Chapter 120 Eight

But to be honest, in addition to her heroic appearance, Mrs. Liu seems to have a much more refreshing personality. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

She was not at all different from the elegant lady in Liu Feng's impression.

"Okay, okay. Let's not talk about this, do you want to drink?" Liu muttered and raised his head to ask.

"You think I want to drink to relieve my sorrow?" Liu Feng looked at Liu Shi with a smile and said, maybe when he is happy, Liu Feng will drink with others, but when he is in a bad mood, Liu Feng will never borrow wine Soothing.

"I want to drink away my worries, can I?" Mrs. Liu rolled her eyes at Liu Feng, who looked charming and gentle.

After speaking, Mrs. Liu got up and walked towards the gate without waiting for Liu Feng to answer, and ordered the maid near the gate to bring some jars of wine.

Liu Feng couldn't help shaking his head and let her go.

After Mrs. Liu finished ordering the maid, she sat down opposite Liu Feng carelessly.It seems that two people want to share a case.

Not long after, the maid came in with some servants.Everyone held two jars in their hands for a long time.Good guy, there are ten jars.

Originally, the maid was holding two wine glasses, but she was reprimanded by Mrs. Liu, and came over with two big bowls after a while.

When the maid put down the big bowl, Mrs. Liu waved her out immediately.Self-consciously, he took off the seal of the wine jar, and a strong aroma of wine immediately filled the room.

"Phew." Mrs. Liu took a deep breath, only felt the aroma of the wine was intoxicating, and after being intoxicated for a while, she began to pour wine into the two large bowls on the case.

That looks like a very bold and unrestrained female alcoholic.

"You often drink like this?" Thinking of Liu's dignified and elegant appearance in the past, Liu Feng felt a little unbelievable.

"When I was not married, I would occasionally drink like this." Liu Shi chuckled, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Stretching out a hand as white as jade, holding a bowl full of wine, facing Liu Feng's chest, his eyes were strangely bold.

It made Liu Feng feel like he wasn't a man if he didn't drink.With a wry smile, Liu Feng also lifted another bowl on the case, and touched it with Mrs. Liu.

"Ding." After the crisp crashing sound, Liu tried her best to open her red lips to the edge of the wine bowl, tilted her head back and drank.

"Gulu, Gulu." As Gulu Gulu guzzled, a pile of plump breasts kept rising and falling, and it seemed that he might breathe out at any time.

Liu Feng smiled, and a sense of what to accompany a woman rose in his heart.It is also drinking with the head on its back.It also bottomed out quickly.

"Bump." Two palm-sized wine bowls landed on the table almost at the same time.

"I haven't been so indulgent in so many years. It's comfortable." After putting down the bowl, Liu burped and said boldly.

Hearing what Liu said, Liu Feng understood her somewhat.The elegant and dignified attitude may be the temperament that has been suppressed all the year round. She herself is a very neat lady of the noble family.

"Go hunting today?" Liu Feng glanced at the hunting bow that Liu had taken down and placed next to him earlier, and said in his heart.Looking at the excitement hidden in Liu's eyes again, he couldn't help but laugh.This is not an excuse to drink away your sorrows, it is obviously excited and wants to drink booze.

"Well, I went. I have been in good spirits these days, and I took the house slave to go hunting. On the first day, I shot a rabbit, and on the second day, I shot a rabbit and a wild duck. Today I I hunted a deer." Liu said with a smile and stretched out an index finger.

The index finger like a jade onion exudes a jade-like luster, making people want to take a bite.

After drinking some wine, he felt his body was slightly hot, so Liu Feng couldn't help but pay more attention.

Seemingly not noticing the strange look in Liu Feng's eyes after drinking some wine, Liu sighed and said, "It's a pity, I'm still unfamiliar, five years ago, I was able to take my slaves to hunt big worms. "

A tiger is a tiger.Liu Feng would not think that Mrs. Liu was bragging, but believed that this delicate woman was still a heroine five years ago.

"Heh." With a smile, Mrs. Liu bent down, picked up the wine jar again, and poured wine into the empty bowl on the desk.

It seems to be an illusion, since Liu Shi sighed, she has a strange emotion on her body.I can't tell, I don't know the way.But Liu Feng was a little familiar.

It seems that I have experienced it somewhere.

Liu Feng's thoughts suddenly dispersed, and finally, he fixed on Mi's body.In fact, Liu Feng had long felt that Liu Shi and Mi Shi were a bit similar, but he didn't pay much attention to them, but today, the two people gave him a really similar feeling, very similar.It's not about the appearance of a person, but the breath of the body.

"You are very similar to a woman." Liu Feng couldn't help but said.

"Like it?" Mrs. Liu just arrived at Haojiu, she was taken aback when she heard the words, then frowned and thought about it, then she rolled her eyes and said, "You mean Mrs. Mi?"

Liu Feng was no longer surprised by Liu's intelligence.Seeing that she guessed who it was, Liu Feng nodded without noticing the difference.

"You guys don't understand. But she and I may really look alike. Does she have no children? Neither do I. You say that if a woman has no children, is she still a woman?" Liu said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Yes." Liu Feng thought for a while, and then looked at Mrs. Liu's curvy body.Said such an outrageous answer.

"Haha. You really don't understand." Mrs. Liu laughed, and immediately picked up the bowl that had just been filled, and said boldly, "Drink."

"Heh." Liu Fengnai smiled, picked up the bowl, and clinked a glass with Liu Shi again.He raised his head and drank it together with Mi Shi.




The next day, early morning.The sky is bright.

At some point, the door of Liu Feng's house was closed.

Inside the house, there was a strong aroma of wine.In the small living room outside, wine jars are piled up at this time, some are upright and upside down.Occasionally a dress or two flashed by.

These clothes, along a straight direction, extended towards the back room.Finally, don't get behind the screen.

Behind the screen, there were more and more clothes, some were even torn.There is also a pink apron hanging on the top of the screen.It's just that the red thread on the bellyband seems to have been torn off by someone.

In such a messy scene, there were two sleeping bodies lying on the big bed.

A bronze-colored, muscular body of a man intertwined with a white, delicate body of a woman glowing with jade.

One of the man's hands was holding the woman's neck, and the other was on the woman's breast.

The faces of both of them were a little painful.Aftermath of a hangover.

Liu Feng was the first to wake up. After all, he was a man, and his body was always in good shape.And because he often drank with Zhang Fei and others, his drinking capacity was even more extraordinary.

The first moment he woke up, Liu Feng felt a headache.After squinting his eyes and calming down for a while, the second feeling is whether it is soft or not.

Liu Feng couldn't help pinching the feeling from his hand, and a woman's moan sounded from beside him.At this time, Liu Feng could only be regarded as half awake.This groan immediately woke Liu Feng up.

After waking up, the goal is a beautiful cheek, smooth skin like a girl, but a cheek full of mature charm, closed eyes, upturned nose, that red and seductive cheeks. small mouth.Not a hint of temptation.

Further down is the plump breasts that are tightly attached to his chest, snow-white and round, and the most important thing is bright red, but because it is squeezing his chest, it cannot be peeped.

Liu Feng only saw these, because other beautiful parts were blocked by his body.

Liu Feng shook his head, thinking about what happened last night.

Gradually, the wry smiles on Liu Feng's face became more and more.A hangover woman, a hangover man.What a leaky night.

Shaking his head, Liu Feng shook away the vaguely remembered images in his mind.Thinking about it again, Liu Feng was afraid that he would react.

Sure enough, if you want a hangover, you must find a man to drink with.Finding a woman is sure to end badly.

After calming down, Liu Feng smiled wryly.

He was thinking about how to deal with this matter.Although it was Mrs. Liu who invited him to drink, it finally led to this situation.

But Liu Feng felt that he was a man first, and if he hadn't been unable to hold back after drinking, such a thing would not have happened.

Liu Feng has always kept a respectful distance from a married man.But since it has already happened, of course Liu Feng will not escape.

After thinking about it, I vaguely remembered things last night.This woman, she has no children, so she is full of resentment.She also seems to be married to an old man.It is precisely because of this that she has no children.

Thinking about Liu's usual performance, it should be due to his extraordinary background.And such a background, but also to marry an old man.One can imagine the power of the old man's family.

Coupled with her husband's surname Liu, the answer is ready to come.This woman must be named Cai.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng could only smile wryly, and then smiled wryly again.After he came out of Xinye, he has been wandering.Originally planned to go to Xiangyang to join Liu Biao, but now this happened with his step-wife.

How to go.

Besides, Liu Feng couldn't just watch Cai in his arms and return to Liu Biao's side.

Although he was drunk, he really seduced him. If he wanted to go back to Liu Biao's side again, he would not agree.

Thinking about what to do.However, Liu Feng felt the delicate body in his arms tremble, and he immediately lowered his head to look at Cai's face.

I saw Cai's eyelashes moving slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.They met Liu Feng's eyes.

Look at Liu Feng's face and his bare chest.Feel the difference in your body again.A smile that seemed to be wry and content flashed on Cai's face.

However, as time passed, this smile was slowly replaced by satisfaction.

Slowly, Cai buried her head in Liu Feng's chest, and murmured: "I knew this would happen, but I don't regret it. Because I like you, I hug your strong and powerful body , very satisfied, very satisfied.”

"Do you think I should be honored or bitter? Mrs. Cai." Liu Feng gently put his arms around Cai's head, sniffing the bursts of body fragrance from her, and said.

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