Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 123 The boy with the bow

"Take your people back and tell your prefects. (Apex novel hand-written novel) Koudang conspired to take my property, I killed him. Let's forget about this matter. I don't want to care about the gold, and I don't want to share with you guys. The prefect is the enemy." Liu Feng did not back down because of Huang Zu, but said frankly to Deng Cang.

Huang Zu wasn't to blame for this matter, Kou Dang was the only one to blame.The so-called grievance has the head and the debt has the owner, Kou Dang is dead now, and the grievances have been wiped out.Liu Feng didn't intend to care about it.However, if Huang Zu wanted to care about Kou Dang's killing instead, Liu Feng would have to make a move.

Deng Cang didn't think it was a shame to accept Liu Feng's proposal. The pressure of the two or three hundred soldiers who rushed up later was too great.

"Don't worry, I will bring it as it is." Deng Cang bowed to Liu Feng, and immediately led a few confidants away.

Although Deng Cang was born in the army, the three hundred private soldiers were trained by him, not brought out by him.Although distressed, he did not dare to ask Liu Feng for it under the oppression of the soldiers around him.

"This, this." Deng Cang walked away happily, and the three hundred private soldiers who were surrounded by Liu Fengjun's eyes suddenly became agitated.

Liu Feng was thoughtful and asked, "Aren't you Huang Zu's army?"

"We are patriarch Kou's family soldiers." One of the private soldiers, Zhan Zhan Yeye, stepped forward and said.

It is said that they are private soldiers, but in fact Deng Cang is in command. These private soldiers themselves have no awe or love for Kou Dang.Xian Dengcang had already left, and there were still soldiers staring at them all around, they were very frightened.

A flash of joy flashed in Liu Feng's eyes, as expected.Although he lost thousands of gold, he got three hundred well-trained private soldiers, which was considered a small profit.

"Kou Dang is dead, you will follow me from now on." I was delighted in my heart, but Liu maintained his dignity on the cover, said.

"No. No." The private soldier didn't dare to resist, but he tried his best to resist, nodding his head uncontrollably.

Lack of momentum, and a little training is needed to become a talent.Liu Feng gave a comment in his heart.

He got three hundred private soldiers and took back his property.But Liu Feng knew that it was not an easy time, and this property was reserved for his future son.

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Kou. The property has been retaken today. With all the elders around in the future, I am afraid no one will try to take it away. I will leave it to you to manage it." Liu Feng turned around, facing Liu Qing, and that The old man surnamed Kou said.

The so-called elders are the four old men next to you.I believe that after today, these people will be very acquainted.

"Young master, don't worry, we will take care of it. Until the young master comes back." Liu Qing and the old man surnamed Kou looked at each other, both choked up.

Goodness see you.Their young master has not only grown up, but is also so capable.The patriarch who couldn't even do anything to Liu Mi, the young master solved it easily.

"Okay, the sad thing is over. Let's go and see my property." Now that the matter was settled, Liu Feng couldn't bear the sad atmosphere. He waved his sleeves and took the lead down the mountain.

Liu Qing, Kou Bo, Chen Da and the others all followed.Kou Dan and the other four elders looked at each other and followed.

Now the situation is stronger than the people, the overwhelming power shown by Liu Feng.Can't stand what they say.

Back to Jiangcun, thousands of people and tens of thousands of fertile fields are all Liu Feng's property.Kou Guang and his son who conspired to seize the property have been killed.After Liu Feng returned to the village, he immediately arranged for Liu Qing and Kou Bo to lead more than a dozen former stewards to check the account books and receive the property.

However, it is such a big family business anyway.Liu Feng still sat in town for a few days before leaving for Changsha.

No matter how reluctant Uncle Liu and Uncle Kou were when Liu Feng left.Liu Feng was still resolute in leaving.

This trip not only took in [-] private soldiers, but also [-] loyal soldiers including Kou Shui.He also found his Liu Feng roots.For Liu Feng, this trip was worthwhile.

But even so, Liu Feng never thought that he would die in this small place.Even Xinye couldn't trap him.Let alone here.

On the avenue towards Changsha, hundreds of soldiers surrounded a carriage and slowly headed towards Changsha.

On the carriage, Liu Feng looked at the north lightly, and said in a daze: "Mother, son, my power has grown again. Now I have [-] soldiers and horses, which is not much worse than Liu Bei. Not only that, but my son's power will also increase." Bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger, until the soldiers bring you back."

The joy of the three hundred private soldiers had gradually faded away, and Liu Feng's longing for the Gan family slowly rose again.

In my thoughts, there is still that faintly aching heart.Damn Liu Bei.

In a trance, Liu Feng didn't notice that a murderous aura slowly condensed.At this moment, Chen Dazheng rode his horse and walked on the right. As soon as he sensed the murderous aura, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "My lord, be careful."

Liu Feng suddenly became alarmed, and immediately noticed the murderous intent.At the same time, a sound of arrows piercing through the air roared.Liu Feng didn't even look at it, and immediately crouched down.

An arrow flew past Liu Feng's bundle of hair.Feeling a little chilly on the head, even Liu Feng broke out in a cold sweat.

"Protect your lord." Although Liu Feng dodged the arrow, Chen Da still didn't relax. With a loud cry, he drew out his steel knife and chased after the arrow.

It was covered by low grass, and no one would notice unless it happened.

Following Chen Da's loud cry, six hundred guards, including Kou Shui, surrounded Liu Feng's carriage.Look alert.

At this moment, Liu Feng calmed down. After thinking about it carefully, it was just an arrow just now.I'm afraid the other party is only one person, and I will hand it over to Chen Dasue.

"Everyone spread out, don't panic." Liu Feng sat up straight and waved his hand.

The soldiers immediately dispersed when they heard the words, only Kou Shui led twenty personal guards around Liu Feng's carriage.These days, Kou Shui has been instilled by Chen Da in a lot of things that he should do as a soldier, and protecting the safety of the coach is the first.

Liu Feng looked down at Kou Shui, who was meticulously protecting him, and let him go.

But who would want to kill him?Liu Feng was puzzled, when he first came to Changsha, he only offended people like Kou Dang, and they had all been eradicated, leaving no future troubles.

Who would single-handedly kill him?

The doubts in Liu Feng's mind were quickly answered.Because Chen Dace turned his horse back, holding a small man in his hand.

Caught in the air by Chen Da's single hand, the man was still struggling.He yelled, "Let me go, let me go."

Judging from his voice, he should not be very old.Liu Feng couldn't help frowning.

"My lord, it's this kid." No matter how the kid struggled, Da Chen still rode his horse steadily towards Liu Feng, and when he got close to Liu Feng, he put the kid on the ground.At the same time, Chen Da also took out a bow from behind the horse and handed it to Liu Feng.

"Good bow." Liu Feng stretched out his hand to take it, only to feel his hand sink, and a cold breath came.Liu Feng subconsciously felt that this was a good bow.

The bow body is pitch-black, glowing faintly.There is no decoration or pattern, only a bow and a string.Liu Feng tried to pull the string, but it felt extremely heavy.At least a four-stone bow.

You know, for the bows in the world, ordinary people can use two stones.To use a four-stone bow, arm strength, eyesight, and experience are indispensable.

For example, Liu Feng can draw a full circle, but with this bow, he may not be able to hit the target.Might still miss the mark.

After plucking the strings, I only felt that the sound was long and long.Regardless of the material of the bow body, the material of the string, and the workmanship.All top notch.Really good bow.Liu Feng sighed in admiration.

"Give me back my bow, give me back my bow." The boy who was still on the ground had already got up, and when he saw Liu Feng took his bow away, he immediately rushed forward.

Chen Da was a little impatient, grabbed the boy by the collar, and lifted him up again.

"Boy, if you dare to bend your bow and shoot my lord, let alone this bow, I'm afraid even your little life will be in danger." Chen Da said to the boy coldly.

The anger in my heart was unusually great.He followed Liu Feng for a long time and fought with water thieves all year round. Liu Feng was not uninjured and encountered danger.But this time it was the most inexplicable, and also the most thrilling.

It was almost shot on the head.

"Hmph, relying on power to run wild. Killing him is to eliminate harm." Although he was lifted up in the air by Chen Dada, this kid was full of courage and snorted coldly.

This sentence transferred Liu Feng's mind from the bow to this kid.

Eliminate harm?Liu Feng thought about it, besides killing a few enemies and killing some water thieves.Really didn't do anything immoral.

As for bullying others, I have never done it.And this kid keeps talking about eliminating harm.

Not surprised in Liu Feng's heart, he looked up at the boy who was held by Chen Da.Judging from the voice, and looking from behind, the kid will definitely not be more than fifteen years old.

He raised his hand and said to Chen Dao: "Put him down."

"No." Chen Da agreed, and let go of his hand happily.The boy fell to the ground again.

"It hurts, you bastard." The boy stood up cursing.

"Turn around, I really want to see, it's that hero who wants to kill me." Liu Feng laughed.For this kid, there is not much to blame.

Judging from the age and the way of speaking.Ninety-nine percent of this kid was instigated by others, or he misunderstood something.

"It's me, young master." The kid was quite arrogant, and immediately turned around when he heard the words, and said with his chest out.

Liu Feng frowned, listening to the voice full of anger.But the boy's body was horrible.

Small in stature, as thin as a stick.His face was still a little pale.Except for a pair of bright eyes, the others are horrible.

According to Liu Feng's guess, the boy who used this bow should be someone with extraordinary arm strength.

But look at this boy.The gap is too big.

Just as Liu Feng was looking at this kid, he was clutching his chest fiercely, and his face turned pale in an instant.He staggered and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, his right hand was still covering his chest, panting heavily.

"Asthma?" Liu Feng frowned.

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