Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 127 Liu Feng Doesn't Buy It

Chapter 120 Seven

Of course, Liu Feng didn't like Fei Shi. (Apex novel hand-written novel) At that time, the eldest son of the Fei family, Fei Biao, took the three thousand gold dowry gift from the Gan family to the south.After discussion, Liu Feng took Fei Shu, Fei's daughter-in-law, as his wife.

At the beginning, because the Gan family was in charge, Liu Feng didn't have the ability to pick and choose.Just let the marriage settle down.But at the end of the day, Fei married his concubine Fei Ting.

If Liu Feng hadn't been hiding things from Gan, I'm afraid Gan would be pissed to death.

Thinking of this incident, Liu Feng's mood was of course not very good.

"Who is it?" Although his heart was gloomy, Liu Feng's face did not show it, and he asked lightly.

"Fei's foreign manager, Feifang, is now placed in the side hall." The servant replied truthfully.

"Leave it to dry, order someone to prepare hot water, take a shower and change clothes." Liu Feng said lightly, and walked out.

Isn't Fei's family the wife of Young Master Biao?Why are you so negligent.

"No." The servant was puzzled, but he didn't dare to speculate too deeply about Liu Feng's matter, so he just turned around in his heart and let it go.echoed.

In the side hall, Fei Fang, Fei's external steward, sat leisurely.

His eyes are bright and his appearance is dignified. Although he is in charge, sitting there, his aura is something that ordinary people from small families dare not compare with.

It's just that as time passed, Fei Fang's face was not as complacent as it was at the beginning.He raised his head and looked at the sky through the gate, but it was getting dark.

"It seems that I can't wait today, and I don't know how many days it will take for Liu Feng to return to Luo County. I can't wait here for a year or a half. It seems that I have to go to the county tomorrow to have a look." Fei Fang I thought to myself.

In fact, according to Patriarch Fei, Fei Guan meant that he would never associate with Liu Feng again for the rest of his life.One is that she married a concubine in the past, and the other is that Liu Feng's status, situation, and reputation now make Fei feel ashamed of having such a relative.

But he had to come again.It was Liu Feng who did it too hard.

Back then when Fei married his concubine Fei Ting, he knew he was wrong.Without publicity, even the neighbors don't know, they have married their daughter.The purpose is to prevent others from knowing that Fei and Liu Feng are married.

Logically, this matter should also be forgotten.After all, given Liu Feng's situation at that time, what he should do was to suffer silently and eat the bitter fruit.But Fei Guan didn't expect that Liu Feng got married openly.

And sent people to publicize everywhere, saying that he took Fei Shu, Fei's daughter-in-law.

This made Fei Guan's brain very troubled. Liu Feng's guess at the beginning was not bad. Fei Guan really wanted to marry the concubine's daughter, so that the concubine's daughter could re-select a husband who was well-matched.

Now that Liu Feng is making such publicity, Fei Guan has no way to marry Fei Shu.

Of course Fei Guan would not let things go on like this, so he sent Fei Fang over.I plan to settle this matter with Liu Feng.So that his prostitute Fei Shu can remarry.

There are two solutions, one is to let Liu Feng go to Xiangyang.Clarify the rumors and let Liu Feng admit that he married Fei Ting, the concubine daughter of the Fei family.In this way, Fei Guan could consider returning half of the three thousand gold betrothal gift to Liu Feng.

The second way is for Liu Feng to divorce his wife.Send Fei Ting back to Xiangyang.As if this hadn't happened.However, as for the second method, Fei Guan would not consider returning the dowry to Liu Feng.

However, according to Fei Guan, Liu Feng has the greatest chance of choosing the first option.After all, Liu Feng is no longer a major general, but a wandering wild general.Maybe one day Liu Biao saw that Liu Feng was unhappy, so he sent troops to wipe out Liu Feng.

Anan disbanded the army and lived with gold.

With a sneer in his heart, Fei Fang stood up and planned to leave.At this moment, Liu Fengshi, who had just finished bathing and changing clothes, walked in calmly.

Fei Fang was taken aback for a moment. After he came here, because his status was just a manager, the master didn't receive him personally.Those who come here to serve are also servants.This young man is so heroic.

After being stunned, Fei Fang also reacted.Although he has never met Liu Feng, he still knows a lot about Liu Feng's appearance.Heroic.

This guy might be it.

Thinking in his heart, Fei Fang bent over and saluted, and said tentatively: "You dare to ask, but I am my uncle."

"I'm Liu Feng." It's okay to be scornful behind the scenes.But if you neglect someone face to face, it will appear disrespectful, Liu Feng nodded, not showing Fei Fang any shame.

He just didn't admit that he was Fei's uncle, but only said that he was Liu Feng.

Of course Fei Fang also heard the implication, but he didn't think Liu Feng was a son-in-law, so of course he didn't care much.

"Master, the younger one is Fei's external manager, and usually helps the master manage the property outside. This time, I have something to discuss with my aunt." Fei Fang slightly lowered his posture and said.

"Speak." Liu Feng went straight to the main seat in the side hall and sat down, Jian said in horror.

"Fei wanted to discuss with my aunt how to solve this marriage. When we came, the master explained two ways." As he spoke, Fei Fang explained the two ways in detail. Of course, he had to say this. She's pretty and didn't embarrass Liu Feng too much.

But when a woman's elders propose to interfere in their children's marriage, they say they want a divorce or something.For the man, it is already very embarrassing.

It's just that Fei's family doesn't care about Liu Feng's thoughts at all.

After speaking, Fei Fang turned his gaze to Liu Feng, waiting for his answer.

"Finished?" Liu Feng just asked lightly.

"It's over." Fei Fang was taken aback for a moment, but still bent over and said.

"I see, come and see off." Liu Feng nodded and stood up.

Outside the door, a servant came in after hearing the sound.Bending over to Fei Fang, he said, "Please, sir."

"Uncle, what are you?" Fei Fang changed his expression, he already felt that something was wrong, it seemed that it was not so easy to solve, and Liu Feng was not that weak.

"Go back and tell Fei Guan that whenever I want to divorce my wife, I will divorce my wife. It's not that he can decide what he wants to do." Liu Feng sneered and walked away.

It's a joke, no matter how poor Liu Feng is, he would never bow his head to ask for the bride price worth fifteen hundred gold back.

Let's put this matter aside for now, and he believes that Fei Guan will regret it in the future, very regretful.Maybe he sent his daughter here to warm his bed.

Liu Feng had no doubts, absolutely no doubts that such a thing would happen.

Liu Feng's words made Fei Fang's face turn blue and purple.Liu Feng's cold answer was definitely beyond Fei Fang's expectations.

He didn't expect that Liu Feng would be so tough even when he was down to this point and wanted to rely on his uncle for a tough.

"Stubborn. I don't know that there is a saying called too hard and easy to break." Fei Fang took a lot of energy to calm down the anger in his heart, and stared fiercely at the door.Started off.

Because Liu Feng told him to see off the guests, the servants standing next to him did not stop him, and sent Fei Fang outside safely.

On this trip, Fei Fang did not come alone, with a few attendants by his side.All riding horses.

"Let's go." Fei Fang shouted loudly, and steered his horse to gallop towards Xiangshui.


Because they were riding horses, several people soon came near the Xiangshui River.

Fei Fang also came by boat, and the big boat was docked near the avenue.This place is next to Changsha City, and there is a small ferry.

However, when Fei Fang came, there were many boats docked at the ferry, so the big boat that Fei Fang was on had to temporarily dock on the river bank.

When he came, Fei Fang hadn't paid much attention.Now he looked up and glanced at the ferry.His eyes froze suddenly, and there were four large ships moored there, and one of the particularly large ships was Cai's ship.Because Cai always likes to leave some unique marks on the ship, Fei Fang recognizes it.

Look at a military camp stationed next to it, in which a "Liu" character flag is waving in the wind.It should be that Liu Feng's army is suspicious.

Could it be that the Cai family has a connection with Liu Feng?Fei Fang's pupils suddenly shrank.Looking at several large ships in the distance, Fei Fang was silent for a moment, with a sneer on his lips.

It doesn't matter if you have a connection with the Cai family, it is dead to fight against our Fei family.

"North to Dongting Lake." With a soft drink, Fei Fang got off the horse first, led the horse, and walked into the big boat moored nearby.

The entourage followed closely.After a while, the big boat went up against the wind and headed towards Dongting Lake.

After Fei Fang left, Liu Feng returned to the yard arranged by his aunt Chen.His complexion was not very good-looking.No matter how beautiful the words are, it can't change his current weak situation.

Because they are weak, they are looked down upon.Marriage can also be changed by the other party at will.If Liu Feng's power is as powerful as Cai's, who would dare to underestimate him?

City, power, military strength, famous generals, counselors.He is eager for these, and he is eager to get these in a short time now, but with his current appearance, he can only drift, can only drift.No chance, no chance.

"Damn it." Liu Feng slammed his hand on the case. "Touch." There was a muffled sound.

"What's the matter, so angry?" A soft voice sounded, and in a gust of fragrant wind, a body had already come to Liu Feng's side.

Liu Feng looked up, but his eyes lit up.

Of course the person who came was Mrs. Liu, but she was very different from the one she usually served. Her perfect body was outlined in a military uniform, her breasts were plump, her hips were round and upright.

A pair of slender legs.Especially with a long sword hanging from his waist and a bow on his back.

A burst of heroic aura came oncoming.

It's just that at this moment, a pair of eyes are shining with a lonely and suspicious light.

The feeling Liu Feng gave Liu Shi was calm and full of courage.She had hardly seen Liu Feng's complexion so ugly, especially his eyes, which were shining with fierceness.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little tired." Feeling his eyes light up, Liu Feng couldn't help but glance at Liu's bulging body, but his mind was heavy and he didn't have much interest.After a while, he withdrew his gaze and said slowly.

"It's not quite right. Master Liu should be that kind of confident, calm, and courageous man. If you lose your composure, someone will definitely offend you. Tell me who it is. Have you thought of a way to be ambitious?" Liu smiled slightly. He lowered his head and took off the bow behind his back, sat casually beside Liu Feng and said.

Liu Feng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, which was rare, and was quite speechless.

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