Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 126 Accident, One Promise

Chapter 120 The Sixth Accident, A Promise

As for Huang Xu's illness, Liu Feng had already made plans. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

It was previously thought to be asthma, but Liu Feng might not be sure that it can be cured, because even in modern times, asthma is still an intractable disease.But Liu Feng was [-]% sure of lung disease.Of course, Liu Feng himself did not understand medical skills, nor could he cure diseases.

But there is still a medical master in this era.Perhaps the average person lived in the late Han Dynasty, and the first miracle doctor that came to mind was Hua Tuo.But what Liu Feng thought of was not Hua Tuo. Although Hua Tuo was powerful, his whole body of medicine lay in surgery, and Chinese surgery was invented by Hua Tuo.

And Huang Xu injured his lungs, it was internal medicine.So Liu Feng thought of another person, the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing.His internal medicine skills are almost at the pinnacle of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, at this time Zhang Zhongjing had not yet written the treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, so he was not well known.Most people don't know.This may also be the reason why Huang Zhong didn't take his son to Zhang Zhongjing to see a doctor.

Liu Feng didn't know where Zhang Zhongjing was at first, he only knew roughly that he should be in Jingzhou.After all, Liu Feng paid attention to the Three Kingdoms because of generals, counselors, and the dazzling wars and schemes.I don't care too much about medicine.

But by coincidence, one day Gan's body was a little weak, and Liu Feng sent people to pay attention to Zhang Zhongjing's whereabouts.I know that Zhang Zhongjing lives in seclusion in Xiangyang area, and makes a living by treating the people in the village.

Finding him is not difficult.

The only problem now is how to make Huang Zhong give up his position as Zhonglang General and follow him on board with his eloquent tongue.

While thinking about it, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.Liu Feng immediately put away his thoughts and looked up.Huang Zhong was walking quickly, followed by a woman.

This woman is about 40 years old, with an ordinary appearance, but a strong body.At this moment, her eyes were slightly red, as if she had just cried.

"You've neglected little brother." After entering the lobby, Huang Zhong saluted Liu Feng with a guilty face.

"It's in the way." Liu Feng waved his hand and smiled.Immediately, he glanced at the woman behind Huang Zhong, saluted and said, "This must be Mrs. Huang."

"It's my wife." Huang Zhong said, looking back at his wife who was following behind him.

"My Xu'er is causing trouble to my uncle." Mrs. Huang stepped forward and said blessings to Liu Fengfu, because Huang Zhong called Liu Feng a little brother, and she also called Liu Feng an uncle.

"Ma'am, you are serious. It is the poisonous woman who hates you, not your son." Liu Feng stretched out his hand to help, and said.

Looking up, she saw Mrs. Huang, although her eyes were slightly red, she seemed to have cried for her son's injury.But there was no intention of angering Liu Feng in his eyes at all, instead his face was full of apology.

Although she dotes on her son, she is also a woman who understands righteousness.Liu Feng nodded secretly in his heart.

The three of them politely said a few words and sat down with each other.As soon as Liu Feng sat down, he raised his fist and said to Huang Zhong: "I see your son's behavior. If the lung disease is not treated, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

"Uncle doesn't know, my child's illness is rooted in the wound. All the well-known doctors told him that it was difficult to treat him, saying that he would not live past the age of 20." It was not Huang Zhong who spoke, but Mrs. Huang.Speaking of sad things, Mrs. Huang couldn't help but shed tears again.

"After five years of treatment, the situation went from bad to worse. A person who was good at first has become the scrawny person he is now." Huang Zhong sighed beside him.

It is very sad to say, poor Huang Zhong is over fifty years old, and only has such a son under his knees.But it was said that he would not live to be 20 years old.Alas.

Liu Feng's heart moved, Huang Zhong's talent was beyond doubt, but he kept it buried.It wasn't until he joined the Shu Han that he shined brightly, perhaps because fortune is closely related to the Shu Han.But it may also be because of the only son on his knees, and he broke his heart.

After Huang Zhong joined the Shu Han, his son is no longer recorded.May have passed away.So Huang Zhong's old body is like a general in his prime.Champion the three armies.Full of blood was sprinkled on the battlefield, hoping to leave a name in history.

Based on such speculation, if Huang Zhong had a queen, would he be more brave?

His heart was shaken, but Liu Feng kept his expression on the cover. He asked, "I don't know what the general said about the famous doctor?"

"Jingzhou is famous, and all the doctors I can invite have been invited to see them." Huang Zhong reacted quickly, hearing Liu Feng's subtext, his eyes brightened, and said.

In other words, the doctors he invited were from Jingzhou, and they were the ones he could hire.

"Did uncle say that there are other famous doctors who can cure my child's illness?" Mrs. Huang's reaction was only one step slower than Huang Zhong's. She was looking forward to, but afraid of disappointment, and looked at Liu Fengdao tremblingly.

What a loving couple.Liu Feng felt a sigh of relief in his heart, and asked on the face: "I don't know if the general and madam have heard of it, Zhang Zhongjing?"

Huang Zhong frowned when he heard this, but he was familiar with it, but he couldn't remember it for a while.After thinking for a while, he hesitated and said, "But that Zhang Zhongjing who used to be the prefect of Changsha?"

Because of Huang Xu, Huang Zhong cared about the famous doctor very much.But Zhang Zhongjing's reputation is really not good, Huang Zhong doesn't know it at all.It was because Zhang Zhongjing once served as Changsha prefect Huang Zhong that he remembered it.

"Yes, this person is a master of medicine. If anyone in the world can cure your son's illness, he must be suspicious." Liu Feng nodded with a smile.By the way, Zhang Zhongjing's reputation will be blown out first.

"Dare to ask uncle, this Zhang Zhong... Where is Mr. Zhang now?" Mrs. Huang asked again.Because I was too excited, I lost my composure.

Huang Zhong's gaze also fixed on Liu Feng.

"As far as I know, he should be near Xiangyang." Liu Feng had already anticipated the reaction of Huang Zhong and his wife, and said it without haste.After a pause, he continued: "The matter of my going south to Changsha has been completely resolved, and I will go north to Xiangyang soon. If, if the general is willing, my wife and son can go north with me."

Out of caution, Liu Feng didn't immediately ask Huang Zhong to come with him, that intention was too obvious.He intends to figure it out slowly.

But Huang Zhong's reaction never occurred to him.

"Okay, I'm going to resign like the prefect and go north immediately." Huang Zhong suddenly stood up and said.

Liu Feng looked at Huang Zhong's firm expression in surprise, with an unquestionable tone.I just feel that all my thoughts are useless at this moment.

Originally, I wanted to take it slowly, but I didn't expect Huang Zhong to resign automatically before waiting for his invitation.

In fact, Liu Feng underestimated Huang Zhong's love for his son too much. Huang Zhong has been a Zhonglang general for several years and has always been like this.He himself is from a wealthy family, and General Zhonglang's salary is not very attractive.If it weren't for Huang Zhong's own strength and unstoppable courage.He likes to think about how to use soldiers, so he has long since resigned from office.

But these preferences.It's nothing in front of his son. If his son is gone, what's the use of being a general.Even if there is a glimmer of hope, Huang Zhong wants to save his son.

And Liu Feng just gave a glimmer of hope, how could Huang Zhong not be excited.

Huang Zhong did what he said. After standing up, he bowed to Liu Feng and said, "Please wait for ten days, little brother. I will resign and deal with business."

After Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, the joy in his heart could hardly be concealed.Let alone staying for ten days, I would be happy to stay even for one month.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry to set off. After ten days, please find me in the Liu Family Village outside the city." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you." Huang Zhong clasped his fists gratefully, got up and walked out immediately.

"It's over half a century, but still so impatient. Uncle laughed at me." Madam Huang looked at the back of Huang Zhong leaving in a hurry, and said to Liu Feng apologetically.

However, Liu Feng could see that there was no complaint in her eyes, but full of warmth.

See Huang Zhong and his wife's concern and love for their son.Liu Feng couldn't help but think of the Gan family.Can't help but say: "Love son is eager, human nature."

Madam Huang nodded approvingly, and then remembered something.He couldn't help apologizing and said to Liu Feng: "Uncle is thirsty, so I'm going to prepare drinks."

After saying that, without allowing Liu Feng to refuse, Mrs. Huang hurried out.

After Mrs. Huang left, Liu Feng looked at the empty lobby and couldn't help but smile wryly. This family is all impatient people.

On this day, Liu Feng not only stayed in Huang's residence for a meal, but also stayed for a day.During the dinner, Huang Zhong and Mrs. Huang, who had already resigned, were very enthusiastic about Liu Feng.It made Liu Feng a little overwhelmed.

Early the next morning, Liu Feng left in a hurry under the pretext that his uncle Liu Mi's family still had something to do.Anyway, Huang Zhong was eager to get on his boat, and the days to come would be long, so he didn't need to care about these few days.

On the avenue, a group of 600 people walked slowly towards Liujiazhuangzi.

Although yesterday has passed, Liu Feng, who was sitting in the carriage, still felt a little dreamy. People often say that a thousand gold is easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

But the matter of this trip to Luo County was reversed. He failed to get gold and silver, but instead got three hundred private soldiers and Huang Zhong's promise.

But what a miracle.

However, Liu Feng is not complacent because he knows that most of them are luck, and Huang Zhong's love for his son is unexpected.And Huang Zhong's own talent is not obvious.

He has been a Zhonglang general for several years and has not been promoted.In addition, in recent years, Huang Zhong is over 50 years old, and there are fewer people who pay attention to him and identify whether he is talented.

It's like rubbish left on the side of the road. Others think it is rubbish. Only Liu Feng knows that it is a treasure that is hard to find.

Anyway, Liu Feng was in a good mood.

The good mood continued until I returned to Liujiazhuang.After arriving at Liujiazhuang, Liu Feng ordered Chen Da, Kou Shui and others to expand the barracks.

There was originally a simple military camp built by Chen Da and others near Zhuangzi, but it was only for 300 people. Now there are [-] more people, so of course it needs to be expanded.

The door of Liujiazhuang was open, and a servant was watching outside the door.It's no different than when you go out.

Seeing Liu Feng walking towards this side, the servant couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Master Biao, Master Biao. Someone from Fei's is here."

"Fei's?" A gloomy moment suddenly flashed in Liu Feng's heart.

This is the seventh update on the fifth, the seventh update.Panax notoginseng yelled at the sky, do you have a monthly pass?Is there a monthly pass?

Well, the wish has been granted.Whether it can be realized depends on Sanqi's character.Go to the codeword immediately, and code the four chapters updated in the early morning of the [-]th.

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