Chapter 130 The Sixth Capture of Xiakou

While everyone was stunned, a soldier raised his sword and chopped off Huang She's head. (Apex novel hand-written novel) It is the soldier Huang She just ridiculed.

"Bah, who said that our adults dare not kill you." The soldier spit at Huang She's decapitated body rather relieved.

"Please forgive me, my lord, and allow me to say something more. Dare I ask how your lord will attack Jiang Xia, who has tens of thousands of soldiers?" Chen Da stepped forward, cryptically expressing his lack of power.No risk.

Liu Feng ignored him. Now that the decision has been made, Liu Feng has his own way.He took a few steps forward, facing Zhang Gu who was also stunned, and said in a deep voice: "I want to recruit Jin Fan Gan Ning to be the Sima of another department, and attack Jiang Xia together. I wonder if Brother Zhang would like to join us?"

Gan Ning, I'm looking for Liu Feng's appointed general.Although he doesn't have many troops now, as long as he gathers the remnants and jumps into the Xiangshui River to escape, most of the Huangsheshui troops are sitting on both sides of the bank.It can also gather thousands of people.It can be regarded as the fulfillment of the promise of the day, if you lead thousands of troops, or become the prefect of a county, you must call Xingba as the Sima of another department.

Lead troops in battle.

Plans don't always keep up with changes.The so-called shot when the shot.If Gan Ning is not called at this time, when will it be.

Faced with Liu Feng's question, Zhang Gu, who was originally very forthright, remained silent.After a while, Zhang Gu asked with difficulty: "What are the chances of winning?"

"I don't know. But I only know that if I can occupy Jiangxia, I will be the prefect. Brother Zhang, you can also transform from a water thief to an official army." Liu Feng didn't say anything about success or failure to Zhang Gu, he only knew that this battle, We have to fight, we have to fight.

"Brother Gan will definitely come?" Seeing that Liu Feng didn't answer his question directly, Zhang Gu asked another question.

"Gan Ning is a man. I have an appointment with him, can he not come?" Liu Feng asked back.

"Okay, I believe in Brother Gan, let's fight with you." Zhang Gu gritted his teeth, and immediately.With a solemn face, he knelt down on one knee facing Liu Feng, raised his fist and said, "Since the elder brother of the Gan family is willing to be your other Sima, then I am also willing to be your general under your command, and pay homage to the lord."

The lord was not shouted by Kou Shui's retainers, but Zhang Gu's real acknowledgment that Liu Feng was a party.

"Brother Zhang, please come up." Liu Feng has not yet reached the point where people are full of ambition when they call the lord, he quickly helped Zhang Gu up, and said: "Let's save the lord for me to talk about it when I have Jiang Xia."

"No." Zhang Gu quickly entered the role and promised.

"Gather the remnant soldiers and set up the boat." After appeasing Zhang Gu, Liu Feng drew out the long sword at his waist and ordered.

"Promise." Now that Liu Feng has made up his mind, and everyone no longer objected, Qiqi agreed and went down to gather the remnants.

Soon, Liu Feng was the only one left on the bow.

Facing the breeze blowing from the river, Liu Feng knew that this moment was different.This moment should be the moment he had been waiting for a long time, but it was three years earlier than expected.

Now in the winter of the tenth year of Jian'an, according to the plan, he should fight in Chibi, that is, in the winter of the 13th year of Jian'an, occupy the public security, and go south to Changsha, Lingling, Wuling, and Guiyang four counties.Then he raised troops to welcome back Gan's family.

Now, Huang Zu forced him to lift the knife, bringing this moment forward by three years.But at this moment, Liu Feng didn't have the slightest regret in his heart.

To say that before he met Zhang Gu, Liu Feng really didn't dare to challenge Huang Zu, he didn't even dare to fart.But after meeting Zhang Gu, Liu Feng heard from Zhang Gu that Huang Zu was old, he didn't repair warships, his army was law-abiding, and his left and right were greedy officials.Today, there was another battle with Huang She. Although the opponent has a large number of people, it is indeed a law.

The army is not strong.

In this way, even if Huang Zu had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it is not enough to prove.What's more, how could a prefect have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, at most [-], but today he wiped out [-] soldiers and horses, leaving only [-] or even less.

On the other hand, he himself has hundreds of elite soldiers who count as ten.Zhang Gu has more than a thousand fierce water thieves.Gan Ning's Jinfan thieves numbered more than a thousand men.

Although there are few soldiers and generals, none of them should be underestimated.This battle can only be said to be half a catty.Winning or losing depends on people's plans.

There are many ferry crossings in the north and south of the Yangtze River.Among them, there are five or six in Jiangxia County, Xiakou, Sanjiangkou, Chibi, Wulin, Hanyang, and Shiyang.It is easy to make the army gather here, go south or go north.

Jiangxia County is another important location.Connect Jiangdong, Jingzhou.Its cities are located in the north and south of the Yangtze River.It is a battleground for military strategists integrating defense and offense.

Liu Biao dispatched Huang Zu to guard this place, and there was no change of person for more than ten years. Firstly, because Huang Zu was Liu Biao's favorite general, and secondly, because this place was too important.

The latecomers, such as Cao Cao and Sun Quan, divided Jiangxia into two, and the city in the north of the Yangtze River was guarded by General Wenpin.Until Wenpin died of old age, he never moved.

All show that this place is an important place, and it is not possible to change generals temporarily.

The last advantage is that the population here is rich, with a population of 10.That's why Huang Zu was able to rely on this place and Liu Biao's little support to raise [-] troops and compete with Sun Quan for several years.

However, Huang Zu has become a bit old these years, and has become fatuous.Because he had a feud with the Sun brothers for killing his father back then, Jiang Dong became stronger and stronger.Fearing Sun's ambitions, he sent troops to pick mulberry almost every year to fight against Sun.Expect to replace defense with offense.

On the other hand, because of the use of force every year, the number of people under the rule has dropped sharply.You know, when Huang Zuchu took over Jiangxia, it had a population of 15.In the past ten years, 5 people have fallen, and they have resorted to militarism.

Gold and silver supply food and grass.are scarce.While relying on Liu Biao's support, Huang Zu extended an olive branch to some petty gentry and tyrants.Huang Zu's support in exchange for gold and silver.Koudang in Luo County is just one of them.

So barely maintained, the more you fight, the poorer you become, and the poorer you are and the more afraid you are, the more you want to fight.After the vicious cycle, the life of the people in Jiangxia is not good.Jiang Xia's situation is of course not stable, in other words, it's not too difficult to fight.

Xiakou is a very special ferry. It is not like other ferries. It only has a bridge, a huge platform, and a place for unloading.It is a city.

Half of the city is made of earthen walls and sits on the ground.Half of it was erected with wood, in the shape of a city, and driven into the Yangtze River with piles.Construct city gates and parapets.Situated on the water.

Half town, half wharf.

Ships come and go, they all enter the city gate, dock at the pier in the center of the city, or unload goods.

It is a fortress for water defense and land defense.Usually, [-]% of Huang Zu's navy is stationed here.However, Major General Huang She led almost all the troops away today.

As a result, the pier in the city seemed a little sparse.Only workers inside the merchant ship were loading and unloading cargo.

Because half of the city is on the water, it's just empty.Therefore, it is more difficult to transport materials and guards.Half of the time when there is no war, there are only hundreds of soldiers guarding the gate, arranging the opening and closing of the gate.

"Lou Chuan, the general's Lou Chuan has returned." Suddenly, a soldier guarding the wooden city wall shouted.

The gatekeeper today is a military marquis surnamed Chen, 33 years old, who has been in the army for ten years.Rich experience in fighting on the battlefield.It stands to reason that you should be more vigilant.

But since Huang Zu took over Jiangxia, there has been no war between the North and the South.Therefore, Chen Junhou just took a long look outside, and caught a glimpse of several building ships and the "yellow" general flag hanging on the building ships.He ordered very simply: "Open the city gate."

Although the city is located on the water, but the city gate is closed, manpower is needed.Therefore, on both sides of the city gate, there is a pontoon bridge for people to stand on.

There are dozens of soldiers standing on it, responsible for opening and closing the doors daily.

As soon as the order of Junhou Chen was given, the soldiers on the floating bridge worked together to open the doors from both sides.Welcome General Huang to enter.

At this time, the river was a little peaceful, but with the entry of several large boats and dozens of large ships.Immediately the surface of the river became choppy.

The building boat that sailed in first.

Liu Feng stood at the bow of the boat in a suit of armor, with a slightly excited smile on his face.The city, this is the feeling of the city.Safe and reliable.There is a sense of presence.

From Xinye to Changsha, and then from Changsha to Jiangxia.Liu Feng experienced two fights in just over a month.

One is with the water thief Li Lie, and the other is with Huang She.It is because there is no reliable territory, no power, no strength.Now, there is a city.

The excitement in Liu Feng's eyes could not be concealed.

Standing here today is a success, why should he cover it up.He honed his soldiers and trained soldiers who broke the barracks at a very expensive price.It took October before and after.

The so-called thick and thin hair is just based on this theory.

At this moment, apart from Liu Feng, there was also Huang Zhong standing on the deck. This old general was really loyal. Liu Feng wanted to send some soldiers to escort Huang Zhong, Huang Xu, Mrs. Huang and others to Xiangyang to find Zhang Zhongjing. .But Huang Zhong insisted on staying, saying that Huang Xu's illness had been going on for many years, and it was not too late.

Liu Feng could only sigh that he was so lucky that he got involved with Huang Zhong.Besides Huang Zhong, Chen Da, Zhou Shun, Kou Shui, Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao and others were all there.

The deck has already been cleaned, and the swords and arrows have been taken away.Very clean.

Liu Feng turned around, met everyone's eyes, clenched his hands into fists, his eyes were full of satisfaction. "This city is ours."

"Go control it."

"No." Everyone agreed in unison, and the crowd was excited.They abandoned Xinye and followed Liu Feng to the south, of course for today.

The big ship followed the waters and went straight to the ferry in the city.

On the last building boat, Zhang Gu was in charge of commanding.When the building boat entered the city, Chen Junhou on the city ordered the city gate to be closed.

"Come on, take this city gate." Zhang Gu said with a sneer.

"Promise." The water thieves in yellow Shejun uniforms responded, and jumped off both sides of the building boat, landing on the top of the pontoon bridge.

After standing firmly, the water thieves sneered and said to the stunned defenders: "The general has an order, let us guard this city gate for now."

The sixth update is here, the site is almost ready.It's the last few hours for the double monthly ticket, brothers, work harder.Thirty-seven thanks.

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