Although the kid fell to the ground, it seemed that he had an asthma attack. (Apex novel hand-written novel) But after a while, the kid sat down on the ground, and besides panting slightly, his face also recovered a little blood.

It's just that there is a deep tiredness in the eyes.

Seeing that the young man seemed to be fine, Liu Feng asked, "Who told you that I bullied others?"

"Huh, pretending to be garlic. You fought against the enemy, conspired to seize Kou Guang's family property, and even killed Kou Dang's uncle." The young man snorted coldly and said.

Liu Fengyu, it was Kou Guang who conspired to seize his family property.But looking at the young man's stubborn eyes, Liu Feng also knew that it was useless to explain.

As for asking him how he heard that he bullied others.I'm afraid I won't say either.

The best way to deal with such a rebellious boy is to find his parents.

"What's your name?" Liu Feng asked.

"If you don't want to change your name, you won't change your surname. My name is Huang Xu." The young man puffed up his chest and said loudly, proud of his name.

Huang Xu?It sounds familiar.yellow?Wait, Liu Feng frowned, and then opened his eyes in disbelief.

Liu Feng has done a lot of research on the history of the Three Kingdoms, especially in his current position.It made him have a deeper impression of some top figures in the Shu Han, and the small details are recorded.

Huang Xu is Huang Zhong's son.

According to historical records, Huang Zhong should be serving as a general in Changsha at this time. His son Huang Xu was weak since he was a child, and died before Huang Zhongfei and Huang Tengda.

And the young man in front of him claimed to be Huang Xu.

From the beginning just now, Liu Feng could see that this young man had a simple and honest personality and would not lie.It should be true to claim to be Huang Xu, but the question now is whether his Lao Tzu is Huang Zhong.

"Your father is Huang Zhong, Huang Hansheng?" Liu Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, my father is Huang Zhong." Huang Xu replied loudly, and said proudly: "But this matter has nothing to do with my father, I did it alone."

He has a simple and honest personality, and his honesty has no boundaries.

Liu Feng felt helpless about Huang Xu's statement.As the only son in the family, Huang Xu could be related to his father Huang Zhong.

If he killed Huang Xu in anger today, I'm afraid Huang Zhong will rescue him the next day and fight him desperately.

"I'll leave this kid to you, let's go to Changsha." After several thoughts in my mind, I told Chen Da.

"No." Chen Da agreed, ignoring Huang Xu's struggle, pulled his clothes and lifted them, and put them on the horse very rudely.

"I said I did this thing, and it has nothing to do with my father." Huang Xu said loudly while struggling.

Although simple and honest, but not stupid.Knowing that Liu Feng went to Changsha, he might have gone to see his father.

Liu Feng ignored him, just closed his eyes and meditated.

Don't say whether this matter is related to Huang Zhong, even if it has nothing to do with Huang Zhong.Liu Feng also took this opportunity to visit Huang Zhong's house.

Huang Zhong, one of the four great generals of the Shu Han Dynasty, was the first general to seek captives because of his bravery in crowning the three armies.Later, he beheaded Wei general Xia Houyuan in Dingjun Mountain and was named the queen general.Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Ma Chao are the four generals.

Of course Liu Feng had admired this man for a long time, but he was trapped in Xinye and had no chance to go south to find Huang Zhong.Now because of his residence, he is drifting in Jingzhou.Afraid of neglecting Huang Zhong, he never came to the door in person.

Now I meet his son, and his son wants to kill him with a bow.How could Liu Feng let go of such a good excuse and condition.

And judging by Huang Xu's body, he may be terminally ill.Liu Feng used Huang Xu as a guide, and he was [-]% sure that he could lure Huang Zhong to go north with him.

Thinking about Huang Zhong being able to join his power, Liu Feng couldn't help but feel anxious.

It should be said that Liu Feng's military strength is already very large, 200 people.Five hundred of them are elite soldiers.It is the battalion of breaking the army achieved through hard training for ten months.One can count as ten.

But there has been a shortage of generals under his command.No matter how strong the army is, it must be commanded by a general, who is prominent.Originally, Gan Ning was also a candidate, but he had promised in the early years that if he did not have thousands of troops, or be the prefect of a county, he would never recruit Gan Ning.So Liu Feng gave up.

Now that he had the opportunity to abduct Huang Zhong, how could Liu Feng not be overwhelmed.

Beat the bones and train the temperament.Repair my spear, forge armor.Another good general.Pojun is the perfect Pojun.

All of a sudden, my thoughts shifted from Huang Zhong's person to Po Jun's camp.Liu Feng's heart was almost surging to the extreme.

As far as the city of Changsha, it is close at hand.Liu Feng woke up with a start.

Looking at Changsha City not far away, Liu Feng frowned. His current identity has not been officially recognized by Liu Biao's sphere of influence, and it is not easy for troops to enter the city.

"Chen Junhou is waiting outside, Kou Shui and 20 people, follow me into the city to see Huang Zhong." After Liu Feng gave the order, he got out of the carriage immediately.

"Promise." Chen Day promised, immediately handed over Huang Xu who was on the horse to Kou Shui next to him, and ordered the soldiers to retreat slowly.Try to stay away from Changsha City as far as possible, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Accompanied by Kou Shui and others, Liu Feng slowly approached Changsha City.

"I said it's none of my father's business." Maybe teenagers in this age group are afraid of their parents. Just now Liu Feng confirmed that he would take him to see Huang Zhong, Huang Xu said in a panic.

"Of course you will be punished if you do something wrong. You only listen to other people's one-sided words, and you shoot me with a bow. Have you thought about the consequences? If I die, you will be killed by my generals. If I don't die, you may be killed." I killed him in a rage. When the time comes, how will your parents feel when the white-haired man sends the black-haired man?" Liu Feng couldn't help feeling a little angry.

As he said, Huang Xu was reckless this time.Could lead to a huge tragedy.He himself does not know.How childish it is to still insist that this matter is his own.

Liu Feng didn't argue with him before, but seeing Huang Xu's reluctance, he was really angry.

After Liu Feng's words, Huang Xu's fighting stopped abruptly.Liu Feng turned his head and saw Huang Xu's face turned pale, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Just think about it, and take this as a lesson. Don't act recklessly in the future." Lin Liu Feng added, "It doesn't matter whether I am a villain who bullies others as others say. "

Regarding Liu Feng's last sentence, Huang Xu's eyes flashed with doubt.But he is still stubborn, thinking that Liu Feng is a villain.

Kou Dang, Kou Guang and his son are all dead, he saw it with his own eyes.

Neither Liu Feng nor Huang Xu spoke.Kou Shui and the others all regarded themselves as soldiers and dared not open their mouths without permission.So a group of people walked into Changsha City in silence.

It should be said that Liu Feng has a high opinion of Changsha City, and thinks it is much better than that small place in Xinye.But after entering the city, I found out that Changsha City is much better than Xinye.

Population, size is one, followed by business atmosphere.Changsha is also considered to be located in an imminent place, with well-developed waterways.It is also in the rear, and the situation is relatively stable.

There are many merchants coming and going, especially the barbarians, who bring many local products, as well as gold, silver and precious stones.Caused the large-scale prosperity of Changsha.

However, today Liu Feng came to observe talents, not cities.So after paying attention for a moment, let Huang Xu lead the way to Huang's mansion.

The location of Huangfu is close to the north of the city, near the prefect's mansion.It covers a large area, no worse than Liu Bei's mansion in Xinye.

But Liu Feng came at an inconvenient time today, and the gate of the mansion was closed.

Not because of martial law or anything, but because most of the house slaves were sent out to find Huang Xu.

Huang Zhong's family had only one son, and it was Huang Zhong's old son. Naturally, it was a treasure. Huang Xu's disappearance made the whole Huang Mansion go crazy, and Mrs. Huang fainted on the spot.

After such a big incident happened, Huang Zhong had to put down some military affairs in his hands and rush back to sit in the mansion.

Anyway, Huang Zhong didn't think that a little delay would attract a large army to besiege Changsha.He has guarded Changsha for Liu Biao for several years, and he has never encountered a war.

Especially now that he is getting older and his only son Huang Xu is weak and sick, Huang Zhong can't help but worry about it.

Thinking of his son, Huang Zhong couldn't help flashing guilt in his eyes.

Liu Feng guessed wrong, Huang Xu's illness was not asthma, but lung disease.Huang Xu was very normal when he was born, until Huang Zhong disciplined him severely, training his son like a soldier.As a result, Huang Xu's lungs were injured due to long-term fatigue at a young age.I don't know how many doctors have been invited, but it doesn't work.

Hey, if something happens to Xu'er, how can I feel sorry for my ancestors.How can I be sorry for Madam.Sitting in the lobby, Huang Zhong sighed and murmured.

At this time, there were several knocks on the door, which were particularly ear-piercing.

"Come..." Huang Zhong originally wanted to order his servants to open the door, but when he thought that all the servants in the house had been sent out, he couldn't help sighing, got up and opened the door by himself.

Walking to the door alone, Huang Zhong opened the door.

When I saw Liu Feng and other 20 people, and Huang Xu who was caught by Kou Shui.Huge joy flashed in Huang Zhong's eyes, but although Huang Zhong was eager to love his son, he was not a person who disregarded etiquette.

And the observation skills are not bad, seeing Kou Shui holding Huang Xu's hand, he guessed in his heart that his son might be causing trouble to others.

"My son, Huang Zhong, did the dog cause trouble for the young master?" Huang Zhong first gave Huang Xu a veiled look, then bowed down to Liu Feng and bowed down.

The body bowed to the end, very polite.

In fact, Liu Feng was also observing Huang Zhong. He was huge and more noble than Liu Feng.Huge back and waist, especially the two arms are particularly huge.Although the head is already white and black, but the face is red, as if in the prime of life.

In addition to observing Huang Zhong's figure, Liu Feng also observed Huang Zhong's behavior after opening the door. Huang Zhong didn't look at them first after he came out, but first glanced at Huang Xu.Then he glared at Huang Xu secretly.This series of actions did not escape Liu Feng's eyes, and he was sure that the person in front of him was Huang Zhong.

Now I see Huang Zhong calling Huang Xu a dog.Liu Feng was also prepared in his heart, and said with a smile: "It's a little troublesome, but not too big.

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