Chapter 130: The Sandwich Attack

From the very beginning, the fight in the war was almost one-sided. Liu Feng went south to recruit the water thieves and the private soldiers of the Kou family. Although they were of good quality, they had no time to integrate and train. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

When they started fighting, their morale was low, and they almost collapsed at the touch of a finger.Only the [-] broken barracks soldiers and [-] reserve soldiers brought from Xinye on Liu Feng's four large ships resisted the first wave of Huang Sheshui's offensive, and even had the strength to counterattack.

"Swish, swish, swish." The two sides counted the arrows that flew down from the building boats, and countless soldiers from both sides fell to the ground.

The brutality of the water battle was completely displayed in front of Liu Feng at this moment.

What is fighting is warships, arrows, and quality.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh." Standing beside Liu Feng, Huang Zhong's gaze was like an eagle's. The oolong bow almost never stopped, and arrows were shot out one by one.

Every time an arrow is shot, one person falls down in response.

The so-called 90.00% hit rate is actually [-]% [-]% technology and [-]% accident.

However, although Huang Zhong did a good job, he shot and killed hundreds of soldiers by himself, but for the opponent with [-] sailors, it was really a little bit late.

"It's a pity that this is a water battle. If it's a foot battle, Huang Zhong will lead hundreds of dead soldiers to advance forward with one bow, but he can take the head of the general among the thousands of troops." Looking at Huang Zhong in amazement, Liu Feng has no regrets.

After almost shooting a hundred arrows in one breath, Huang Zhong's face turned red and dripped blood, and he panted like a cow.His arms trembled slightly.

"It's really old and useless." Huang Zhong smiled wryly, feeling old.

"The general is one enemy against a hundred. He is really old and strong." Liu Feng showed a smile on his dignified face, and then said: "The general has done everything that can be done. Now it depends on whether our son can withstand it." Offensive, pull this Huang She off the boat."

As he said that, Liu Feng raised his eyes to look far away, and saw the Zhanggu fleet, which had never moved in the distance, slowly moving.

"Life and death are only a thin line. If you don't fight to the death at this time, when will you wait?" Liu Feng raised his arms and shouted.The sound was as loud as thunder, and it was still clearly audible amidst the roaring drums and the fighting between the soldiers on both sides.

When will it be.

When will it be.

When will it be.


"Respect the life of the captain, let's fight to the death." Chen Da and Zhou Shun heard Liu Feng raised his arms and shouted, and they couldn't help shaking their hearts. With a loud shout, the two drew their swords and moved forward, taking the lead. Step to kill.

For a time, the morale of the army was greatly boosted.

"Breaking the army, breaking the army, the unbreakable army in the world, kill." The soldiers of the breaking barracks shouted, and launched a counterattack while several people were stunned.

In an instant, the enemy troops on one's own ship were wiped out.But the soldiers who broke the barracks were still not satisfied. Under the leadership of Chen Da and Zhou Shun, they counterattacked Huang Shejun's building boats.

In order to occupy the combined springboard of Liu Fenglou and ships, Huang Shejun became the bridge for Chen Da and Zhou Shun to lead the soldiers to counterattack.

The bravery of breaking the barracks also aroused the morale of the rest of the battalions.

Although the army commanded by Deng Ai and Zhang Gui was short of the broken barracks, the soldiers in the two battalions were built with the skeleton of the [-] reserve soldiers who broke the barracks in the past.Combat power is also not to be underestimated.

"How can I fall behind and kill?" Hearing and seeing the heroic feat of breaking the barracks and counterattacking the enemy's ships, it was courageous.Zhang Gui knocked down a soldier of Huang Shejun in front, shouted loudly, and led the soldiers to fight.

"Steady the formation, attack while defending." Deng Ai was much calmer. The 13-year-old held a steel knife for self-defense, sitting at the end, and commanding calmly.

Since becoming a military marquis, Deng Ai's standing posture has become more upright, not only has he lost his immaturity, but a little majesty has been born on the contrary.

Under Deng Ai's composure, the barracks he led were also extremely stable.Like a stubborn stone in the waves, it is indestructible.

Although the number was ten times behind the enemy's, such a strong army actually blocked the first wave of Huang Sheshui's offensive.Not only that, the fire also burned to a building ship of the Huang Sheshui Army.

Slightly behind, on the building boat that did not directly participate in the battle on the battlefield.

Not only did Huang She's jaw drop to the floor, but he was absolutely dumbfounded.Five thousand troops, several buildings and boats, several large boats and small boats, how can they kill hundreds of bandits without defeat?

That's right, it was hundreds, [-] soldiers of Liu Feng. At the first moment of the battle, those miscellaneous soldiers were either knocked over by boats or had no fighting spirit at all.

There are only 900 people who are really fighting.Deng Ai, Zhang Gui, Chen Da, Zhou Shun and other camps.Whether it is military strength, equipment, bows and arrows, they have all the advantages, and it is difficult to gnaw this bone,

How could Huang She not be dumbfounded.

Huang She has been a general for more than ten years, and the strongest soldier he has seen is Sun Quan's general Zhou Yu's army. It is powerful. Huang She's army is half of Zhou Yu's army.

But now, he has six times the number of people, warships, bows and arrows and other advantages, and he can't eat these small hundreds of people.

"Battle strong soldiers, no wonder you dare to put on such a formation. However, with such little ability, in the face of an overwhelming advantage, it is just a dying struggle. General, order a fierce attack. We will also join the battle." The deputy general next to him saw Huang She was stunned, and couldn't help but encourage.

"Yes, like Yinghuo and Haoyue, in the face of absolute military strength, no matter how strong the soldiers are, they are still Yinghuo, how can they compete with Haoyue." Huang She responded immediately and said.Some feel ashamed of their reaction just now.

Hmph, no matter how strong it is, it is still a trapped beast, just dying.

After gaining confidence, Huang She's complexion immediately improved a lot, and his eyes were full of cruelty.

"We're also joining the battle. Let's kill him and leave nothing behind." Huang She roared, drew out the long sword at his waist, and pointed it straight ahead.

"Promise." The lieutenant next to Huang She promised loudly, and immediately sent an order to sail.

Huang Sheshui Army, the last building ship, joined the battle.

Originally, Liu Feng's third battalion of soldiers and horses, breaking the barracks had room for a counterattack, and the other Deng Ai and Zhang Gui's second battalion could kill half a catty, but they joined the battle with the last building boat of Huang Shejun.

In addition to the accident of breaking the barracks, Deng Ai and Zhang Gui suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply.For a while, dangers abounded on the big ship they were on.

As the last building boat of the Huang Sheshui Army joined the battle, Liu Feng's face became more and more serious.

"Whether you can make it through or not depends on this time. If you make it through, you will win and you will live. If you can't make it through, you will lose and you will die." Liu Feng knows better than anyone else.

"Brother, I dragged you into the water this time." Liu Feng said apologetically to Huang Zhong, who had regained some strength.

"Hahaha, what dragged it down, I insisted on staying. It's none of the little brother's business." Huang Zhong laughed and said, although his youth is no longer there, his heroism is very impressive.

Before the war started, the female relatives on board, including Mrs. Huang, Cai Yu, Huang Xu, and Huan'er, had all been transferred.Originally, Liu Feng wanted Huang Zhong to leave as well. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Huang Zhong.

It's just that Huang Zhong insisted on staying, that's why Huang Zhong said this.

"Okay, whether it's a dragon or a worm depends on today. Hahahaha." Liu Feng was also infected by Huang Zhong's boldness, and let out a loud laugh.

"The enemy's offensive is fierce, what should the Marquis do?" On the big ship where Zhang Gui was, the soldiers retreated gradually with Zhang Gui, and a pale-faced soldier shouted at Zhang Gui.

"Fight to the death and never retreat. My lord said that victory is for us. Don't you believe me?" Zhang Gui let out a roar, and knocked down a Huang Shejun in front of him.

"No." Remembering that Liu Feng led them to exterminate water thieves in the past, it was not good, and the soldiers around them suddenly became more motivated.With a loud roar, they fought hard.

Compared with Zhang Guichu, the situation on Deng Ai's side is slightly better.Because Deng Ai adopted the formality of defending and attacking from the beginning.So in the face of Huang Shejun's pounce, Deng Ai just commanded the soldiers to slowly shrink their defenses.

The footsteps are very steady and the formation is solid.

Although, the military princes under Liu Feng's tent worked hard.But over time, things finally changed.Facing Huang Shejun's onslaught, Liu Fengjun gradually couldn't resist.Zhang Gui even led the soldiers out of the deck and guarded the cabin.

He himself was covered in blood, and he didn't know how much trauma he had suffered.Deng Ai is slightly better, but he is also losing ground.Unexpectedly, Chen Dayi led [-] soldiers from the barracks, roaring again and again, and began to occupy a building ship of Huang Shejun, but it was not enough for the overall situation.In general, Liu Fengjun is on the verge of collapse.

However, wars are always won by those who are prepared.And Liu Feng is just the one who is prepared.When his army was in jeopardy, to a very dangerous level.

The fleet of the water thief Zhang Gu finally arrived.Going down the water, with the power of Huang Shejun hitting Liu Fengjun just now, he slammed into Huang Shejun fiercely.

"Boom." A violent shaking caused large pieces of Huang Shejun to fall from the deck into the river.

"What's going on, which bastard is at the helm?" Huang She, who was in a good situation and was about to capture Liu Feng alive, staggered and almost fell to the ground.After stabilizing, Huang She cursed.

Huang She didn't realize at all that Fei Fang invited to block Liu Feng, and the water thief he despised had already killed him.

"General, it's not because of the helmsman. Those water thieves, those water thieves came here to kill them." The deputy general's voice was full of fear.

Whether it is a water battle or a land battle, the most dangerous situation is to be flanked by front and back.

"How is it possible, how is it possible? Didn't Feifang tell us that the water thief was brought by them to block Liu Feng in advance? How dare, how dare a mere water thief dare to confront our Jiangxia navy? Impossible , Impossible. Unless, unless it is Feifang's design, who wants to use the hands of the water thief to frame me, frame me." Huang Xu was shocked when he heard this, and after looking back, he felt that his soul was dying.

Nervously shouted.

No matter who is responsible for this matter, I'm afraid they will be like Huang She, don't believe it, don't believe it, can't believe it.A moment ago, they were the victors, and they were about to wipe out Liu Feng.But at this moment, they have become dancers on the edge of the cliff, and they may be smashed to pieces at any time.

The gap is so big that Huang She can't bear it, can't bear it.

"General, now is not the time to talk about this. We should first find a way to deal with the current crisis." The lieutenant general's face has long since lost the complacency before, just now he joked that Liu Feng didn't know how to set up an formation, and joked that Liu Feng didn't understand how to set up an formation. The navy and so on have already been thrown out of the blue.

Survival at this moment is the most important thing.Yes, live.It might be hard to imagine that a regular army with [-] sailors would be defeated by two miscellaneous troops with less than [-].

But this is a fact, one wrong step, one step at a time.They didn't expect that the ally that Fei Fang contacted was actually a ghost.

Stab them in the back.

While talking, the Zhanggu water thief had officially arrived.In the powerful impact down the water, soldiers of several boats, holding spears and biting short knives, walked on the gangplank.He rushed onto Huang Shejun's big boat.

Just now a group of people fell into the river due to a strong impact, and now they have just stood still, and they were caught off guard.Huang Shejun was killed in pieces by water thieves.

"Hahahaha, fuck, I also have today. Jiang Xia Shuijun, what the hell? Don't you want to drink the footwashing water from brother Liu and me? Hahahahaha." Zhang Gu holds the knife in his right hand and laughs up to the sky.

How exhilarating.

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