Regarding Kou Guang's threat to Liu Feng until now, he could only sigh in his heart. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Maybe it's because of growing up in Changsha, a land that rarely experiences war.Kou Guang didn't know how powerful the general's authority was in the troubled times.

If it were placed in the Central Plains, no one would dare to threaten the general in front of a general who holds military power.If the words are spoken, it is an order, and it is definitely not a play.

Don't dare to kill?What a joke.A general is not a politician, especially now that Liu Feng is a general who is similar to the self-proclaimed system.

"Go or not?" Liu Feng ignored Kou Guang's threat, but turned to look at the house slave.

Facing Liu Feng's gaze, watching Kou Guang covering his ears and feeling painfully, the slave couldn't help but nodded and said: "My lord, please don't hurt our young master, don't hurt our young master. The little one Just go and inform the master." After the servant finished speaking, he immediately let go of his feet.Where did you come from, where did you return from the same way.

Seeing that the slave had not been unified by himself, he was threatened by Liu Feng.Go find Kou.Kou Guang only felt that he was getting angry.

"You trash, you trash. What are you afraid of? He cut off one ear, one hand, and one leg at most. Does he really dare to kill me? Trash, really trash." Kou Guang didn't care about what came from his ears. In pain, he couldn't stop cursing.

However, Kou Guang could only take this opportunity to scold the slaves.Because Liu Feng's sword had already been raised, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Without Ling Lie's murderous intent, it was just a plain strike.But Kou Guang felt inexplicably cold, very cold, very cold.His reaction this time was very sensitive, and he realized that Liu Feng's sword was definitely not cutting off his hands or feet.Or chop off the ear, but really want his life.

He wanted to run away, but found that his feet were so frightened that he couldn't stand upright at all.

Fear, more than fear, Kou Guang didn't understand.How did Liu Feng kill him, how dare he kill him.He was not driven out of Xinye, he has lost his roots, why would he dare to kill people, especially dare to kill him, a descendant of the Kou family.This is undoubtedly the way for Liu Feng to return to the Kou family.

His father was the head of the Kou clan.

Can't figure it out, Kou Guang really can't figure it out.Before the sword approached, Kou Guang thought about it several times, but really couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out.

Until Kou Guang's head flew out of his head, Kou Guang still didn't understand why Liu Feng could kill him.

In fact, it's very simple, Liu Feng didn't take Kou's seriously at all, so he didn't have any scruples.

He just wants to get back his stuff and recruit troops.Then take Jingzhou in reverse.The levels are different, how could Kou Guang understand it?

As if Kou Guang was shocked, the 280 house slaves present, including Liu Qing and Kou Shui, did not expect Liu Feng to be so decisive and kill Kou Guang without any scruples.This is the son of Kou clan chief Kou Dang.

After the sword severed Kou Guang's head, Liu Feng put the sword back into its sheath.

"This, what should be done, what should be done?" Liu Qing, who had watched Liu Feng grow up since childhood, was almost stunned, but couldn't help but wonder what should be done at this time, what should be done at this time.

"Okay, good kill." After waking up, Kou Shui's reaction was absolutely different from Liu Qing's.He clapped his hands and applauded, looking at Liu Feng's standing figure holding a sword, full of respect.

Kou Shui is a loyal retainer, and his blood is not cold. Kou Guang and his group robbed the young master's property and planned to dig Kou Sha's grave. The resentment in Kou Shui's heart has already been soaring. Now, they also intend to organize a manpower to defend Koza's tomb to the death.Now that Liu Feng has dealt with Kou Guang with one sword, why don't they applaud.

"Young master, you actually killed the young master, the master will not let you go, the master will not let you go." The last ones who came to their senses were the 280 house slaves, and some of them shouted like crazy.

A few people frantically rushed towards Kosha at the two corpses, and a few clever ones were planning to slip away quietly.

"Take care of these people. Anyone who dares to escape will be killed." Liu Feng said coldly, and then ordered Chen Dao: "Mobilize the army and hide in this mountain. We will wait for the bandits to come."

"No." Chen Da promised loudly.Immediately sent people down the mountain, and he took the remaining 200 guards to surround the more than [-] people.Watching over it.

Calling it a siege is actually a bit ridiculous.There were only 280 people, but [-] people were besieged.The party with more people dared not resist.

Really dare not, really dare not.Liu Feng lowered his sword to kill, making the slaves realize that this evil star is not like what the young master said, he dare not kill.It's absolutely dead to move.

Liu Feng turned around and walked slowly towards Kou Shui.

Looking very calm, it seems that he didn't have any emotional fluctuations because of the sword killing just now. Liu Feng walked towards him, and Kou Shui felt an unprecedented pressure.

But there is also a wave of excitement that fills my heart.Kou Shui is a loyal retainer, he longs for a strong family.Also eager to appear a strong young master.But the reality is cruel, his only young master was begged away by Liu Bei.The inheritance of his master's family was cut off.

Originally, Kou Shui thought that his blood had cooled down. If it wasn't for the responsibility to maintain Kou's ancestral grave, he would have left here with a group of companions.

At this time, Liu Feng appeared. He led a group of soldiers and intervened strongly in the family struggle.It's not even a fight, but just using a sword and powerful forces to directly destroy all conspiracies and schemes.

The so-called Kou Guang could only make Liu Feng strike with a sword.

"The matter here will be resolved soon. Those of you who are loyal to the Kou family, I will arrange land for you to stay here for generations to take care of the Kou family's ancestral grave. In addition, I want to choose twenty Strong man, fight with me. I wonder if you would like to?" Liu Feng sent an invitation to Kou Shui, saying it was an invitation, but in fact it was just for fun.Liu Feng believed that this group of retainers of the Kou family would be happy to follow him.Become a loyal soldier.

"As members of the Kou family, of course we are willing to swear to the death to follow the young master." Kou Shui said loudly without hesitation, but then changed the subject, looked directly at Liu Feng, and asked, "But I want to ask the young master a question first. "

"Ask." Looking at Kou Shui's excited gaze, Liu Feng saw something from it, and didn't blame him, allowing him to ask.

"The young master talked to Kou Guang earlier, claiming that he would never return his surname to Kou. I don't know if it's true or not?" Kou Shui's voice trembled a little, looking at Liu Feng expectantly and fearfully.

Liu Feng's strength made Kou Shui have expectations in his heart.But Liu Feng's resolute words made Kou Shui feel more scared.If Liu Feng doesn't reply Kou's surname.These house slaves are still the lonely souls of the master.

"I will not abandon the surname Liu." Liu Feng's words almost made Kou Shui and several companions around him fall into despair and bewilderment.It's like water that has just boiled and cooled down in an instant.

"But I will choose a son who will inherit the surname of Kou and the bloodline of the Luohou Kou family." Liu Feng's next words almost made Kou Shui's blood spurt.

"Master, is what the young master said true?" Kou Shui asked tremblingly.I just felt that the hot blood that had just cooled was boiling again in an instant, and it was still boiling like never before.

"The surname Liu is still useful to me. But this is my root. I will never forget that Kou's blood is flowing on my body." Liu Feng pointed to the group of tombs, his eyes filled with warmth.

"With the young master's words, we will follow the young master even if there are mountains of swords and flames ahead." Kou Shui bowed down together with several Kou family slaves behind him.

"Now that I am not young, the word young master is no longer suitable for me. You are my retainers, you can be cheaper. Call me my lord." Liu Feng took a step forward and helped Kou Shui up.said with a smile.

The most joyful thing today is not to eradicate Kou Guang, but to accept Kou Shui, a loyal retainer.And, found the root.

As for the word lord, it is not impossible to address it.In general rich families, or the marquis's family, there are not a few retainers who call the hero of the main family the protagonist.

The ancestor of the Kou family was granted the title of Marquis Luo, and the family has a long history.Liu Feng was called the lord by his retainers, and no one would gossip.However, the premise is that Liu Feng doesn't call himself lonely, widowed, and other words.That is the Passover.

"No." Kou Shui respectfully agreed to Liu Feng's order.

Here, the number of masters and servants is considered appropriate.On the other hand, Liu Qing had a sad face.Sighing: "Master, what should we do next?"

Liu Qing couldn't concentrate, so Liu Qing didn't hear what Liu Feng had just ordered.Liu Feng didn't blame him either.He just smiled and said, "It's okay, just lead three hundred soldiers and wait here."

"When they come, I'll make them spit out all the food they ate." As he spoke, Liu Feng looked up into the distance, with a coldness in his eyes.

"Master, don't you want to use force?" Liu Qing was startled and asked immediately.

"Uncle Liu, there are some things you don't understand." Liu Feng didn't explain this time, but just said softly.

Don't force it, why should they hand over the gold and silver fields they ate.Speaking of benevolence and morality?

Seeing that Liu Feng didn't want to say more, Liu Qing opened his mouth, but didn't ask any more questions.It's just getting more and more frowning.

"There's nothing else to do now, so you can pick twenty strong-minded men to come over." After stopping for a while, Liu Feng felt that waiting was not an option.So he ordered Kou Shuidao.

"No." Kou Shui responded, and immediately went down the mountain with a few companions.

There are hundreds of household slaves and tenants following Kou Shui, but it is not a trivial matter to choose twenty strong men with a firm mind.

To take into account all aspects.After all, there are only so many labor forces in the prime of life.Although it was complicated, Kou Shui felt full of enthusiasm when he thought of following Liu Feng and revitalizing the Kou family in the future.Difficult to extinguish.

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