Chapter 130 Five

"What should we do? Of course, kill him. Kill Liu Feng first, and deal with those water thieves later." For Huang Shejun, the current situation is extremely critical.

Although Huang She is a bit arrogant, he still has some experience in leading troops.Only at this time, the predicament of being flanked before and after was broken without breaking one side first.

"Get rid of Liu Feng, get rid of Liu Feng. Rush out, rush out, and fight again." At this moment, Huang She had only one thought in his mind, to kill Liu Feng first, and then kill the water thief.Knead the persimmons softly.

"No." After thinking about it for a while, the deputy general also realized that this was the only way at the moment.After a promise, he hurriedly sent an order to the army.Attack Liu Feng.

With the roar of the drums, Huang Shejun's military spirit barely stabilized, and they began to fight forward, intending to occupy Liu Feng's four large ships.

"Hmph, stubbornly resisting." Chen Da, who had realized that the situation had finally changed, snorted coldly, and he turned around and shouted: "Stop entangled with others, point directly at the enemy's main ship, and capture Huang She alive."

"Promise." With a loud and clear promise, the soldiers immediately stopped entangled with the ordinary soldiers of Huang She's army, followed Chen Da, and rushed towards the building where Huang She was.

But before arriving at the building where Huang She was located, there were still several large ships.What Chen Da meant was to occupy one ship after another and kill them.

At the same time, Deng Ai, Zhang Gui and others were also revitalized physically and mentally because of the change in the situation. They took up their courage and launched a crazy counterattack.

At this moment, the importance of the quality of the army is once again reflected.Huang shot him and wanted to rush through Pojun at once.Zhang Gui and Deng Ai's three camps are simply delusional.

The front rush failed, and the Zhanggu water bandits pressed forward step by step.Sturdy water thieves were cut down in patches of yellow water-shooting soldiers in the rear.

When the situation just happened, Huang Shejun was still brave enough to fight Liu Fengjun.But as time passed, the situation became more and more critical.Huang Shejun was in chaos at last.

Because Huang Zu is old and doesn't repair warships, there is a hidden danger in the army's laws.Finally broke out.

"Defeated, defeated. Everyone run for their lives." A voice with a strong Jiangxia accent yelled out, and an unprecedented effect was formed in an instant.Several sailors gave up fighting and jumped into the river.

As a sailor, water quality naturally comes first.These sailors knew that as long as they jumped into the river, they could survive.

"Putong, putong." For a moment, the sailors rushed to jump into the river.It stirred up countless waves.

"Is this my elite navy? Is this my elite navy?" Faced with the defection of the soldiers, Huang She could hardly believe it.He has five thousand elite sailors, the best warships.Unexpectedly, even after rushing twice, he could not defeat Liu Feng's small hundreds of people.

However, even so, it is not impossible to win suddenly.Just kill Liu Feng who is blocking the front.But at the critical moment, his army collapsed by itself.As an elite army, he actually collapsed by himself.

This is something Huang She never thought of, never thought of.

It turns out that I can be defeated by Sun Quan once, and I can also be defeated by Liu Feng once.It's not that the enemy is too strong, but my army is too weak.

So it is, so it is.Huang Sheming realized it, but it was too late.

As the water thieves approached, more and more Huang Shejun jumped into the river.Even the counterattack of Chen Da and others also caused this effect.

"Jiangxia's water army is mighty, Jiangxia's water army is mighty." Huang She didn't allow himself to fail, especially in such a small situation, he still had to deal with Sun Quan and fight Sun Quan, how could he lose to Liu? Feng this wild general was defeated by water thieves like Zhang Gu.

Although the general situation is gone, Huang She still raised his arms and shouted.A hoarse cry came out of his mouth.But the effect it brings is negligible.In order to escape for their lives, the number of water troops gave up fighting, warships, and Huang She.Struggling to jump off the boat.poured into the river.

The defeat of the army is like a mountain, which is the description of Huang She at this moment.The five thousand sailors were wiped out because of a small conspiracy.

One cannot be arrogant, one cannot be careless in general.

"General, we are defeated. Let's go first in a small boat." The lieutenant next to him couldn't help but anxiously said when he saw Huang She raised his arms and shouted frantically.

He knew that five thousand sailors were nothing.As long as he can protect the eldest son of the prefect, big things can be turned into small things.If there is anything wrong with this general, he is ready to flee to the end of the world.

Unexpectedly, after Huang She heard this, his face suddenly became ferocious, and the long sword in his hand was placed on the lieutenant's neck fiercely.He said ferociously, "Is my Jiang Xia army strong?"

"Strong." The cold feeling of the sword resting on his neck made the lieutenant sweat profusely, and he couldn't stop nodding.

"Then how could I be defeated? How could I be defeated?" Huang She grinned grimly, and said, "I tell you, whoever dares to escape, I will kill him. Even if he escapes, he will be served by military law in the future."

"No. No." The lieutenant nodded again with cold sweat streaming down his face like a waterfall.It's just that I don't know how many times I scolded pornography in my heart.

Not to mention Huang She is like a lunatic who refuses to admit failure and is afraid of failure.

Let's just say that the fight at the mouth of Dongting Lake was decided within a quarter of an hour after the water thief Zhang Gu's sudden attack.In the almost one-sided fight, the number of Huang Sheshui troops who jumped into the river to escape was almost several times more than those who died in battle.

Flee without fighting.

In the river, several sailors swam towards the shore under the stimulation of the cold water.

Countless ships, large and small, either docked or sank entirely.Arrows were planted on several huge building ships.Weapons everywhere, body parts, blood all over the deck.

The number of sailors either fell to the ground and wailed, or knelt and surrendered.Standing around are several Liu Fengjun, who are eyeing tigers, and sturdy water thieves.

It can be said that in this section of the waters, there are almost only wailing and panting sounds left.

There were sporadic sounds of fighting coming from only one of the large boats, but they were also faint, like a blown-damaged woman uttering powerful groans.

On the blood-stained deck, soldiers from the broken barracks gathered, Liu Feng and Huang Zhong all stood on it.In front were Huang She, the lieutenant general, and dozens of soldiers who were still stubbornly resisting.

On the battlefield, if the main general does not retreat, the personal soldiers will not retreat.It's an iron law.Even if the situation has reached a freezing point, if Huang She does not surrender, the dozens of soldiers can only fight to the death.

Behind Huang She and the others stood Zhang Gu, who was eyeing a tiger, and his water thief.

The quarter of an hour of fighting seemed to these water thieves to be unsatisfactory at all. They all showed blood red eyes and looked at Liu Feng who was still stubbornly resisting.

Just waiting for Zhang Gu to give an order, he rushed forward.

Under such an absolute disadvantage, stubborn resistance can only delay time.

When the last soldier was killed, a long sword was placed on Huang She's neck.There was also a long sword on the neck of the lieutenant general.

The lieutenant's face was ashen.Huang She's expression was dull, as if she was stupid.

Stupid, really stupid.Five thousand sailors were defeated in an instant.Moreover, Liu Feng, who was looked down upon and dismissed by him, and the water thief were defeated one by one.Killed by the motley army.

What a glorious past the dignified Jiangxia army has, shooting and killing Sun Jian, and fighting Jiangdong all the year round, it still exists.But lost to the small miscellaneous army.

Huang She was stunned, but Liu Feng was not.

He was thinking about how to deal with Huang She, the war started out of nowhere.Huang Zu got a few thousand gold cheap, and sent his son Huang She to lead five thousand troops to kill him.

If Liu Feng said in his heart that there was no fire in this matter, it would be a lie.But as the commander-in-chief of this army, he thought more about it.

The great revenge has not been reported, and the Gan family has not regained it.He can't offend Liu Biao, but offending Huang Zu is the same as offending Liu Biao. Compared with Huang Zu, his status is too different.

If Huang She were killed here today, he would have forged a feud with Huang Zu for killing his son, that is, they could not share the sky.Can not kill.

But it can't be let go, let Huang She go this time, wait for Huang She to gather the remnant soldiers in the future, and fight him again, at that time, he will not be as lucky as today, with Zhang Gu's help.

His odds are almost zero.If you let go, you will let the tiger go back to the mountain.

But it can't be locked up. If it is locked up, Huang Zu will definitely lead an army to fight him, and there is no chance of winning.

Liu Feng smiled wryly. He was not strong enough, but he was restrained everywhere. Even if Huang She was captured alive today, he couldn't be killed, released, or locked up.

A prisoner turned out to be a hot potato.

Just when Liu Feng was thinking about how to deal with Huang She, Huang She over there suddenly woke up, looked up at Liu Feng who was in deep thought, thought for a while, but miraculously understood what Liu Feng was struggling with.

He smiled nervously and said: "Hahaha, it turns out that you have a lot of scruples. Hahahaha."

With a loud laugh, Huang She used his hand to move the sword around his neck heavily.Glaring at the soldier holding the sword, he sneered and said, "What do you look at, how dare he kill me, my father is Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia. He has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses."

The soldiers immediately glared at him.

Huang She didn't know, it was because of his arrogant and proud words.It ignited Liu Feng's anger.

How is this situation different from when it was in Xinye?He obviously hated Liu Bei the most, but he couldn't kill Liu Bei. Instead, he could only leave Gan with hatred and run away.

How embarrassing, how embarrassing.

But today's little Huang She dared to rely on Huang Zu's power, and now, when he is a prisoner, he is still afraid.

Could it be that the world is a big man, in a chaotic world.If he is a character, can he beat Liu Feng hard?

In a burst of anger, Liu Feng couldn't help but feel evil.What kind of thing is Huang Zu?

"Come here, kill Huang She's sacrificial flag, hang his head on the handsome flag, and march into Jiangxia. I will not only kill his son, but also occupy his city. Take his place." Liu Feng roared.

As Liu Bei's stepson, it was always because of his status.He had to bow his head.Wouldn't it be the same if he defected to Liu Biao in the future?For Gan's sake, for revenge, Liu Feng could bear it.

But today, the little Huang Zu, who took advantage of him, acted like a good boy.Send an army to kill him.Today, break his five thousand troops and capture his son.

The hatred is over, so why worry about it.

Evil is born to the gall.

Might as well simply occupy Jiangxia and stand on your own.In Jiangxia County, there is Cao Cao in the north, Sun Quan in the east, and Liu Biao in the west.Isn't that where heroes come in.

Liu Feng, Liu Feng, you want to be the master of Shu Han's national destiny.Today, she has fallen so low that anyone can deceive her.Can you convince me?

If you don't kill at this time, don't fight, when will you wait.

"Gather the soldiers and attack Jiangxia." Liu Feng ordered to the stunned crowd.

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