Chapter 130 Three Battles

The fleet in the distance gradually became clear. The number of warships was standard, and it was more than one grade better than the fleets put together by water thieves like Zhang Gu, or Liu Feng, who were dying. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Among them, there are no less than five large ships like Cai Yu's building ship.It is magnificent and has high combat effectiveness.

On one of the building boats, a handsome "yellow" rod flutters in the wind, showing the appearance of a dragon flying into the sky, with its teeth and claws.

On the deck of the ship stood a handsome young man.The young man stood with his hands behind his back, with extraordinary momentum.In terms of appearance, he is about 30 years old, with fair skin, sharp eyes, and a little bit of arrogance.

Of course he has proud capital, as a general, he has defeated many water thieves.He is also the son of Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia. It can be said that he is the son of a prince, and his status is respected.

Regardless of his qualifications, ability, and appearance, he is very conceited.

Just when Huang She was thinking proudly, a stabbing pain came from his waist, and his complexion immediately turned ugly.

"Damn it, Jiangdong Bi Yaner." Huang She caressed her waist vaguely, secretly hating her.

If it is said that someone is stronger, more capable, and more handsome than Huang She.Huang She will definitely not deny it, because there is indeed such a person.

That is the hateful Jiangdong Biyaner.

In terms of status, Sun Quan is more honorable than Marquis Wu.In terms of ability, Sun Quan is a little stronger than him.In terms of territory, it is six times larger than his father Huang Zu.

It is also the second generation ancestor, the gap is not usually large.No, Sun Quan should be the ancestor of the third generation.

In the past, Huang She refused to admit to this incident, but three months ago, he led five thousand troops to attack Caimulberry.As a result, he was defeated and returned, losing two thousand elite soldiers.

Huang She had to admit that Sun Quan was stronger than him.

This time Huang She led the troops to come here, saying that it was to wipe out Liu Feng, it might as well be a vacation.The purpose is to kill one person, taste the taste of victory, and get rid of the shadow of being defeated by Sun Quan three months ago.

As for who Liu Feng was, Huang She only heard about it yesterday.I don't know much about it, but I heard that a supporter of his father Huang Zu was killed.

That supporter was good, and gave Huang Zu [-] gold.Huang Zu decided on ambition.Originally planning to send General Deng Long to come, Huang She volunteered to get out of the shadows.

"General, look ahead, it should be the subordinates of the Changsha water thief Zhang Gu. The one further away should be Liu Feng. It seems that Zhang Gu is well blocked." A lieutenant stood at the bow of the boat, who had been observing just now In front, the observation has been completed at this moment, and he trotted all the way to Huang She's side and reported.

"It's just a water thief, what fighting ability does it have?" Huang She said with a hint of disdain in his eyes.If his father, Huang Zu, hadn't aimed at Sun Quan directly, he would have asked Ying to exterminate these water thieves long ago.

**, the number of boats coming and going, the number of robbery.These water thieves are insanely rich.

"General, don't underestimate these water thieves. They are all thugs. They are not afraid of death. They may be ahead of our army in charge. Otherwise, Liu Jingzhou would not just watch these water thieves do harm to one side. "This deputy will be very conscientious, persuaded.

"No matter how strong the water thief is, they won't be able to get on the stage." Huang She said dismissively.

"Hmph, anyway, I didn't bother him this time. I don't care who he is first. Kill Liu Feng first, capture him alive, and give it to his father." Huang She's complexion suddenly changed, and he calmed down a little.Holding his right hand with his left hand, he moved a little bit, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Don't underestimate Huang She, he also has a few brushes.

The lieutenant looked puzzled for a while, he said that those water thieves were tough, but he wanted Huang She to pay attention and be on guard.But I didn't expect that Huang She didn't treat the water thief as a human being at all.

But think about it, although water thieves are strong, but when encountering a large-scale navy, they still mainly flee.He would never choose to confront the water army head-on.

Now they have [-] sailors, which is already very large.Naturally, he is not afraid of mere water thieves.When the deputy general thought about it, he immediately felt confident in his heart and straightened his back.

"Hoo hoo hoo." The fleet didn't even stop, they went directly down the river, rushed towards the Xiangshui River from the half of the estuary that Zhang Gu and the other water thieves gave up, and arrived in front of Liu Feng and the others in the blink of an eye.

"Is Jiangxia's navy on the other side?" Realizing that the other party was not kind, Liu Feng frowned and said.

"Hehe, so what?" In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two armies was already very close.However, it was also because he was afraid that Liu Feng would lead the fleet to disperse, and it would be troublesome to kill.Huang Shi gave the order to slow down.

Hearing Liu Feng's question, he couldn't help but sneered and replied.

"My lord prefect and I have enmity in the past, but today we hate each other. The lord prefect even did not hesitate to join forces with the water bandits and destroy me, but for the sake of that bandit?" Although Liu Feng realized that he couldn't be kind, he still did it. Last effort.After all, the two armies killed each other and lost a lot.Even if the Huang Sheshui army is defeated, he will have to fight against Huang Zu, which is not conducive to the development of his power.

"Don't be a prefect, tell you, it's useless. I'm here to take your life today. If you surrender obediently, you can still live for a few days. If you don't surrender, hehe. Don't blame this general for being cruel. I did." Huang She thought Liu Feng was flattering him, and begged for mercy.The tone is very hard.

"It's true that if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and you break through the gate of hell. It seems that today I really want to taste the taste of defeating the navy." Liu Feng heard Huang She's tone was extremely hard, and his eyes turned cold. No more unnecessary persuasion.

"Beat the drum and order Zhang Gui to take full command of the battle." Liu Feng ordered.

Although Liu Feng had wiped out many water thieves, it was because of relying on strong troops to destroy them forcefully.Zhang Gui and Zhou Shun under Liu Feng's tent are experts in the real water army fighting.

"Boom, boom, boom." Following Liu Feng's order, the roaring drumbeat rang again.Also, the shape of the fleet has changed somewhat.

It slowly opened in a fan shape, like a big net, trying to capture the Huangshe fleet with [-] troops and several large ships left and right.

"Hahahaha, does he understand naval forces? When he is in a weak position, he can choose to run away or fight in an assault formation. But he puts on such a fan shape, intending to defend? What a joke, a joke. Haha Haha." Huang She couldn't help laughing when he saw Liu Feng put on such a posture.

It was so funny that Huang She's image of maintaining his demeanor at all times immediately disappeared.

However, no one despises Huang She.Because everyone is laughing.Laugh at Liu Fengzhi.

"Hehe, it seems that I was worrying for nothing. Then Liu Feng doesn't know how to use water troops at all. Nothing can go wrong." The deputy general who reminded Huang She to beware of water thieves couldn't help laughing.Shaking his head, he completely let go of the worries in his heart.

Such an opponent is really too weak, so weak that it can hardly stand the wind.Swipe casually and you will be defeated.It can just boost the general's leading experience.

The lieutenant thought with ease.

Huang She and his navy can be compared easily because of their superiority.

Of course Liu Feng, who is now in a weak position, will not feel relaxed, but instead has a serious expression. Now it is at a critical juncture.

But there is also a condition, that is, they set up a defensive formation to defend the first charge of the Huang Sheshui army, and then Zhang Gushui, who was placed at the end, went down the water to cover up the attack from behind.

Like a sandwich, wrap the jaundice in the middle.At that time, the Huang Sheshui army would be in a state of confusion when they were attacked from the front and rear, and the army would be defeated like a mountain.

These are the results of Liu Feng and Zhang Gu's speculation, but it is extremely difficult to actually operate.

Just to say, can his navy, which can be regarded as a temporary patchwork, withstand Huang She's first round of rushing, and whether he can resist Huang She's crazy counterattack in the back.It's all a question.

However, Liu Feng couldn't control all of this.In the face of menacing enemies, if you don't raise your sword to fight back, when will you wait.

"How about it, can it work?" Liu Feng asked without turning his head while holding the sword hilt at his waist.

At some point, Huang Zhong stood beside Liu Feng, dressed in golden armor, shining brightly in the sun, holding a pair of big black bows tightly in his hands, and carrying a quiver on his back.The pot is full of feather arrows.

There are nine arrow pots lined up next to them.

According to what Huang Zhong said, when he was young, when he was about 40 or [-] years old, he drew bows all over the garden, and it was no problem to shoot one or two hundred arrows. Now that he has declined, shooting one hundred arrows is already the limit.

The hit rate is about ninety-nine percent.Ever since he knew that Liu Feng was going to fight Huang She, the son of Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, Huang Zhong put on the armor himself, intending to help.

"It shouldn't be a problem to shoot a hundred." Huang Zhong smiled slightly, then spread his hands and stretched his muscles.After a while, a flash of light burst out from his eyes.

Like a falcon in the sky, sharp and keen.Keep your eyes on the front.

Take a step forward with the front foot, and take a half step back with the back foot, forming a bow and horse stance, ready to go.

At this moment, Liu Feng and Huang Zhong were not standing on the deck, but on the top floor of the building.Except for a few building ships of the same level as the other party, the others are all the existences that Liu Feng and the others are looking down upon.

"Boom, boom, boom." Amidst the roaring drums, Huang She's fleet approached abruptly.

"Touch." With a loud crash, the superiority of the Huangshe fleet's ships was revealed.Except for Liu Feng's building boat and three big ships, several of the other boats were knocked over.

Many soldiers screamed and fell into the river.

But Liu Feng was unmoved. Of course, all of this was expected. His most elite [-] soldiers from the battalion had already been transferred to the building boat and the three large ships.

This collision cannot kill anyone.

"Kill." Liu Feng's low voice was almost inaudible amidst the roaring drums, but the war broke out completely amidst the word "kill".

Under the command of Huang She, several water troops poured into Liu Feng's four large ships.

War broke out.

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