Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 132 Jiangxia Prefect Huang Zu's Son, Huang She

Chapter 130 Two Jiangxia Prefect Huang Zu's Son, Huang She

After the laughter, Zhang Gu suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but change his expression. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

"I forgot to tell my brother, this guy invited me here just to stop him. The real ultimate move is Huang She, the son of Jiang Xia's prefect."

"Huang She?" Liu Feng also changed his countenance.

Huang She is nothing, but the Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu behind him is a formidable figure.Guarding Jiangxia for many years, once shot Sun Jian and Xiashan.It can be said that he is a first-class figure today.

What's more, although Huang Zu was a general of Liu Biao's army in name, he was actually a prince of one side.Listen to Liu Biao's call, but the right to autonomy is very high.

Without Liu Biao's order, he once ordered thousands of generals to attack Sun Quan across domains.It can be seen how great Huang Zu's power is.

In Luo County that day, Liu Feng did not pursue the thousands of gold that Kou Dang had donated to Huang Zu in his family precisely because he had great power over Huang Zu, as if he was a vassal.

But his magnanimity and indifference were obviously regarded by Huang Zu as the liver and lungs of a donkey.

He had no enmity with Huang Zu before, even if Fei Shi was involved, Huang Zu would not agree to send troops to punish him.And since Huang Zu sent troops today, it means that Huang Zu is pursuing Kou Dang's matter.

If he got thousands of gold for nothing and sent someone to kill him, wouldn't it mean that he would sell him for the cheap?Anger rose in Liu Feng's heart.

Fortunately, Liu Feng also grew up a lot in the conspiracy and tricks, and was suppressed by Liu Feng when the anger just arose in his heart.

The top priority is not to get angry, but to ask for details.

"How many troops did Huang She bring? When will they arrive?" After calming down, Liu Feng asked Zhang Gu in a deep voice.

"According to what this guy said, there should be 5000 people. They will arrive in half an hour." Zhang Gushun kicked Feifang again and said.

After being kicked continuously, Fei Fang felt aggrieved, he suddenly raised his head, and looked at Zhang Gu angrily.Shouted sharply: "Zhang Gu, you ungrateful thing, have you forgotten that when you had nothing to eat, it was us Fei who brought you food."

"****, aside from mentioning this, I forgot about it. Back then, you exchanged a thousand shi of grain for three thousand gold from me. The whole three thousand gold, you can now buy [-] shi of grain. Profiteer. " Zhang Gu was furious when he heard the words, booming.Fei Fang was kicked away again.

"Ah." With a scream, Fei Fang flew two meters away.But this time it was not as simple as last time. After stopping, his eyes turned white and blood flowed from his mouth.

"Brother, this fellow is vicious and dark-hearted. How do you deal with it?" Zhang Gu asked after the kick.

"Kill it." Liu Feng said casually, the most important thing now is not to deal with the fee room, but how to deal with Huang She.With [-] soldiers and horses, and it was a regular navy, Liu Feng's heart was clouded.

Maybe it's a flashback, maybe it's a matter of life.When Liu Feng said this, Fei Fang's consciousness immediately became clear, and he touched the blood on the corner of his mouth.He jumped up like crazy.

Before Liu Feng, Zhang Gu and others could react, they hugged Liu Feng's leg extremely quickly.Weeping: "My lord, you can't kill me, you can't kill me. I am Fei's external manager, and I am in charge of Fei's huge external property. If I die, it will be a great loss for Fei's." Uncle, Uncle. I beg you, I beg you, for the sake of the Eldest Miss, oh no, and the Second Miss, please forgive me."

The sound of crying and howling resounded, and the words were full of remorse and begging for mercy.But Liu Feng was unmoved.On the contrary, these words of Fei Fang filled his chest with murderous intent.

Back then, he and Fei had agreed to take Fei's daughter, Fei Shu, but it was Fei's daughter, Fei Ting.He also pretended not to know and entertained guests.What a disgrace, what a shame to have a big marriage.

It can be said that Liu Feng has three major hatreds in his heart, one of which is to run away from Xinye on the charge of injustice with the Gan family.The second is wishing to take back the Gan family.The third is that this daughter-in-law becomes a daughter-in-law.Ridiculous, hateful, pathetic.

"Hanging." Liu Feng kicked Fei Fang away, uttering the words through his teeth.The look is ferocious.

He was kicked away by Liu Feng, and then he heard that Liu Feng was going to hang him.Fei Fang was stunned, completely stunned.Hanging is no ordinary pain.Why did he ask Liu Feng for help, but got this terrible result.

Until Fei Fang was taken away by two wolf-like water thieves.He just woke up, and he looked at the ferocious face of Liu Feng who was getting further and further away.

I am so sorry, how did I forget, how did I forget.For the man, it was a great shame, a great shame.Am I courting death if I ask him for help in this capacity?Isn't it courting death?

"Hahahaha, you can't live by doing your own crimes, you can't live by doing your own crimes. Hahahahaha." Fei Fang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly as if he had gone crazy.Tears of laughter flowed out.He was still smiling as the water thief held a rope around his neck.

Laughing at myself for being stupid, stupid, and blind.

"Uh." As the rope around his neck was tightened, Fafang's eyes bulged, and he was hanged.

Hanging Feifang was only discouraged, after the order was given.Liu Feng's attention has shifted from Fei Fang to the current predicament.

Five thousand sailors.How to deal with it?How to deal with it.

Liu Feng fell into deep thought, but Zhang Gu's eyes sparkled with excitement.He said impatiently: "Brother Liu, let's join hands. You have about 1000 people and I have 500 people. Together, we will definitely defeat Huang She, and then go north to meet Brother Gan Ning." Round. How?"

As he said that, Zhang Gu was afraid that Liu Feng would not believe it, so he said again: "Brother Liu, don't believe it, the current Huang Zu is no longer the former Huang Zu. He doesn't repair warships, he lacks wealth, and the army has no laws. Both left and right They're all greedy ministers. It's already sunset. On the other hand, my water thief's bravery ratio is enough to break through 5000 troops."

Liu Feng's heart skipped a beat. He had been in Xinye all year round and had little news.I really don't know what Zhang Gu said.

If it is true as Zhang Gu said, Huang She's five thousand navy is just a paper tiger, and they can do it together.That's something to try.

However, Liu Feng wanted to give it a try, and of course he didn't try his best with Huang She like Zhang Gu.

"Now you and I are working together, we are close to Huang She in terms of strength. If the two armies fight, even if they win, it will be a tragic victory and it will not be worthwhile." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

Seeing Liu Feng shaking his head, Zhang Gu became anxious, and said: "It's okay if you don't fight, this is Dongting Lake is very close to Jiangxia, if he sincerely finds fault, I'm fine, I just hide in Dongting Lake and pass. But brother you."

This seemed to be worrying about Liu Feng's situation, but it was implying that Liu Feng would join forces with him.However, Zhang Gu still pretended not to be like that, and said it almost blatantly.We join forces, we join forces.

Liu Feng couldn't help laughing.After pondering for a while, the coldness in his eyes flashed away and he said: "Although it is impossible to use force, I didn't say that you can't use tricks. He forced him to be strong. I played tricks with him, and it has nothing to do with strength."

"However, before that, I want to ask him whether this battle can be avoided. It would be best if it can be avoided. After all, Huang She's father is Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu. I can't afford to offend him." Liu Feng then added One sentence.

It's not that he can't afford to offend, but that Huang Zu, as Liu Biao's beloved general, has an extraordinary status.And Liu Feng just wanted to go north to Xiangyang. If Liu Biao favored Huang Zu, would he still have good fruit to eat?

What's more, war is a murder weapon, which hurts others as well as oneself.Avoid unnecessary wars if possible.However, if it cannot be avoided.Don't blame me, Liu Fengyin, for killing you.

Liu Feng's eyes gleamed coldly.

Zhang Gu stared at Liu Feng dumbfounded, it turned out that it wasn't that he didn't want to join forces, but that he didn't want to suffer heavy casualties.But Zhang Gu was right when he thought about it, he only had [-] water thieves under him, if there were heavy casualties, he would feel distressed.

So he nodded and said: "Just do what Brother Liu said." After a pause, Zhang Gu asked curiously again: "However, how do you use tricks to conspire against him?"

"Didn't Fei Fang ask you to kill me with Huang She? Then you are Huang She's ally?" Liu Feng said meaningfully.

Sometimes, the seemingly allied forces are actually the enemy's relationship, which can be said to be the deadliest.This is the so-called surprise and attack.

"Brother Liu, when you and Huang She are fighting, I will fight back and surround Huang She. He is a dead fish. Okay, this is a good way." Can be the leader of the water thief, Zhang Gu His water combat ability is not bad, and he immediately brightened up when he heard this.

"Brother Liu is waiting here, let me set up the formation and wait for him to come." Zhang Gu was also impatient, he clasped his fist at Liu Feng, and immediately turned and boarded the boat.

Soon, the main ship turned around and returned to the water thief camp.

Moreover, under Liu Feng's gaze, the water thief's formation slowly changed, and they retreated a little.

This is the area where the Xiangshui flows into Dongting Lake. Behind the water thieves is the vast Dongting Lake.After the water thieves retreated a little, they moved a little to the right, leaving some room open.

Liu Feng looked at it and nodded secretly. The vacant seat was probably reserved for Huang She.When Huang She enters this area, he will definitely lead his troops to rush to kill Liu Feng who is on the Xiangshui River.Then, there is a gap in the rear.Zhang Gu just happened to be able to hide and kill Huang She from behind.

Huang She must never have imagined that Zhang Gu, an ally, would suddenly strike back.Those who would definitely be killed were caught off guard, and they were besieged back and forth.The big defeat is just a matter of time.

"The arrow is on the string, the spear is in hand. Be on guard." Liu Feng turned his head and ordered Chen Da, Zhou Shun, and Kou Shui.

"No." The three agreed in unison, and went down to work.

At this moment, the river is calm, but there is a dark tide in the dark.

The soldiers under Liu Feng's tent, the arrows are on the string, and the spears are in the hands.Already fully prepared, just wait for Huang She to come, fight or not.

The same is true for Liu Feng, his eyes are always looking forward.This stop lasted for half an hour, until the river surface became slightly turbulent, and a large shadow of a boat appeared in the distance.

Only after taking a long breath, came.

However, is it war or peace?There was a cold light in Liu Feng's eyes.If you fight, let you die.

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