Chapter 130 The Dog Is Blind

"In the future, there will be little brother Lao. (Apex novel hand-written novel)"

"The general is polite."

Outside Liuzhuang, Huang Zhong thanked Liu Feng.

Today is the ten-day period, and it is also the day when Huang Zhong takes Mrs. Huang, his only son Huang Xu and Liu Feng to the north.

Maybe it's because the only son is hopeful, Huang Zhong's complexion is better than ten days ago, his face is rosy, and his voice is loud.Standing there has an aura that cannot be ignored.

Today Liu Feng was wearing casual clothes with a sword hanging from his waist.Fully prepared for travel.

"General, please wait here for a while, I will go in and say goodbye to uncle." Liu Feng said apologetically to Huang Zhong.

In fact, Liu Feng had already told Liu Mi, and Chen Da who was next to him had already pulled out his camp and was about to march towards Xiangshui.But before going out, Liu Feng still felt the need to say goodbye to his uncle Liu Mi.

Liu Mi's love from the bottom of his heart is of extraordinary significance to Liu Feng.

"Little brother, please go ahead." Huang Zhong nodded in understanding.

"Wait a moment." Liu Feng clasped his fists together, turned and entered Liu Zhuang.

Liu Mi's temperament is a little impatient and sentimental, so Liu Feng left today, and Liu Mi just stayed in the study and didn't get up to see him off.

In the study, although Liu Mi held bamboo slips in his hand, he couldn't concentrate.

"Hey, I don't know what will happen to this nephew in the future." Abandoning the bamboo slips in his hand, Liu Mi sighed.

"Uncle, I depend on uncle to take care of you these days. My nephew bids farewell to you." Outside the door, Liu Feng bowed deeply towards the study and bid farewell.

"Go, remember to take care of yourself." Liu Mi suppressed her eager heart and didn't go out to see Liu Feng.It's just that there is still a trace of reluctance in the words.

"Don't worry, uncle. My nephew will not only take care of his health. When he comes back in the future, he will definitely make uncle look good." Liu Feng said with a warm heart.

"Okay, it's great to have such ambition." Liu Mi believed what Liu Feng said, and said proudly.

"The nephew is gone." Liu Feng bowed again, turned and left resolutely.

Although my uncle is kind, Changsha will not bring more opportunities and benefits to Liu Feng. Liu Feng knows very well that only by going north can he expand his power.Only in the future can we raise [-] troops to welcome back the Gan family.

So although Changsha is good, my uncle is kind.But Liu Feng could only reluctantly leave.

"Uncle is waiting for you to return home in fine clothes. There must be a big feast at that time, so that Uncle will be honored." Liu Mi said with a smile on his face, but with sentimentality.

But he fantasized that when his nephew came back, he would already be a leader and return to his hometown.

After bidding farewell to his uncle Liu Mi, Liu Feng left Liuzhuang.As soon as Huang Zhong arrived, he was surrounded by six hundred soldiers, some slaves and maids of Huang Zhong's family, and approached Xiangshui.

After arriving at Xiangshui, he joined Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, Zhou Shun and others who stayed behind, and took a big boat to go north.

A few days later, Liu Feng's fleet was already approaching the range of Dongting Lake.The speed of the fleet is also getting slower.

On the largest building among them, Liu Feng, Huang Zhong, Chen Da and others stood at the bow of the ship.His face was a little dignified.

"Further ahead is the area of ​​Dongting Lake. With such a large scale, even if we want to pass through Dongting Lake quietly, I'm afraid we won't be able to." Liu Feng pointed at the Dahu Road that loomed ahead.

There are thousands of water thieves entrenched in Dongting Lake, and they are thieves that Liu Biao failed to eliminate.Although Liu Feng has a thousand soldiers and horses, most of them have been conquered recently.There is no time to run in, let alone fight with the gangsters.

Even if they broke through the barracks and fought against the bandits, it would probably end in a loss for both sides.

"I think we should spend money to eliminate disasters. Your Excellency brought a lot of gold and silver on this trip. You can take [-] gold and send envoys to send them to the two water thief leaders in the north and south of Dongting Lake." Xu Tian suggested.

"No, the wealth must not be exposed. It will cost a hundred gold to borrow a road. They will guess whether we have more gold. If the two of them are blinded by greed and join forces to deal with us, I am afraid that it will be truly doomed." Liu Feng Que shook his head and said.

"However, it is also possible to send envoys there. Like this. You and Zhang Dao each take a few followers and a few pieces of brocade cloth. Row a boat over and worship the two thieves. I want to borrow it. We also have a There are 200 people, and the fleet is huge. I think those two thieves should be careful." Liu Feng thought for a while, and chose this compromise method.

"No." Xu Tian and Zhang Dao thought for a while, and felt that Liu Feng's method was more reliable, so they nodded and said.

After the two resigned, they immediately selected a few followers and took some bolts of brocade cloth.I plan to take a small boat to Dongting Lake. As for the large fleet, I will stop here temporarily.

However, the two did not sail smoothly.Because in the distance, there is a huge fleet of ships rushing here.There are many boats and boats, big and small, going down the water, so majestic.

"Changsha water thief?" Xu Tian, ​​who was about to set off, looked at the other party's flag and couldn't help but change his expression.

The same is true for Zhang Dao, Chen Da and the others. Even Huang Zhong half-closed his eyes, and a bright light flashed by.

"This is near Dongting Lake. It's not surprising to meet anyone. Calm down." Liu Feng's heart tensed up a little, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he reprimanded everyone.

"Beat the drum, be on guard." Chen Da reacted quickly and ordered loudly.

This building boat was built by the Cai family and given to Cai Yu.Now that Cai Yu belongs to Liu Feng, the boat naturally belongs to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng spent all his daily life on this ship during the days of going northward against the current.Putting on the soldiers stationed with 150 broken barracks, it can be said that the combat power is strong.It is also the headquarters of the fleet.

With big drum.horn.

Following Chen Da's order, "Boom, boom, boom." The sound of the drum came out immediately.As the drums sounded, the boats clustered around the big ship immediately stepped up their guard.

Zhang Gui and Deng Ai, the two military lords, both ordered to strengthen their guard.The fleet also stopped completely.

The reason for beating the drum to be on guard is that Liu Feng did not confirm whether the other party was hostile. If the other party was not hostile, if you attacked rashly, it would be tantamount to throwing yourself on a cliff.

Among the huge fleet going down the water, there is a particularly huge ship.The boat is very similar to a general building boat, but it does not have the tall towers. It seems that in order to reduce the weight, the boat towers were unloaded.Converted into a light and fast water pirate ship.

At this moment, there are several people standing on the deck of the ship.

Zhang Gu, Fei Fang, and several burly water thieves.

"That's the Liu Feng you mentioned? It looks like the size of the fleet is much larger than the 500 people you mentioned." Zhang Gu's complexion was not good, and his tone was a bit cold.

According to Fei Fang's information, Liu Feng's army should only have 500 people.Judging by the current size of this fleet, there are probably thousands of people.

"It's none of your business, as long as you block him here for half an hour, you can get a thousand shi of grain." Fei Fang proposed a price that made Zhang Gu's heart flutter.

"I hope you don't break your promise." After a long time, Zhang Gu cast his eyes coldly at Fei Fang and said.

"Hehe, we, Fei, can still afford this price." Fei Fang didn't care too much, and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Fei Fang stopped talking to Zhang Gu.Standing a few steps forward, looking at the direction of Liu Feng's fleet.At this time, their boat also slowed down.Slowly paused.

It was only 200 meters away from Liu Feng's fleet, facing each other swayingly.

"Hmph, I asked you to toast and not eat fine wine. I, Fei Shi, even saved the [-] gold that I wanted to return to you. I only need to pay a little grain to make you disappear. This method is really good and simple. And leave no trace." Fei Fang looked at Liu Feng's fleet with cold eyes, and snorted coldly in his heart.

From Fei Fang's point of view, Fei's crushing Liu Feng to death was as easy as crushing an ant.And an ant that wants to rebel against humans will have this kind of fate.

Thinking that Liu Feng would be killed in half an hour, Fei Fang was in a very good mood, very good, very very good.Even with a smile on his face, he seemed to have forgotten Liu Feng's treatment of him in Liu Zhuang that day.

What do you care about with a dying person.Fei Fang thought generously.

When Fei Fang was in high spirits, he didn't see Zhang Gu who was standing behind him, his face was full of surprise.

At this time, the two fleets were only 200 meters apart.Zhang Gu could not only hear the sound of drums beating from the opponent's ship, but he could also see clearly the three smaller ones among the opponent's four large ships.

If he read correctly, those three ships were given to Gan Ning by him.

When Gan Ning first entered Jingzhou, he saved Zhang Gu's life, which can be said to be a life-saving grace.Ten months ago, Gan Ning suddenly wrote him a letter saying that he would become a water thief.

The flags are all played out, called the Jinfan thief.Asked him for several large ships.

Although Zhang Gu was surprised that Gan Ning suddenly wanted to become a water thief, he did not hesitate to think of a way to get seven or eight large ships to pass by.By the way, even the pirates on the boat were given to Gan Ning.

On Dongting Lake, there has been a long-term struggle.In each faction, some small marks that can be recognized by their own side are engraved on their clothes.So Zhang Gu could tell at a glance that the three big ships belonged to Gan Ning.

"This guy named Liu Feng, did he snatch three big ships from my brother Gan's? Impossible, let's not talk about how brave my brother is, and they are all elites. With his small number of people, it is definitely not me. That brother Gan's opponent. Not to mention snatching the ship. Could it be that my brother Gan sent him off?" With this thought, Zhang Gu was startled.

You must know that these three big ships are very valuable, and for water thieves, ships are more like life.But Gan Ning did not hesitate to send three large ships to Liu Feng.

So what kind of friendship should the two have?

Could it be that the elder brother of the Gan family had a fateful friendship with Liu Feng?

After having this idea, Zhang Gu was full of worries about Liu Feng's current situation, and Fei Fang, who was looking to the side who was leisurely and ecstasy, became ill-intentioned.

He worshiped Gan Ning as his elder brother, his brother.Liu Feng is Gan Ning's friend, his friend.Since this person came to him to plot against Liu Feng, wouldn't it be ridiculous?

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