Chapter 120 IX

Cai also knows Liu Feng very well, and he can guess who he is. (Apex Novels hand-typed novels) are not too surprised.But now that the two have been honest with each other.This "Mrs. Cai" made Mrs. Cai a little harsh.

Frowning, Cai said dissatisfiedly, "My name is Cai Yu."

Liu Feng ignored Cai Yu's dissatisfaction, just lowered his head, looked at Cai Yu and said, "Shall we discuss something?" Although he said to discuss, there was an indisputable flash in Liu Feng's eyes.

That's a meaning that after a man makes a decision, a woman has less control.

Under this gaze, Cai Yu realized something, and trembled slightly.Said: "What is it?" The voice was so low that even she herself was unexpected.

"Just treat it as if you're dead. Forget about the past, and stay by my side from now on." Liu Feng said without hesitation.

Cai Yu was shaken all over, and a hesitant look flashed on his face.Liu Feng didn't urge her, but just looked at her quietly.He knew that his actions would embarrass Cai Yu.

The fact that Cai Yu was able to marry that old man Liu Biao proved that Cai Yu cared about the clan very much.If she really stayed by his side forever, it would mean that the Cai clan would not have a solid backer.

How could Cai Yu make a decision in such a short time?But Liu Feng didn't care, since he seduced him, he had to pay the price.

After waiting for a long time, Cai Yu didn't reply, instead she closed her eyes with a painful expression on her face.Liu Feng couldn't help lowering his head, and said softly to her, "If you don't agree, I'll kill you. The woman I have touched, no matter whether she has a man or not, I will never let others touch her again."

A man can tolerate everything, but in this kind of matter, it is not a man to tolerate a little.Liu Feng thinks he is a man.

When Liu Feng said this, he actually didn't know if he could do it.It may be difficult to do so, but Cai Yu will definitely be locked up until Liu Biao dies.

But beyond Liu Feng's expectation, when Liu Feng said this sentence.The pain on Cai Yu's face slowly subsided, replaced by a bright smile.

"It's really greedy." Cai Yu leaned on Liu Feng's chest again, and said in a low voice.

Liu Feng was overjoyed, and hugged Cai Yu's hand even more tightly.Because he knew that if the relationship between the two of them was just a happy one-night relationship just now, they are a couple now.

To be honest, Liu Feng doesn't know how to coax women, and the only woman around him is his personal maid, Huan'er.After Cai Yu agreed to him, he just put his arms around Cai Yu and remained silent.

"By the way, I saw you looking ugly yesterday. What happened to you?" It was Cai Yu who broke the silence. She raised her head and looked at Liu Fengdao with her bright eyes.

"It's embarrassing to say it." Liu Feng smiled bitterly, and talked about some of his entanglements with Fei.

"A dog's eyes look down on people. He didn't know that youth and talent are also a kind of capital. Back then, who would have known that the descendants of Cao Cao, the eunuch, would have the situation today. What kind of magnanimity is that to rule the north. You may not be able to do so in the future." Worse than him." Now that Cai Yu has fully integrated into his new identity, he couldn't help scolding, and said.

Regarding this point, Liu Feng did not doubt it.If he is lucky and prosperous, he will take the Shuhan and have it.Then it really won't lose too much to Cao Cao.

However, Liu Feng's silence made Cai Yu think that he was still brooding.Involuntarily, with a coquettish smile, he stretched out his jade arms presumptuously, wrapping his arms around Liu Feng's waist.

He said softly: "The Fei family is nothing, it is not worthy of supporting our Cai family in Jingzhou. You must know that the woman you are hugging now is named Cai, who is a thousand times, ten thousand times nobler than the Fei family."

Of course Cai Yu was not showing off her birth, but cheering for Liu Feng.

"Hehe, I know." Liu Feng chuckled, and his arms around Cai Yu tightened.Although he really cared about Fei's affairs, it was not as serious as Cai Yu thought, it was just a bad breath.

And listen to Cai Yu, helping himself to speak like this.Liu Feng was only happy in his heart, and Fei's matter had long been put aside.

The two of them couldn't stay on the bed like this all the time, after a moment of tenderness.Liu Feng let go of Cai Yu, and began to pick up the clothes that were still everywhere and put them on.

Cai Yu, who was quite unrestrained last night, is now showing signs of coercion.Seeing that Liu Feng was wearing clothes, he covered up the quilt to cover his delicate body.

Liu Feng looked a little amused. He had done everything and was afraid of it.Shaking his head, Liu Feng didn't force Cai Yu to get up. After getting dressed, he went outside and called the maid.

Get hot water, take a shower, and change clothes.After tossing and tossing for half an hour, Liu Feng and his two came out dressed in new clothes.

Outside the door, a servant was waiting early.

"Master Biao, the master has already returned and is in the study." After seeing Liu Feng and the others come out, the servant bowed down and saluted.

Liu Feng's face was slightly embarrassed. He was drunk last night, so there might be a lot of noise.Liu Mi sent people to wait, but didn't let anyone in to disturb him.I'm afraid I also know something.

"Understood, I'll go now." Liu Feng replied, then turned to Cai Yu and said, "Don't go out today, I'll go hunting later, it's easy."

"Yeah. I'll wait for you." Cai Yu nodded and said.

Liu Feng smiled at Cai Yu, then got up and went to Liu Mi's study.Liu Mi's study is in the front yard, quite a distance from the backyard where he lives.

After walking for a while, Liu Feng arrived outside Liu Mi's study.

"Uncle." Liu Feng stopped outside the study, bent down and said loudly towards the inside.

"Come in." Liu Bi's voice sounded immediately.Liu Feng then left, straightened his clothes, and walked in.

After entering the study, Liu Feng raised his head and looked at Liu Mi for a moment, but frowned. Liu Mi's eye circles were slightly darkened, and his expression was extremely tired.

"Uncle, this is this?" Liu Feng thought in his heart, maybe Liu Mi went to Changsha this time to ask for a letter from Changsha prefect Liu Pan but failed.

"Sit." Seeing Liu Feng coming in, Liu Mi showed a forced smile and pointed to the seat next to him.

After Liu Feng sat down.Liu Micai smiled wryly and said, "Then Liu Pan is a cautious person. Because of your special status, you don't want to participate in this matter."

Saying that, Liu Bi felt really guilty.He single-handedly created the situation where Liu Feng can't get up and down now.But there was no way to solve Liu Feng's matter.Why.

In fact, Liu Feng had already told Liu Mi that with his current status, no one would accept him except Liu Biao, and even avoided him in a hurry.

It has been expected that Liu Mi may not be able to ask for a letter.But in order not to dampen Liu Mi's enthusiasm, Liu Feng had no choice but to let Liu Mi have a try.

Therefore, when hearing Liu Mi's words, Liu Feng was not only not surprised, but also quickly comforted Liu Mi: "Don't worry about it, uncle."

After a pause, Liu Feng smiled again and said, "Nephew, I have already decided to go to Xiangyang to see Liu Biao in ten days' time. At that time, it doesn't make any difference if the envoys are sent to see Liu Biao in advance or not."

"Ten days later? So soon?" Liu Mi was taken aback and lost her voice.

"Well, it's better to solve the embarrassment earlier. If one day, someone treats my nephew as a gangster and kills him, it will be too late." Liu Feng said half-jokingly, half-seriously.

It's not impossible that a wild general wandered around Jingzhou with [-] soldiers.If any guy is jealous, it is not impossible to send troops to conquer him.

Liu Mi couldn't help frowning and thought about this possibility, and thought it was quite serious.

Can't help sighing: "So, we can only go earlier."

"Yeah." Seeing that Liu Mi didn't insist on keeping him, Liu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

Fei's boat was rampant in Dongting Lake, and didn't stop until near a big island.

The island is very large, five or six times the size of Du Island.Similarly, there are many villages and villages, which are very messy.In the middle of the island, there is a big flag.

The letter "Changsha thief."

This is the well-known overlord of the south of Dongting Lake, the island where the Changsha water pirates led by Zhang Gu are entrenched.

There are two major forces in Dongting Lake, one is the blood thief Li Ran who is entrenched in the north.The second is Zhang Gu, the Changsha water thief entrenched in the south, each with two or three thousand forces.Liu Biao couldn't do anything to them.

Originally, the gentry in Jingzhou should have avoided such a force on the water.Few people know that Fei Shi has some business dealings with Changsha water thief Zhang Gu.

Fei's power has grown in recent years, and it has swelled by exchanging food for the gold and silver items robbed by these water thieves.

In fact, when going out this time, Fei Guan told Fei Fang that there were three solutions. The last solution was to make Liu Feng disappear completely.

And it was the Changsha thief's first Zhanggu who acted in his place.

Fei's ships have special marks and can run amok here.Soon, the big island was approaching.

There were also water thieves on the island notifying Zhang Gu, the leader of the thieves, and Zhang Gu led some small heads to greet him.

Zhang Gu is a man around 40 years old. Although he is a water thief, he looks very gentle and handsome.Although there was a smile on his face at the moment, his eyes were full of disgust.

After Fei's boat docked, Fei Fang was the first to get off.Zhang Gu also went up to greet him, laughed loudly and said, "Guan Fei is really a rare visitor here, a rare visitor."

"Don't go to the Three Treasures Palace, go in and talk." Fei Fang said in a low voice, and then walked towards the island very lightly.

"Oh." An awe-inspiring look flashed across Zhang Gu's face, and he followed in.

The two came to Dazhaizi in the center of the island together and sat down with each other.Only then did Fei Fang open his mouth and said, "This time I'm here to ask the big boss to take action and get rid of one person."

"Who?" Zhang Gu asked cautiously with a serious expression on his face.

"Liu Feng." Fei Fang spat out two words coldly, and the sound of Liu Feng yesterday, so tough, Fei Fang sneered in his heart, and made you disappear if he didn't drink a toast.

"That person's reputation is not small, and I'm not too young in the group, I can't handle it." After thinking for a long time, Zhang Gu shook his head and said.

"You are just an assistant, the one who really killed him is someone else." After speaking, Fei Fang whispered a few words in Zhang Gu's ear.After Zhang Gu finished listening, he immediately said: "This matter is easy to handle."

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll take a step ahead. When Liu Feng comes, I'll send someone to notify you." Seeing that Zhang Gu agreed, Fei Fang didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but said more solemnly.

Zhang Gu nodded, and shouted towards the outside of the village: "Come here, send Steward Fei out."

After a while, a water thief walked in and led Fei Fang out.

Not long after Fei Fang left, Zhang Gu let out a long sigh.Standing up, facing the north, he murmured: "Brother Gan, this Dongting Lake is not easy to stay in. If possible, I will lead my troops to go to Du Island."

It's a pity, Zhang Gu knew that it was impossible, if his followers rushed to the north of Dongting Lake, it would definitely cause bad influence.He had a bad relationship with the blood water thief Li Ran.Therefore, Zhang Gu could not defect to Gan Ning.

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