, and came to the front of the tombstones such as "The Tomb of Kou Sha's Wife Liu".I just felt a strange feeling in my heart.

Although these two people are really strange to Liu Feng, they only exist in that memory.But it is undeniable that even this small tombstone gave Liu Feng a strange intimacy.

Although he was adopted by Liu Bei, what he got from Liu Bei was only pain all over his body.But these two people who had been buried in the ground for a long time left him a huge family business and loyal house slaves.

And, that kind of faint root feeling.

I am not a person of this world. I am based in a troubled world and have no roots at all.I will follow you today and regard this place as my root.

Liu Feng knelt down in front of the tomb slowly and saluted.

And I swear in my heart that if one day I steal the foundation of the Shu Han by pretending to be Liu.Then you must choose a son, whose surname is Kou, who will be your heir.

Although the sacrifice is simple, a promise in the heart is worth a thousand gold.

Gradually, the sacrifice drew to a close.

"I thought it was someone who dared to block the mountain of my Kou family. It turned out to be you, a villain who has forgotten his ancestors." However, a very sharp voice came from the mountain, disrupting the solemnity of the sacrifice.

"Kou Guang." Kou Shui behind Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and gritted his teeth.

Liu Feng frowned. Just now the guards at the foot of the mountain came up to report that a man who claimed to be Kou Guang was planning to rush in with hundreds of slaves.

None of Liu Feng's guards were good at it, fighting on the battlefield was commonplace.Naturally, Kou Guang didn't get any bargain, so he left in despair.

But I didn't want to, but came from the back mountain path.Moreover, the number of people is still quite large, at least two to three hundred people.

"My lord, do you want to arrest him first?" There were twenty guards all around, all of whom were the best of the best, so Chen Da was not afraid, stepped forward in small steps, bowed his head and asked Liu Feng.

"It's not advisable to kill during sacrifices." Liu Feng replied flatly, then reached out, picked up the jug on the table, and then toasted Kou Sha and Mrs. Liu.

Even if it has almost come to an end, that is to say, after the sacrifice, you can kill.

"No." Chen Da nodded to express his understanding.And retreated. "Wait until your lord finishes the sacrifice, and then fight again. The leader will live." After retreating to the center of the guards, Chen Da ordered.

"No." The guards responded in unison.

Liu Feng, Chen Da and the others were very calm and continued to prepare for the sacrifice.But Kou Shui and others were not calm.

"Young master, are you being too trusting? There are so many of them, I think it's better for Master Chen to lead the young master to take the first step." Kou Shui got up from behind Liu Feng, came to Liu Feng's side, and persuaded in a low voice.

"Well, I'm here this time to solve this matter thoroughly. I don't have time to mess with these people. It's best for them to come to the door by themselves." Liu Feng answered softly while continuing to pour the wine.

Very confident.A joke, if these twenty soldiers he trained himself.He can't even beat two hundred ordinary domestic slaves, so how can he stand in troubled times.

Kou Shui is very loyal, seeing Liu Fengtuo.He couldn't help but want to persuade him again, but Liu Feng's eyes swept across him, and the confidence in his eyes was fierce.

Kou Shui's heart was awe-inspiring, and he stopped talking.

Kou Guang walked down quickly. Behind him were 200 people, some with hoes and some with steel knives. They were very chaotic, but they were also somewhat powerful.

"Haha, Kou Feng, it really is you." Kou Guang immediately recognized Liu Feng who was kneeling and worshiping his ancestors not far away.There was a big laugh.

Kou Guang is not very old this year, that's all.Although he looked like a dog, his face was pale, his steps were sloppy, and his eyes were flickering, vicious.

It should be said that although Kou Guang is the favorite son of Kou Dang, the patriarch of the Kou clan, his mother is a concubine and a concubine.In terms of status, it is not as good as the elder brothers born above, and the family property that can be allocated in the future is unlikely to be higher than that of the elder brothers.

So he had an idea, and plotted against Kou Sha, the family uncle who was shocked and extinct.And he conspired with his father Kou Dang and took action.

However, Kou's huge property was not swallowed by Kou Guang alone, what he swallowed was only the land and the slaves.All the thousands of gold in the warehouse were taken away by Kou Dang.

Life is full of poverty, and he himself is a person who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles.So with a sudden movement in my heart, I had the idea of ​​digging Kosha's grave.

Originally, he came here to be Kou Sha's stepson for the sake of calculation.Of course he didn't have any feelings for Kosha, and he never came to visit the grave once, so he didn't have the slightest thought burden to engage in grave robbery.

But I don't want a tenant to report today, saying that he saw Liu Feng.And it's coming towards the back mountain.Startled him, he hurried over with hundreds of slaves.However, he couldn't even kill ten guards at the foot of the mountain.After returning in despair, they found another 200 people.And brought a lot of steel knives.

However, this time he learned his lesson, and instead of clashing with the guards, he walked up from behind carefully.

Liu Feng still sat and offered sacrifices meticulously, ignoring Kou Guang.Kou Shui, who was beside Liu Feng, turned his head and glared at Kou Guang.

"Why don't you answer and pretend that I don't recognize you? Kou Feng, haha ​​Kou Feng. No, no, you should be called Liu Feng now. Forget that you have changed your surname to Liu now." Kou Guang laughed loudly , stepped forward a few steps.

"Hahaha." The house slaves behind him also laughed loudly, and followed Kou Guang forward.

Although there were twenty soldiers standing nearby, they were not too scared.This time they brought 280 people here, and one person can drown them all by spitting.

With strong confidence, Kou Guang walked over.However, what came oncoming was a huge fist.

"Touch." Soon, this fist touched Kou Guang's nose.With a sound of "bang", Kou Guang flew upside down three or four meters away while clutching his nose.

"Young master, young master." The house slaves around were shocked, and regardless of the beating Chen Da, they flocked to Kou Guang who was lying on the ground.

At this time, Kou Guang already had more air intake and less air output.He tightly clutched his bleeding nose, his eyes were numb.He was beaten, he was actually beaten.

Were the twenty fellows fools not to see that he brought 280?

"Young master, young master." Surprised voices from all around made Kou Guang's eyes slowly recover, and he quickly started fighting, pointing at Chen Dao in a frantic manner: "Didn't you guys see that? He hit me, he hit me. Don't hurry up. Kill me."

"No." All the servants shouted in unison, some with hoes or steel knives, rushing forward in one go.

Kou Guang felt that the situation was not right. There were only 200 people on his own, but there were more than [-] people on the other side.There is a huge difference, but looking at Liu Feng, who was kneeling on the mat and still offering sacrifices meticulously, he gritted his teeth and said to the companions around him: "We are the Kou family by birth, and the ghosts of the Kou family when we die. Also protect the young master. Come on."

"Yes." These people were all loyal to Liu Feng, they didn't hesitate at all when they heard the words, they all stood up, wanting to follow Kou Shui.

Liu Feng didn't stop it, but his heart moved.His army, though formed, was all elite.But there are too few loyal ones, either the water thieves or the rogues are captured.

It is very difficult to find some people to be soldiers.Now these Kou family slaves are not good enough, but they are loyal enough.It's just right to be a personal guard.

Although I thought about it in my heart, my hands were not slow at all.He raised a wine glass, swung it towards the tombstone, and spilled the wine in the glass on the ground.

"Bang bang bang." To the surprise of Kou Shui and the others, although they were absolutely outnumbered, Chen Da and the others were extremely brave, and they didn't move at all. The house slaves who swarmed up flew away.

It didn't take long, and seventy or eighty of the more than 200 domestic slaves were lying on the ground.

Most of them clutched their chests, lying on the ground and howling.Although he did not kill, he saw blood again.

Kou Guang couldn't believe his eyes, he had brought almost all of his middle-aged slaves, a total of more than 280 people, and they were overthrown by twenty soldiers.

Although the last time I brought 100 people, the ten guards who were also guarding the foot of the mountain were beaten very badly.But at that time, they didn't have steel knives, hoes and other tools.

Now they have steel knives and hoes, but they were brought down in an instant by these soldiers.

Taking a deep breath, Kou Guang glanced at Chen Da fearfully, and took a few steps back cautiously.Thinking that he had opened the safe range, he straightened his back and observed Chen Da's every move.

I saw that Chen Da had already put away his spear and stood up, and had no intention of chasing after him. Most of the slaves lying on the ground fell to the ground and howled, and no one died.

This discovery immediately brought Kou Guang to the fore.He remembered that it was the same at the foot of the mountain. Although the ten guards beat him hard, none of them dared to kill.

Don't dare to kill?

After having this idea, Kou Guang only felt that his courage was in vain. He stepped forward a few steps, pointed at Liu Feng who was still meticulously offering sacrifices not far away, and laughed maniacally: "Hahaha, so it is so, so it is so, you Even though there are soldiers, you don’t dare to kill, that’s right, with your current status, how dare you kill, hahahahahahaha.”

This series of loud laughter seems to have taken too much effort from Kou Guang.He felt his nose hurt a bit, touched his nose, and gave him a hard look, "Da Chen, this time there is no fear anymore.

No matter how powerful he was, he didn't dare to kill him.

"You were driven out of Xinye by Liu Bei, and you ended up here in Changsha. Hehe, your foundation is like a boat in the river, and it may be destroyed at any time. So be cautious and dare not kill people. Is it right?" Kou Guang thought he had guessed Liu Feng. The news of not killing people, couldn't help but proudly said to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng didn't answer, he was about to complete the final sacrifice now.Kowtow three times.

"I don't know when I'm about to die." Chen Da snorted coldly at the complacent Kou Guang, very disdainful.

There are many people in the world who dare not kill people.But it was definitely not Liu Feng. When he went out, he killed Tang Song.You know that is Liu Chan's uncle.

If you say kill, you will kill, not to mention the little Kou Guang.

Liu Feng didn't answer, which fueled Kou Guang's arrogance even more.He laughed and said, "You returned to the Kou family because you didn't have any roots. If you want to change your surname to Kou again, is it right to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan? Hahaha. It doesn't matter, as long as you ask me, I will agree."

Now Kou Sha's branch is ruled by the patriarch, and Kou Guang is the master.As long as he agrees to Liu Feng re-entering the sect, it's not a problem.And if he disagrees, Liu Feng can't even think about joining the sect again.

"I never thought about changing my surname to Kou. A real man dares to be brave. Since I changed my surname to Liu, I will always bear this surname. It's just that I dare to kill people. This question is meaningless to me." But Liu Feng had already kowtowed. Finished, stood up the body.

While speaking, he walked a few steps and came to Kou Guang.

"It's just a hard mouth. How can a human being be named Zong. I know that you were kicked out by Liu Bei, tsk tsk tsk, and Yang..." Kou Guangzheng was secretly complacent, talking nonsense, but suddenly a long sword It's already on his neck.

His words stopped abruptly.The sharp blade irritated the skin, making Kou Guang frightened for a moment.

"I heard that you want to dig my ancestral grave?" Liu Feng asked lightly.Although Liu Feng only listened to half a sentence, he already guessed what foul language Kou Guang wanted to say.Originally, he wanted to keep him alive for a few days, but he didn't respect himself.It is necessary to be ruthless.A cold light flashed in Liu Feng's eyes.

The blade resting on his neck, although it gave Kou Guang a moment of fear, it was instantly dispelled by the speculation in his heart.What a joke, Liu Feng didn't even dare to kill a mere family slave, let alone a powerful man with a high status.

"So what?" Kou Guang looked at Liu Feng with a half-smile.

"It's okay." Liu Feng nodded, but he didn't take back the long sword.Instead, he looked at more than 200 house slaves around him, and said to one of the taller house slaves: "Go out of one of you and inform Kou Dang, saying that if you want to return his son, you should take the elders of the clan with you." , come here."

The slave looked at Kou Guang, who was held by Liu Feng with a sword around his neck, and hesitated.

"Don't listen to him, he didn't dare to kill me. The elders in the clan must be for the purpose of re-entering the clan. With me here, don't think about it." Kou Guang first turned his head and said to the slave, Then he smiled at Liu Feng again.

"Puchi." Liu Feng didn't speak this time, but raised the long sword violently, and then dropped it instantly.Before Kou Guang could react, one of his ears had been cut off.

"Ah." A moment later, Kou Guang let out a howl, and he looked at Liu Feng like crazy and said, "You dare to cut off my ears, you, a guy who has forgotten his ancestors, dare to cut off me, the authentic Kou family The ears of your children and grandchildren, the elders of the clan will definitely not let you go."

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