Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 121 The Powerful Kou Dang

Kou Guang's slave, who was appointed by Liu Feng at the first moment, was called Zhang Fei, and he was regarded as a high-ranking member of Kou Guang's party. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Zhang Fei staggered all the way down the mountain from the trail behind, feeling his mind was muddled.The young master's ears were cut off, and the young master's most beloved young master had his ears cut off.

Thinking of the master, Zhang Fei couldn't help shivering.The master is very strict and affectionate.This is a secret that all the Kou family slaves know.

If the master knows that the young master was brought out by them, then he will definitely have nothing to eat after he returns.

If you don't tell the master, you will delay the time.The young master died at the hands of Liu Feng, so he would have no good fruit to eat.Trembling in a daze, Zhang Fei forgot how he came to the Kou Mansion.

Kou Mansion, that is, the mansion where the main family of Luo Hou Kou's direct branch lived.More than 100 years ago, it was still the Marquis Mansion, but Luohou of that generation committed a crime and was deprived of his Marquis position.The Kou family has since declined.

But as the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. With the current status of the Kou family in Luo County, no one dares to shake it. Even the county magistrate has to give the Kou family some face.

Therefore, the Kou Mansion is the most prominent and dazzling mansion in the entire county.

"Young master, young master is almost dead, almost dead." Zhang Fei was already exhausted after arriving at Kou's mansion, he managed to yell a few words at the top of his voice, and passed out.

Zhang Fei fainted with peace of mind, but he startled the two house slaves who were guarding the gate.

"Young master is dying?" The two house slaves looked at each other, feeling terrified.They know who the young master is.Who else is there besides Kou Guang, who can eat, drink, prostitute and gamble.

And this guy is the darling of Master Koudang.

In this Luo county, someone dares to kill the young master?They are dying.After being horrified, the two house slaves sneered in their hearts and nodded to each other. One helped Zhang Fei into the mansion, while the other let go and walked into the mansion.

It's better to report this matter to the master immediately.Although, the master has a solution.But I have to be careful, that guy who doesn't have long eyes doesn't know the Kou family of Luo County.Really killed the young master.

The young master is dead.If the master is not happy, if the master is not happy, they will suffer.

The servant walked forward quickly, walked a few aisles, and was planning to go straight into the study.Unexpectedly, a few figures appeared in front of them, and they called out to the house slaves.

"Hurry up, how decent is it?" A burst of reprimand came oncoming, and the voice was full of majesty.

The voice was so familiar, the servant trembled all over, and hurriedly bowed down and said: "Madam, it is really urgent. Someone wants to kill the young master."

The person who came was somewhat handsome, with majesty in his expression.It was Koudang's wife, Mrs. Bao.

Bao Shi's originally dignified face turned pale with shock.Who the so-called young master is, of course she knows.Kou Dang not only loves his youngest son very much, but also tries his best to seize the property of the same family and establish a foundation for his youngest son.It can be said that it hurts to the bone.

Something happened to the second ancestor, it was really a big deal.

However, in Luo County, who would dare to provoke the Kou family?While shocked, Bao Shi also had a difference.

"Master is in the study, hurry up and notify me. Don't say you met me." Although Bao Shi was surprised, he also knew that it was better to keep this matter to a minimum, so he hurriedly dismissed it.

"No." The servant replied, and hurried towards the study.

"It's better not to get involved in the matter of the second generation ancestor." After the slave left, Mrs. Bao said a few words to himself.She is well aware of Kou Dang's tactics and his temperament to protect his weaknesses.No matter who wants to kill Kou Guang, it will definitely end badly.

But when Kou Dang was angry, she was also afraid.Thinking about it, I feel that less mixing is not enough.Bao Shi whispered to the maid behind him: "Hurry up and tell the two young masters that we will go to the countryside to hide."

"Yes." The maid bowed and replied.

After the servant bid farewell to Mrs. Bao, he quickly came to the outside of the study. After lingering outside the door for a while, the servant gritted his teeth and walked in.

After entering the door, before looking up, he lowered his head, knelt down, and said in a low voice: "Master, someone wants to kill the young master."

Kou Dang looks like he is only in his 30s, and looks gentle, but his eyes are as sharp as a sharp sword.

In the entire Luo County, and even in Changsha County, no one dared to underestimate Kou Dang.Because what he did was ruthless and vicious, such as conspiring to seize the family nephew's property, Kou Dang dared to do it.

If they disagree, they will go to war.The so-called horizontal ones are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying.Kou Dang's tyranny made few people in Changsha dare to offend the Kou family.

However, although Kou Dang is arrogant, he is smart and arrogant. He will never offend the big clans in Changsha who are stronger than the Kou family, but instead make good friends with those big clans.In many big clans, Liu Bi was defeated so badly in the matter of Liu Feng's property.

These days, Kou Dang made a big move. He prepared a lot of gold and silver, intending to practice the Cai family, but in the end, people looked down on their Kou family.So Kou Dang is not in a good mood.

As soon as he heard the slave say that someone wanted to kill his son.Kou Dang became angry immediately.

"Who dares to kill my son?" Kou Dang suddenly stood up, and his originally gentle face suddenly turned ferocious and terrifying.

Many people in Changsha knew why Kou Dang valued Kou Guang, because Kou Guang's biological mother was the woman Kou Dang valued most.The most beloved woman.Even if that woman is dead, Kou Dang's importance has continued to Kou Guang.

Bi's doting also formed Kou Guang's temperament of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.But Kou Dang never disciplined, nor allowed others to discipline him.

Since seeking one day, a small and medium-sized clan in Changsha with a lot of energy, because of offending Kou Guang, was hit by Kou Dang in an all-round way, until the whole clan had to move out of Changsha.

Since that day, Kou Guang has been the little overlord in Luo County and even in Changsha.Therefore, Kou Dang never thought that someone would dare to touch Kou Guang in Luo County.

"The person who brought the news has already gone down for treatment, and he should be able to wake up later." Kou Dang's aura made the servant tremble, he lowered his head even lower, and said in a low voice.

Kou Dang just felt bored, full of murderous intent, his face couldn't help becoming more ferocious.No matter who it is, those who touch his son, especially those who touch Kou Guang, must smash him to death.

However, although Kou Dang was furious, he was not without brains.He knew that since the other party dared to touch Kou Guang, he had something to rely on.

"Go and order Deng Cang to gather three hundred soldiers." Kou Dang thought for a moment, then said to the slaves kneeling on the ground.

"No." Seeing that the fire didn't reach his head, the house slave heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly responded, and scrambled out.

Today is a troubled time, and the Jingnan area lacks effective restraints. It is not uncommon for some wealthy families to raise private soldiers.The Kou family's influence in Luo County is so huge, it is not difficult to raise three hundred soldiers.

Moreover, this group of family soldiers had steel knives and spears in their hands, and they were uniformly trained by sergeants who had retired from the army.The combat effectiveness is comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

No matter who it is, today I will start a killing spree.After the house slave left, Kou Dang only felt that he was not relieved, and said through gritted teeth.

After waiting for a while, another slave came in with Zhang Fei who had been awakened.

Although he has been rescued, Zhang Fei's spirit is not good.But when he saw Kou Dang, he felt that he had grasped a life-saving straw. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately: "Master, Liu Feng detained the young master, and even cut off one of the young master's ears, saying that it was for the master to gather together. Elders in the clan, go back to Jiangcun to find him, or you will kill the young master."

"What?" Kou Dang yelled, his son, his most beloved son, had an ear cut off?This is not as simple as a beating, it is the loss of an ear.

Kou Dang's eyes were completely filled with blood, and he was furious. He said frantically, "Let Deng Cang rush over with three hundred private soldiers and kill him, kill him."

"The elders of the clan? Hahaha the elders of the clan, okay. I'll take them to see how Liu Feng died. Hahahaha."

His son had one ear cut off, and Koudang has almost lost his mind.All I know is that Liu Feng must be killed, Liu Feng must be killed.

What is he, a guy who changed his surname to Liu, dares to touch the descendants of the Luo Hou Kou family, and also dares to touch the descendants of the Luo Hou Kou family.

Maybe it's because he is used to being king and hegemony, but Kou had forgotten that if he hadn't tried to seize Liu Feng's family's property, and hadn't allowed his son Kou Guang to dig Liu Feng's ancestral grave, how could he have suffered such a disaster.

Luo County is only this big, and there are only four or five elders in the clan.Under Kou Dang's accumulative prestige, those old men were quickly gathered together.

Half an hour later, Kou Dang led [-] private soldiers, including the elders of the clan, and headed back to Jiangcun mightily.Ready to level Liu Feng.

At this time, on the mountain behind Jiangcun, it was another situation.

The more than 200 domestic slaves were bound by Liu Feng's order.Kou Guang's body on the ground was still in the next few houses.

On the flat ground in the mountains, only Liu Feng, Kou Shui, Chen Da, Liu Qing and others stood,

What Liu Feng meant was to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, quickly wipe out this hidden danger, regain the property, get back Kou's gold, and the two thousand gold that his uncle Liu Mi lent him.With these capitals, go north to Xiangyang to expand its power.

Wait for the Chibi War to break out and take the opportunity to rise.

However, that's not what Liu Feng was thinking at the moment.In front of him, there was an old man kneeling and crying. This old man was gray-haired and wrinkled. He was in his fifties or sixties.

This old man's surname is Kou Da, the grandmother of Liu Feng's grandfather Kou Da.The old man cried as soon as he saw Liu Feng, and he couldn't stop crying.

"Don't worry, old man, this property belongs to our family, and no one can take it away. This matter will be resolved soon." Liu Feng could only speak softly.

"The old slave trusts the young master." The old man kept nodding, ignoring the tears on his face.Turning back to Kou Shui, he said: "Since you are with the young master in the future, you will be responsible for the young master's safety. Even if you die, the young master will be fine, you understand?"

Behind the old man stood Kou Shui and twenty strong men that Kou Shui had selected from hundreds of slaves who were loyal to Liu Feng.

These strong men are looking at Liu Feng with more respectful eyes at the moment.

After hearing what the old man said, he patted his chest and said loudly, "No."

A resolute, swearing-to-death momentum burst out from them.

Looking at these 20 people, Liu Feng felt that the trip to Changsha was not in vain.It is also the most precious wealth left to him by the Kou family.

"I'll leave this group of people to you. I want to see them become qualified personal soldiers in the near future." Liu Feng turned to Chen Da and said without a doubt.

"No." Chen Da responded.

For the twenty strong men in front of him, Chen Da is also full of confidence. The so-called personal soldiers are the most loyal and elite soldiers. They guard the commander on the battlefield and serve him in the barracks.

Loyalty, these people don't have to doubt it.As for the elite, according to Liu Feng's training method, after a year or so, they will be absolutely elite.

"My lord, the soldiers at the foot of the mountain reported that they found three or four hundred people running towards this side not far away. Those people held spears, and judging by their momentum, they were no less than ordinary soldiers." Suddenly, a soldier pointed at Liu Feng. reported.

Liu Fengdao frowned, he came so fast.There are only thirty soldiers on this mountain.It may take another quarter of an hour for the other soldiers to arrive.

"Hmph, I just want to see if my army can stand up to ten in the battlefield." Liu Feng's heart was full of pride, and he turned around and ordered: "Order the soldiers at the bottom of the mountain to go up the mountain for a round and line up here to meet the enemy. "

"No." Chen Da promised loudly.

Similar to Liu Feng's thoughts, he is very confident in the soldiers he has trained himself, and he is not afraid to hear that the opponent's 300 people are more imposing than ordinary soldiers.

What's more, Liu Feng brought more than thirty troops this time.It was a full 300 people, and others were on their way.

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