Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 131 Bah, what is Fei Shi

Chapter 130 Bah, what is Fei Shi

At the bow of the ship here, Liu Feng was a little surprised when he saw the other party parked, but he did not give up his vigilance. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

While ordering to continue the vigilance, he clasped his fists and shouted: "I am Liu Feng of Luo County, and Zhang Zhuang is in front of me?"

Liu Feng has a strong physique, and his voice is full of breath, and the sound can be heard hundreds of meters away.Zhang Gu, who was 200 meters away, could naturally hear it clearly.

Once this person has a good impression of others, he thinks that the other party is good for everything.

Hearing this voice, then Liu Feng should also be a resounding man.So Zhang Gu clasped his fists and replied, "I am Zhang Gu in Changsha."

"Hehe, Zhanggu in Changsha is famous for running rampant in Dongting Lake. I have heard about it for a long time, but seeing it today is really extraordinary." Liu Feng said politely, then changed the subject abruptly, and asked, "I just don't know where Zhang Zhuang is. This is like iron chains crossing the river. What is the meaning of preventing me from entering?"

Liu Feng asked very frankly and directly.There is an aura of comfort and fearlessness.

Zhang Gu was even more delighted to hear that, thinking that Liu Feng's aura is so aggressive, he should be suspicious of Gan Ning's friend.

"Hehe, I will answer this matter later. Allow me to ask a question first." Zhang Gu chuckled, and then asked, "Where did Captain Liu come from in those three big ships?"

"Boss Zhang is talking nonsense to him. After half an hour has passed, someone will come to clean up Liu Feng." But Fei Fang who was next to him was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Gu's actions, and said loudly.

"Hmph, I don't need you to worry about my work." Zhang Gu turned his head and let out a cold snort.

"You, you actually dare to resist our Fei family?" Fei Fang felt a rush of blood rushing from his heart to his forehead.Pointing at Zhang Gu, he said sharply.

Fei's signboard is very useful in Jingzhou, and it will not fail for almost ten thousand years.Although Fei Fang is in charge, he lives like a gentleman outside.But these days, first there was Liu Feng, and then there was this Zhang Gu who spoke rudely one after another.Fei Fang almost lost his mind.

Especially this Zhang Gu, the blow to Fei Fang was even greater.You know, in previous years, this valley was able to survive only because of Fei Shi.

"What kind of thing is Fei? You take Liu Biao's salary, but connect with us water thieves. You are just disloyal and unrighteous." Zhang Gu snorted coldly, expressing his disdain.

He even made up his mind that after this time, he would abandon this Dongting Lake and go north to find Gan Ning.

According to his guess, Liu Feng should be Gan Ning's friend.The combined number of their two fleets is thousands of people, I am afraid that Li Ran, who dominates the northern part of Dongting Lake, would not dare to block their way casually.

With this thought, Zhang Gu's eyes almost lit up. He had been looking forward to it for a long time, really for a long time.The days of crossing the water system with the Gan family brother.

"You, you." Hearing Zhang Gu's disdainful words, Fei Fang felt that he couldn't breathe, he held his chest, and he was stunned speechless.

After taking a few breaths, he calmed down.But he didn't speak any more, his face was as gloomy as water, and he made up his mind that after the foreign aid came, even this Zhang Gu would be wiped out together.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, Zhang Gu had already planned in his heart to hand over this annoying Fei Fang to Liu Feng.

There was a dramatic change here, but Liu Feng was thinking about what Zhang Gu's words meant.

These three ships were of course sent by Gan Ning.But this guy named Zhang Gu paid special attention to what it meant?First of all, it is certain that Zhang Gu knew Gan Ning through favor or hatred.

However, Liu Feng felt that there was no malice in Zhang Gu's tone.Guess it should belong to the former.

Surprised in my heart, I didn't expect that Zhang Gu, who dominates the south of Dongting Lake, is actually Gan Ning's friend.

"These three big ships were a gift from Jin Fan Gan Ning. Does Zhang Zhuangshi know Gan Ning?" Liu Feng asked tentatively while answering.

And did not let down their vigilance.

"Haha, it really is my brother Gan's friend. Hahahaha." Zhang Gu let out a hearty laugh.

"Zhang Gu, what do you mean?" Fei Fang asked suddenly.Brother Gan?friend?What's going on, what's going on.How could Liu Feng still have something to do with Zhang Gu, the Dongting Lake water thief?

No matter how detailed the layout of Ren Fei's room is, no matter how well-planned it is.This time it really fell.Who is Liu Feng and Gan Ning have a relationship, who is Zhang Gu and Gan Ning have a life-threatening friendship.

This is called being blind.

"What do you mean? You plotted against my brother Gan's friend." Zhang Gu's face was ferocious, but his eyes were full of secrets, and he was angry and half-smile.Zhang Gu was blinded by Zhang Gu's opening his eyes, he didn't know whether to be angry or ridiculous.

"Brother Gan's friend was also plotted against you. Stupid. Come here, bring the boat over. Bind this fellow, and let's go see Brother Liu Feng." After scolding Fei Fang severely, Zhang Gu ordered loudly.

"Promise." The water thieves beside Zhang Gu made a resounding promise.Amidst the sound, the main ship of the water thief broke away from the fleet and slowly approached Liu Feng.

Just stunned, Fei Fang looked at Zhang Gu blankly, as if he didn't know what happened.But when two tough water thieves came up and wanted to tie him up.Fei Fang rushed forward like crazy.

"I'm Fei's foreign manager, I'm Fei's foreign manager, you are dying, you dare to offend Fei, you dare to offend Fei. Fei will never die with you, never die."

Barking like a mad dog, he rushed towards Zhang Gu like a mad dog.At this time, Fei Fang is still not as carefree and scheming as he was when he first met Liu Feng.Just a mad dog.

"Bah, I've said it earlier, I look down on you gentry who eat inside and out." Zhang Gu let out a bah, and kicked Fei Fang's body with enough force.

"Ah." With a scream, Fei Fang clutched his chest and rolled out of Mi Xu.

"A bad manager can't be tied up well, what are you doing for food?" After kicking the toll room, Zhang Gu was still puzzled and yelled at the two water thieves who were in charge of tying up the toll room.

"No, no." Two sturdy water thieves, like cats in front of Zhang Gu, could only nod their heads.They just responded twice, and the two turned around again, and when they faced Fei Fang, who was clutching his chest, with a pained expression, their expressions became ferocious.

Let us be scolded by the big boss.Teach you not to die first.

"Bang bang bang." When the two water thieves were tied up, they lashed out countless times.Seeing that Fei Fang's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his air intake was too much and his output was less, so he gave up.

On the deck of the building ship, Liu Feng saw the main ship of the other party slowly approaching this side, while the other ships were just moored.I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, it seems that the other party really has no hostility.

However, it may have a great relationship with Gan Ning.

But even so, Liu Feng still whispered to Kou Shui next to him: "Order to continue to be on guard, don't relax."

Kou Shui has been with Liu Feng for a while, and he is very used to the work of passing orders.Hearing this, he bent over and said, "No."

In this atmosphere where no action can be seen on the outside, but the soldiers in Liu Feng's fleet are secretly on guard.Zhang Gu's main ship approached slowly.

It was not until a very short distance that Zhang Gu's main ship stopped.

"Boom." There was a loud noise, but it was the other party's person who moved a springboard and linked the two ships together.

Liu Feng couldn't help squinting his eyes, the other party was really upright and courageous.Not only did he drive a boat alone, but he even dared to board the boat.

However, when Zhang Gu stepped onto the springboard.Liu Feng's eyes were fixed, but he was not paying attention to Zhang Gu, but Fei Fang who was tied up behind Zhang Gu. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, Liu Feng still recognized Fei's foreign manager at a glance.

I am afraid this matter is not simple.A gloomy look suddenly appeared in Liu Feng's eyes.

"Hahaha, Brother Liu." When Zhang Gu stepped onto the upstairs boat, he raised his fist towards Liu Feng and laughed.

Beside Liu Feng, Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao, Kou Shui, Zhou Shun and others were divided into two sides, surrounded by stars as if surrounded by stars.Coupled with the young and heroic, it is easy to identify.

"Brother Zhang." It's polite for the other party to address you.Although Liu Feng didn't like the title of brother, he still raised his fist and saluted.

"Hehe, brother Liu is a friend of my brother Gan Ning and Gan's family? I'm really sorry to block you here. Come, bring Fei Fang here." Zhang Gu apologized to Liu Feng with half a sentence, and then said with a half sentence. He ordered the subordinates behind him.

"No." The two water thieves behind Zhang Gu pressed Fei Fang who was like a dead dog and came to Liu Feng.

"Fei's foreign manager?" Liu Feng glanced at Zhang Gudao with a little deep meaning.

Hearing Liu Feng's voice, Fei Fang raised his head vigorously, the resentment flashed in his eyes, but at this moment he was quite stubborn and did not beg for mercy.

"Oh, brother knows him?" Zhang Gu asked in surprise, then, rubbing his forehead, he laughed and said, "I forgot, it's this guy who asked me to block you here, so it's not surprising that you know him. "Speaking, Zhang Gu kicked Feifang with his foot, very casually.

"Fei's is my father-in-law's family, of course we know each other." Liu Feng laughed at himself.

"Then why did you conflict? He wants to block you here." Zhang Gu lost his voice.

"Hehe, don't mention it." Liu Feng chuckled, but he didn't want to delve into this issue, and asked instead: "He asked Brother Zhang to block me, and the price should be quite high. I don't know why you captured this guy instead ? Is it because of Gan Ning?"

"Haha, you guessed right. Brother Gan saved my life, so that is a life-saving friendship. His friend, you can't touch him anyway." Zhang Gu laughed, and he still thinks this matter is a bit interesting. , Fei Fang actually came to him to kill Liu Feng, haha.

"However, it was also an accident. The three boats my brother sat on happened to be given to the Gan family brother by me, otherwise I would have fallen into this guy's way." After a pause, Zhang Gu put away the smile on his face , Some are glad, some are afraid.

"Hehe, the so-called heaven is with me. It proves that God will not let me die." Liu Feng laughed and said with a smile.

Although he also felt that this incident was very interesting, he believed that there must be a certainty in the coincidence.God will not kill him.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes. God won't allow brothers to be plotted against. Hahaha." Zhang Gu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly.

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