From childhood to adulthood, whenever he did something wrong, he lowered his head, and always followed Huang Xu. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

No one knows a son better than his father.Huang Zhong could tell from Huang Xu's face that this belly caused a lot of trouble.

"Young master, if you don't dislike it, please come into the humble house to talk." Huang Zhong had no intention of talking to Liu Feng outside the door, so he made a false lead with one hand and welcomed Liu Feng into the mansion.

Liu Feng winked at Kou Shui and told him to let go of Huang Xu.Immediately, he stepped into the Huangfu.Huang Zhong followed closely without looking at Huang Xu again.For Huang Zhong, it's fine if his son is here, as long as he is not missing.

Huang Xu glanced at Huang Zhong's back in fear, and then reluctantly walked in.He was afraid of Huang Zhong since childhood.

After entering the mansion, Huang Zhong took a few steps forward and led the way.He brought Liu Feng and his party to the lobby.

At Huang Zhong's invitation, Liu Feng left the others outside and walked in with Kou Shui alone.

Huang Zhong naturally sat on the main seat, and Huang Xu sat beside Huang Zhong with a face full of fear.Liu Feng also sat down.After sitting down with each other, Huang Zhong apologetically raised his fist at Liu Feng and said, "Haven't you asked your name?"

"Liu Feng." Liu Feng replied with a smile.

"But Liu Feng from Luo County?" Huang Zhong asked in surprise.Surprised, but not abrupt.Liu Feng already knew that his notoriety had spread here from Xinye, but Huang Zhong didn't change his face and drove him away.Obviously a sensible and educated person.Not as impetuous as ordinary generals.

"Exactly." The so-called darker and darker descriptions, of course Liu Feng would not mention his own notoriety, but just smiled.

"I heard that the little brother is on the Yangtze River, and he is in full swing with all the water thieves. Huang admires it." Huang Zhong raised his fist solemnly, this is not a polite remark.Huang Zhong still admired Liu Feng's ability to sweep away all the water thieves.

In fact, Liu Feng was thinking left, and Huang Zhong didn't care much about political matters.Liu Feng was unwilling to comment on the matter of leaving Xinye.

"It's just that we wiped out a small group of water thieves. It's wrong to be praised by General Huang." Liu Feng waved his hands again and again, a joke, a few water thieves are nothing.Huang Zhong has guarded Changsha for several years. Although he has not experienced a major war, there should be a lot of bandits if there are fewer water thieves.In front of him, Liu Fengyan dared to accept these praises.

"Hehe, little brother is being modest." Huang Zhong chuckled, and actually liked Liu Feng's modesty.

"I forgot, I don't know what kind of trouble the dog has caused the little brother?" The identities of each other have been clarified, and a few polite words have been made, of course Huang Zhong will not ignore his son.

"I'll shoot him with an oolong bow." Before Liu Feng could answer, Huang Xu, who was sitting next to Huang Zhong, had already confessed.There is no regretful expression on his face, and he may still think that Liu Feng is a villain who bullies others.

"What?" Huang Zhong jumped up almost in horror. The oolong bow was a treasure handed down from their family. Within a hundred steps, the person who was shot would definitely have no chance of surviving.

This prodigal son actually shot Liu Feng with such a bow.Although Liu Feng is still alive and well, Huang Zhong is still in a cold sweat.

"You bastard." Although Huang Zhong cared about his only son, it didn't mean that Huang Zhong didn't know how to teach his son. He slapped him while reprimanding him.

"Crack." With a sound of fear, Huang Zhong's right hand collided loudly with Huang Xu's face.The speed was so fast that Liu Feng didn't even have time to stop it.

"He conspired to steal Uncle Kou Dang's property, and killed Uncle Kou Dang and his son Kou Guang." After being slapped, Huang Xu dared to meet Huang Zhong's eyes unexpectedly, and he did not dare to look at Huang Zhong. Pointing at Liu Feng with concessions, he complained loudly.

Huang Zhong was taken aback, and wanted to slap him again, but he looked at Huang Xu's eyes full of grievances and his stubborn cheeks.But it never fell.

With a wry smile, Huang Zhong turned around, raised his hands above his head, and slowly bowed down: "The dog doesn't know right from wrong, and almost put the little brother in danger. Huang is here, I am ashamed to worship."

The ancients seldom performed prostration. If they salute, bending over is regarded as a great gift after all.But sitting there on your knees and bowing to the end is considered a great gift among the great gifts.

But Huang Zhong felt that it was not enough. Even with the power of the oolong bow, if he hit Liu Feng, he would kill him.

"General Huang is so polite, am I okay?" Liu Feng was also taken aback by such a courtesy, and felt himself get up and help Huang Zhongdao.

Although Huang Zhong was supported by Liu Feng, he did not accept Liu Feng's statement.

"Put my little brother in danger of his life for no reason. Huang's gift is nothing at all." Huang Zhong shook his head and said.

"Father, I was wrong?" Huang Xu, who was beside him, heard Huang Zhong's serious apology and knew he had done something wrong, so he said in a daze.

"That Kou took away the little brother's property and gave it all to his son Kou Guang when he had a wicked mind. He should have been killed. But you don't know right from wrong, but think that this little brother murdered Kou Guang. When the family property, you, you." Huang Zhong sighed, not knowing how to teach his son.

Huang Xu was weak and sick, and was raised in the mansion.I really haven't seen much of the world, and I don't know how sinister people are.After all, it was his father's fault.

After hearing this, Huang Xu was completely stunned. He felt that he was cheated by others, and even counted money for others.

After being stunned for a while, Huang Xu's eyes immediately filled with tears. "Bang bang bang." When Huang Zhong and Liu Feng didn't pay attention, he bang bang and kowtowed three times to Liu Feng.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I almost killed you, and I gave you back an arm. Please forgive me." He said, pulling out the knife stuck in his waist, intending to chop his own hand.

What Huang Xu said really surprised Liu Feng.Fortunately, he also has quick eyesight and quick hands, standing beside Huang Zhong, quickly stretched out his hand, and held Huang Xu's hand.

Although it was stopped in time, the knife still cut into Huang Xu's thin arm, and a stream of blood flowed out.

"What's the stubbornness? I don't hold any grudges against you." Liu Feng smiled wryly as he looked at Huang Xu who was still stubborn and wanted to chop the knife in.

But to be honest, Liu Feng didn't really mind just now.After all, it almost killed him, but if he shot it, he would die.At most, it was because of Huang Zhong's face, and he didn't care about Huang Xu's youth.

But now, Liu Feng really felt that he forgave this kid.Manly man, dare to act.He almost killed someone by mistake, so he returned it with his arm.he likes.

Now Liu Feng felt that even if it wasn't for Huang Zhong, he should cure this kid.It is a pity that such a man died so early.

Huang Zhong, who was next to him, felt a lot of panic. He was stunned for a while, and quickly took the knife from Huang Xu's hand, and then hurriedly checked the wound on Huang Xu's hand.Seeing that the wound was not deep, he breathed a sigh of relief, tore off a piece of cloth from his body, and bandaged Huang Xu up.

"It's really exhausting." This bandaging made Huang Zhong's face covered with sweat, and after fastening the bandage, Huang Zhong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

With Huang Xu's current physical condition, breaking an arm is equivalent to losing his life.Can't stand it.If this is cut down, his family will be turned upside down.

Even if Huang Zhong can draw three or five bows with one hand, it is useless.

Seeing that Huang Zhong's face was full of exhaustion, Huang Xu's stubbornness became less stubborn, and he did not insist on chopping off his arm and returning it to Liu Feng.

However, the scene was a little strangely embarrassing.

It is really not easy to win a general.Liu Feng smiled wryly, then changed the subject and said, "Who did you hear that I was the one who took over Kou's family property?"

"I heard from Mrs. Bao." The hatred on Huang Xu's face flickered when he heard this.Slowly told what happened.

It turned out that Kou Dang not only made friends with Huang Zu, but also had a lot of friends with Huang Zhong, the Zhonglang general who had guarded Changsha for many years.But Huang Zhong had already heard that Kou's intentions were not right, so he didn't have a close friendship.

When Kou Dang saw that Huang Zhong refused to enter, he changed his strategy and deliberately approached Huang Xu.

Of course, it is much easier to coax a teenage child than Huang Zhong, who is over fifty years old.After one or two times, Huang Xu called Kou his uncle.

A few days ago, Huang Xu felt tired of staying in the mansion, so he sneaked out to play with Kou Dangna.

As a result, after going there, they only saw the bodies of Kou Dang and his son.Kou Dang's wife, Bao Shi, also knew Huang Xu very well, so she turned black and white.

Huang Xu was fooled, so he bent his bow and shot Liu Feng.

"What a vicious and poisonous woman." After hearing this, Huang Zhong felt no less resentful than Huang Xu.That poisonous woman even plotted against a child.

"Send someone back and let the elders of the clan deal with it. They must be severely punished." Although he and Huang Xu are fine, this matter is really annoying.Liu Feng turned his head and ordered Kou Shuidao.

Kou Dang is dead, and now the Kou family is controlled by the old man Na Que.And those old men also took advantage of Liu Feng's strength, so it shouldn't be difficult to punish a poisonous woman.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll send someone there right away." As a soldier and a retainer, Kou Shui was more resentful than anyone else, he said and walked out immediately.

He ordered a brother outside to return to Luo County quickly and punish the vicious woman.

"Although you are not to blame for what happened this time, you have to think more about what you do next time." After Kou Shui went down, Liu Feng inevitably taught Huang Xu a word.

"I know I was wrong." Huang Xu lowered his head deeply.

At this moment, Huang Xu's complexion has turned from white to blue.This knife goes down, and the damage is not small.After Huang Xu apologized, Huang Zhong immediately said to Liu Feng: "The dog is weak, I'm afraid..."

"General Huang, you don't have to worry about it. Let your son go down to recuperate first." Liu Feng interrupted Huang Zhong's words, and said very considerately.

"I'm sorry." Huang Zhong clasped his fists, immediately picked up Huang Xu and walked down, heading straight to the backyard.

At present, all the maids and servants in the mansion have left, and only a few caretakers are left in the backyard because Mrs. Huang fainted.

Huang Zhong carried Huang Xu to the inner courtyard, handed it over to a few maids, and immediately went to the city to find a doctor without stopping.

Really feel sorry for the parents of the world.

Liu Fengku sat for a quarter of an hour, but Huang Zhong did not return.His face was as motionless as a mountain, but in his heart he was secretly delighted that the only seedling was the only seedling.

During the conversation just now, Huang Zhong also mentioned that Huang Xu had lung disease.

If curing Huang Xu's lung disease is used as a bait, there is no fear that Huang Zhong will not board the ship.Liu Feng was only [-]% sure before, but now Liu Feng is [-]% sure.

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